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So I just pick up playing 40k 2 months ago. And I started the Blood angels. Played a few games with what I got and failed. Not sure where to go from here on what to buy next. I'm aware that their is a new codex most likely coming in February from what I hear from GW ex employees.  Any way hears what I got, any help with what I should buy would help and maybe a little tactica advise.


No HQ unit i just proxy units I have used tycho and a reclusiarch.




Tactical squad 10x

1x melta

Srj has power sword


Death company 5x 

1x power fist/ Melta pistol

1x power weapon

1x TH


Assault sqaud 5x

1x power fist




Sang Guard 5x

4x Glaves

1x Power fist/ Melta Pistol


Assault termys 4x + SRJ

5x TH/SS




1x Rihno

1x predator tank twin link las cannon

2x Storm bolter sponsors 


Again total newb points are around 1400. Thanks


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Here are some thoughts of the top of my head...


1) The current BA codex is a tough one to play and be successful. In order to be successful, you really need to have mastered the codex. Two months if not really a long time when dealing with a complicated game like 40k. When I first started playing, it took me nearly 6 months to learn some of the finer points and get my win percentage above 50%. Keep practicing!


2) Assault marines are the heart and soul of BA armies...I recommend more jump pack assault marines (at least two 10-man squads w/ melta).


3) I don't see a tactical theme in your list. What I mean is that you have two quick moving jump pack squads, but then you have two slow moving squad (Termies and DC) walking across the map. You also have a predator sitting in the back by itself (probably unsupported) shooting a long range gun. I could see this list being taken apart in a very piecemeal manner by an experienced opponent. If it were me, I would ditch the guys on foot and focus more on jump pack units. Either that or use pods or fast transports to get all your troops across the map quickly. Also, the predator feels out of place. Maybe replace it with a Baal that could move up with your troops and unleash a lot of short range firepower? If not a Baal, then maybe some Sternguard w/ combi melta in a drop-pod. 


4) I only see one rhino, which I assume is transporting your tac marines. How are you delivering those death company? Walking them up the map is a recipe for some dead death company. If you can't afford the points to transport the DC, ditch them and use the points elsewhere. 


5) For a small 1400 game, imo, you have too many high-point models. You have TH/SS terms which are 45 points a piece and Sanguinary guard which are also over 40 points a piece. You also have an expensive upgrade (TLLC) on the predator. I think you could ditch the DC (since they don't have a transport) and either the Sanguinary guard or the Termies. Also, if you're going to keep the predator, I'd ditch the TLLC upgrade. That would free up about 400 points, which could be used for 20 more assault marines w/ melta. 


6) Similar to #5, a mistake I see a lot of new players make is that they spend way too many points on weapon upgrades. In a small 1400 point game, I'd keep my upgrades to a minimum. Focus on melta and less on power weapons. My rough mental math tells me that you have about about 225 points worth of weapons upgrades (including the TLLC pred, but not counting the TH/SS). In a 1400 point game, that's over 15% of your total army....too high. 

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Oh snap i forget to mention that DC have jump packs. And I see it now, to meany points across the board upgrade wise. I would really like to keep the termys, I was palnning on getting a land raider for them or HQS their more in place to draw fire from my other troops. I was thinking of turning the tac squad into assuslt marine with out jump pack and getting a drop pod or just using the rhino for them.


1. So first get more assault marines?

2. I know I need to get a solid HQ was thinking Lib cause of the new codex coming soon?

3. Land raider?

4. Sterngaurd I had thought of them but wasn't sure?

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Thanks for the pointers, I was thinking if i just filled in the troops slots with more AMS get the two full squads. Are the high point units worth it?  get the points to 1850+. Definitely get the land raider for the terms and maybe a storm raven for the DC, along with a dread to accompany them in the Storm Raven.

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First of all, congratulations on choosing the best chapter around :D. 


A Storm Raven is generally always a good buy- if you do get one. My general tip is fill it with Death Company or Termies.

> Pray it arrives turn 2.

> Turn 2 fly it on to the position/ less than 12/6" to the position you will want the unit to assault.

> With turn 2 shooting either target the enemies most dangerous infantry (if in assault cannon mode) or tank (if in lascannon mode).

> Turn 3 go into hover mode to allow an assaulting exit from the unit in it. Assault with said unit.

> Next enemy shooting phase jink like your life depends on it! (Which it does).

> Turn 4 go back into zoom mode and target whatever you want to die next. Remembering that only hitting on 6s this turn due to jinking before, and therefore you might want to position the Raven more with an eye to what you want to shoot Turn 5 rather than this turn. 


My two cents.


Otherwise, I started to win games at 50% ratio (I'm also pretty new) when bought a drop-pod and filled it with combi-plasma Sternguard, a Sanguinary Priest and if feeling very cheesy... a Libarian who hopes to roll invisibility ;).

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Imo I have been running my dc in a land raider. It's a great way to get them over the board with some of the best armor in the game for Blood angels. That's the awesome thing about DC there amazing in close combat. I agree with the sternguard in the drop pod works great for getting behind your opponents lines of troops. I run mine with 5 combi-meltas and 4 combi-flamer for over watch. Don't worry to much on the weapon upgrades for now getting the basics down is key right now.
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