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Sorceror on Palanquin Ideas.


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I wanted to have a Chaos Sorcerer as my main warlord for my Nightlords. Using the Palanquin is the only way to beef him up to four wounds. I was planning on getting assault centurions and using converting one of them into a Chaos Sorceror in Centurion armor. Would this be viable way conversion and "counts as"? 

I've been looking at conversions for Palanquin and a lot of them are the same thing: Nurglingings carrying their Lord. Are there any other conversions you may have seen that work besides the typical way of going about it?

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I think a centurion conversion could work quite well. The "dude in a suit of armor in a suit of armor" gives me a parasite vibe.
If you don't like the palanquin idea, try to expand on the centurion. Maybe he's a large hulking chaos marine, loads of great ogre, ogryn, troll models, and stuff like that to go from.
The Nurgle sorcerer on palanquin with the Daemonheart upgrade sounds fearsome indeed.

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Thank you for all your replies! 

Karamav looks a bit of a nightmare to convert. The Tzeentch Chariot looks pretty amazing as well.  My main force are Nightlords so I wanted my Sorceror to be rocking Centurion armor that he looted from a successful raid. I'm using palaquin because it bumps the Sorc up to 4 wounds. 

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