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Dying Embers


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I have a large amount of Chaos, that needs painting.  I love converting and assembling models, but painting is lack lusting for me personally.  My flames of inspiration is running low.  I need motivation, to finished my great warhost.  How do you guys keep it going? 

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When the Call of Chaos comes, it'll flow like anything.


Always keep looking at other people's work, paint different units in a row, even just blocking out in batches works and then reward yourself with a character....

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Or just wait till ETL and physically stop yourself from indulging in any urges till then and release all that pent up painter drive to go ham.


You can always take a break of indeterminate length and browse people works here and on Cool Mini Or Not for inspiration.

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Honestly...you lot keep me going (and a few Facebook friends/ groups). Seeing others creations and progress gets me in the mood to get the brushes out and getting feedback from others (especially when you hit a wall) can throw up all sorts of things that you may not have thought of trying.


Here's my process.

Build» post» paint» post» paint» post» paint....

Until it's done. Then sit back, briefly review what you have done in your head. Then move on.


The biggest distractions I find is buying something new while part way through a project.

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Interested to see what people's opinions are here....I like to think that I paint to a semi-decent standard now, but I'm so slow at painting that even one model can drain my motivation really quickly.

That said, some of the books put out by BL can really pump me up to paint something - usually whatever's featured in the book. Recently re-read The Emperor's Gift, next thing I know I'm painting a couple of Paladins I had lying around. Whoops.

Obviously there's also an obscene amount of ridiculously-good-looking miniatures painted by ridiculously-good-looking people on these very forums that can help to get the creative juices flowing too.

If you need to, take a break from painting. Manager at my local GW had some wise words about that actually; "if you're not enjoying yourself it's no longer a hobby, it's a job." Grab something new to paint, or something else to do for a bit. Coming back refreshed can let you look at your models in a whole new light and might serve as some inspiration itself.

Just my 2 cents anyways! happy.png

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See, I can build all day usually, but my current project just isn't grabbing me because of fiddly plasticard work, so I'm gonna switch to an easier kitbash. A change is as good as a rest as they say.


As to painting, the Call and the ETL are my muse. The amount of times this year I said 'Well if they can paint *awesome thing* in a week, I can do ten Marines' was quite high. So now I build in the off months and save the painting for events.


Also, my standard painting tip: let go of the concept of 'having a painting session'. If you can, leave all you painting stuff set up where you're most likely to be sitting, along with whatever unit you're currently working on. Then, when you have a spare few minute, paint a stage on however many guys you feel like. When you get bored, put everything down, clean the brush and do something else. That's how I did all my ETL stuff and it worked a treat. Also, batch paint in fives, means you get a nice steady drip feed of completed unit endorphins.



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I'm trying to make an army that is fluffy and tabletop workable (beer list, not really competitive).


Trying to work with a bunch of perimeters (working prophet lord with counts as rules, mayhem pack, battle forged, Legion warband background) makes it more difficult, and being sucked into Dark Souls doesn't help either. Making a prophet Lord on a Steed, then making the most of his MoS for NMs while fitting a Legion background that isn't just anything goes, blah blah blah.


I don't like Vanilla Marines and the EC an WB are two of my less liked Chaos Legions. I could always make it IW, but the conundrum I've repeatedly discussed with Prot applies. I also have an abundance of Nurgle units, but I don't know how much I want to mix besides bikers.


Also, I can't find a pair of Legs for the Seeker Steed for a Marine rider for my life. Hellstrider Marauder legs need the waist cut off and I personally don't feel that vibe. I also do not want a Fulgrim knockoff (at least for my Lord) and

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"Also, my standard painting tip: let go of the concept of 'having a painting session'. If you can, leave all you painting stuff set up where you're most likely to be sitting, along with whatever unit you're currently working on. Then, when you have a spare few minute, paint a stage on however many guys you feel like. When you get bored, put everything down, clean the brush and do something else."


This. I get alot of painting done while sitting on my couch, watching Netflix and painting at the same time.


Now how I boost my painting motivation is this:

Every few weeks I invite couple of my gaming friends to my house. We paint and assemble miniatures together, brainstorm color scheme and conversion ideas, I teach basics to those new to the hobby. We eat some junkfood, drink beer/soda, listen to music, talk personal or 40k lore stuff and maybe take few breaks here and there to play videogames. I have realized that I get most painting done on these nights.

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The thing that works best for me when I need motivation to paint, is the same as Dude with a Brush above me. A meet up with my closest warhammer friends. We usually talk too much to get any real painting done while we're together, but the next couple of days I'm much more likely to actually sit down and crack open the paints, probably due to idea overloads from our collective thoughts.

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We try!


If I were you, I'd go and do as many Ogres as possible - it's a pretty big difference from conventional Marines, lots of flesh etc.!

Ya, I need to get them done.  I have a 40k tournament on oct 25(need to finish a mauler, 20 horrors need converted, rest need to get painted).  I am trying to get into WHFB, so I have a  tournament in Nov, which I just bought a new ogre army for.  So I only need to paint like 30 models, which is awesome, also they are riding dinosaur, which make me extremely excited.  My VC(my painter army) need another 300 zombies, so they are not going to be ready yet. 

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Converting those Horrors should also inspire you: nothing wrong with also doing them in the three colours basic and going back to them later either. But use that "be ready for the tournament" as a driving force - always works for me!

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Dudewithabrush, totally the best way! We used to do a new unit/build every few months to keep our games fresh. When i worked at the local GW we used to have hobby Tuesday which was the same thing all day but with 20 dudes just popping in. We also got KFC for them cheap and went to the pub after work.


It was a very strong scene.

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When the Call of Chaos comes, it'll flow like anything.

When is the next Call?

October - hopefully. That'll really kick things into gear.


That will be perfect timing for me - I have plenty built to pick from! I have only painted two things complete this year as I have very little hobby time, so it is either paint or build unfortunately. Doesn't help that I am a slow painter. My Black Legion is kind of the 'Grey' Legion at the moment, something I need to fix :b

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Try something new like a new painting technique or basing. Or like others have said (and yourself), paint something entirely different. Fantasy is a good change, as are other non-GW models.
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