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Valkrie shooting air


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So as per the rules blast weapons cannot snapshot. However flying vehicles can declare weather or not thier weapons have skyfire at the start of the turn. As such im looking at using multiple rocket pods (heavy 1, large blast) on my valkrie im wondering how that works with air, is it an option? As per the rules blast cannot snapshot and so cannot target air however if it has skyfury if should be able to. Also what happens on a miss?
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Same as the Plasma Cannon question below:

If they have Skyfire, they can be shot at Flyers.


However, Zooming Flyers cannot be hit with Blasts, Templates, or anything that doesn't use BS to hit, even if they don't have to be Snap Fired, because of Hard To Hit.


Flying Monstrous Creatures, though, do not have that caveat. It's hard to tell if it was deliberate or not. On one hand, FMCs have access to Cover from Terrain that most Flyers cannot use. On the other hand, the Hard To Hit rule for FMCs is apparently not referenced in the Index.

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I've looked everywhere for these rules read everything about flyers I can find, but I cannot find any references that say a blast cannot hit a flyer except a blast cannot target a flyer as it fires as a snap shot against flyers and blasts cannot be fired as snap shots. If however my blast has skyfire its no longer firing snapshots and as such should be fine to fire at flyers.


Can anybody provide reference that says otherwise? I also haven't found anywhere that states blasts cannot be shot at zooming flyers. Can somebody provide references for that to please?

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Ok i found the rule that says template weapons can never shoot at zooming flyers. It's the last line on the hard to hit rule.


Dang i forgot to refresh the page you beat me ;p


Now I'm still working on other types of flyers (as in the non-zooming kind) ;p


I'm also confused about flying monstrous creatures as it says treat them as jump monstrous creatures which states they can move as normal units as they wish otherwise they must move 12-24 inches going over dangerous and impassable terrain. However if they stop in said terrain they must make all applicable tests.


That tells me at the end of their movement they are on the ground which gets confusing as it specifically mentions the skyfire rule. However if they are landed at the end of their turn why does the skyfire rule come into play?


/bump for clarification


Kindly refrain from double posting, there is an edit feature for a reason, Dam13n.

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A flying monster has 2 flight modes:


1 is Swooping, which ignores all terrain and intervening models when moving, the only restriction is that it's base cannot end up less than 1" from an enemy model.  It does not end it's move "on the ground" at all.  (Swooping, page 69)


2 is Gliding, which results in the Monster moving as a Jump Monster.  So if it landed in terrain it would have to take a Dangerous Terrain test, which it automatically passes because it (as a Monster) has the Move Through Cover special rule. (Monstrous Creatures, page 67 and Jump units, page 65)


So a swooping Monstrous Creature is still flying at the end of it's move, which means it benefits from Hard to Hit (which is where the Skyfire rule comes in).


Where Flying Monstrous Creatures are different from Vehicle, Flyers is in the wording of their respective "Hard to Hit" rules.  Zooming Flying Vehicles cannot ever be hit by Blasts or Templates, while a Swooping Flying Monster can (although they can only be targeted by those weapons if the Firer has the Skyfire special rule).

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So is a gliding monstrous creature still flying at the end of its turn, and require skyfire or snapshots to be hit? Also, for firing blasts at monstrous creatures i assume the blast would be placed over the actual creature, for the scatter would scattering down to the table take a number if inches, or do misses exploded harmlessly in the air, or does it just scatter away from the base as normal... And if say a large blast covers the monster and units on the ground, would it hit both, or does the space between the flyer and the ground prevent that?
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So is a gliding monstrous creature still flying at the end of its turn, and require skyfire or snapshots to be hit?

No more than it would be required for Assault Marines, as they are both Jumpers. Hard To Hit only applies to Swooping and Zooming.


Also, for firing blasts at monstrous creatures i assume the blast would be placed over the actual creature, for the scatter would scattering down to the table take a number if inches, or do misses exploded harmlessly in the air, or does it just scatter away from the base as normal... And if say a large blast covers the monster and units on the ground, would it hit both, or does the space between the flyer and the ground prevent that?

It would hit both the FMC and ground units while leaving any Zooming Flyers unaffected.


Blasts and Templates do not have a maximum height, currently.

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