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The beginnings of my Blood Angel successor Chapter

Grimm Blade

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I thought I would try my hand at starting my own Blood Angel successor chapter, or applying a new paint scheme to an existing one. I was thinking possibly the flesh eaters. Have any of you seen this scheme before in the existing Blood Angel successor chapters?

I was inspired by the Scythes of the Emperor's colour scheme and back ground, but wanted to add some Blood Angel goodness to it. This is what I came up with. The marine on the left is from a tactical squad, the one on the right is a veteran. Please feel free to let me know what you think.


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The paint scheme looks good. It is reminiscent of the Knights of Blood while not being identical.


Why not classic all black Death Company? Or you could go the Angels Encarmine route and do white DC ...


N.B. there is already a successor chapter named Flesh Eaters: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Flesh_Eaters#.VCF2HhawTkc

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I like the last one for death company. I have my own twist on the flesh tearers. Instead of doing full black helmets I did a half black and yellow for my ASM, black and blue for dev, red and black for DC, and full black for my tac squads.


I believe Grimm Blade was suggesting an alternate paint scheme for the Flesh Eaters.

Right you are sir!

I like the last death company scheme, but perhaps some things should be left alone...

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