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Truth- Chaos and the Emperor


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Trying to get further into the idea / philosophy of chaos marines who also worship the Emperor. Just a rough draft I clobbered together before class.       





         The Divine Species


1- Theophany


           Betrayal, imprisonment, cast out. These are always the fates of the Light bringers. I was on the walls when I heard them for the first time. The vox-casters sang with the voices of cowards. As I fought I listened as the spirit of the traitor legions dissolved. First panicked, the Angels have gone insane they cried. And then despair, Horus has fallen!

           I was on the walls watching as gun emplacements cleared the sky for my retreating brothers, Warsmith Greven spouting a string of emotionless orders into my ear. I was always the dutiful follower. In the decades since Nikaea I had built walls, surrounded my mind with barriers to repel the ether. Had I known I would not have wasted the effort. Fire, power, unavoidable. The psychic wave came out of nowhere, there was no denying it. I crumpled and fell.
Then I heard the four.
            The first, knives in the mind, Fire in the veins. I saw a woman, blind with rage, stomping again and again into a sinewy red sea, roaring into the sky
          “I am love and I am hate
            I am the Defender and the Despoiler
            The Child and the Murderer
            War is War
            Blood is Blood”
Gone, replaced. Something simultaneously crushing and emptying. I stood alone upon a featureless plane and saw galaxies spiral in the distance. Like a trillion falling tears.
            “I am Despair
            In the matter
            Crashing and breaking
            The stars sing my song
            Into the pointless void”
             I looked down upon the third from a cliff. Every day the man of light built a city and every night horrors tore his labors down. But the days grew longer and the wonders I saw ever greater. Until the sun hung in the sky forever over perfection. As he worked he sang.
            “I am Delusion, Inspiration
            All things, are possible
            I am, the Dream-king
            In me, infinite Utopias
            Revolution rises, never ends”
            The fourth, the last. I found myself in the palace although how I knew this I do not know for it looked nothing like the one I had just torn to ruins. I wound my way, from the ramparts, through dark corridors. Angels and gods lined the walls, women and men walked with me, all faces different, all faces the same. By the time I found the throne room my mind swam with the visage of a species. And there chained to a throne of gold I found him, my lord, the God-Emperor.
“Hello my son.” I heard him whisper. Blood ran down his body from where the chains dug into his flesh. “I have been most grossly betrayed.”
“You heard them did you not?” he said, more of a statement then a question, there are no secrets before one such as this. “My children-siblings beat at the bars of my prison. Our union was so very close. I have much work for you Tryket, are you still loyal to my Truth?”
I fell before him, my face pressing into the damp, cold floor. “Of course my lord, I have always been yours. The words of your false sons never swayed me.”
“What was the purpose of the Great Crusade Tryket Verinan?”
Looking up into the face of every man and women ever born I knew only one answer. “A human universe.”

“Yes!” he shouted “In more ways than simple charts and cloth banners! Free me Tryket and let me walk the Empathine path. I will carry the others out of Dreams and into the Real. We will reshape this alien universe in our image.


          Since the day of my… illumination I have scoured what scraps of our beginning that remain. The Truth is all there, I see it! I am certain that even the earliest of our peoples possessed something of future-sight. The Emperor’s fall plays out again and again and again. How blind I was.
          The mighty Zahhak, the savior, ruled for a golden age of a thousand years with the twin headed serpent advising him before being imprisoned beneath a mountain until the End Times. The sun bird Ra kept chained in his eternal cycle of rebirth by nine rulers of the heavens while Apep the serpent of chaos sought to free him. Amaterasu who was Shining in Heaven was forced beneath the earth of Terra by Susanoo, slayer of the eight headed serpent of chaos. Huitzilopochtli was the sun, kept burning in stasis through the forced human sacrifice of his subjects. Samael who was both the Light of Heaven and the Snake of Knowledge, opposed by nine orders and cast down into darkness.
I ask those among you who walked with him, who saw him. Can you remember his face? The Emperor, the gods, chaos, the species, humanity. In many ways all of these are one and the same. The Lord had many faces, the Serpent had many heads.


Pictures for my inspiration!




The British Library   Or.12688  F

Zahhak ruling with the Serpent

The death Of zahhak ph18

Zahhak imprisoned beneath the mountain

Ra boat with gods

Ra imprisoned by nine gods


Set god of Storms fighting Apep, serpent of Chaos

Susanoo No mikoto

Susanoo , storm god, slaying the eight headed serpent of chaos

Amaterasu cave

Amaterasu imprisoned by eight gods


lucifer snake

The Lightbringer and the Serpent.






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