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Well there is that. I can wait until next month and buy Renegade for 90 GBP from Darksphere, or I can hit Forgeworld for Contemptor and BA bits...


*scratches beard*


As for a Warlord, it would be an absolute joy to own one but given it's taken me two years to half-paint an Imperial Knight I very much doubt it will ever see the battlefield...

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Considering checking out a "local" gaming club in London tomorrow evening.


1500/2000 seems to be the Order of the day.


I think 7 pods should get me a reputation as soon as I pop them on the table - tempted to try and fight the hardest list I can just to die horribly and get a learning experience.


Considering I have Zero Grav and such it may be a hard battle, but I plan to just do my normal thing and saturate their deployment with Dreads and template weapons. Meltacide for big targets. Raven and Deredeo for Dakka needs.


Will probably run a chappy with the Veritas and a Priest with Valours (if I can find a model quick enough) and run a 5 masn squad of each SG and DC with the appropriate dudes in.


Vindicator to round off heavy support. I'll make a list and post it up later, see what I can get together.


The FAQ says I need at least one CAD, but that would make a BSF annoyingly unwieldy to use as well (4 troops... Which I don't even own perhaps) though that has not been updated in a while. So I'll ask.




...Tried making a list and: Priest, Chappy, Tac, Scouts, Raven, Vindi, Deredeo, SG & DC brings me at 1493. Not even any Meltacide or dreads...

I don't know what the scene is like in London, but are you wanting to take a "Try-Hard" list or are you wanting to just go blow stuff up and have a few pints?


In either case don't get discouraged about not having loads of Grav. It's good and all, but you can play around it. Heavy Flamers and Melta Guns establish great roles in BA and are good alternatives. BA sternguard are always loads of fun. I know you have a plethora of toys to choose from, so personally I'd make 2-3 1500 point list. 1 being rule of cool and favorite models, 2 being a mixture of competitive play and your own personal narrative/wha you like, and then 3 a hard as nails/all-comers list. Then choose accordingly.

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Pretty much!


I might give it a miss because I'm feeling a little crappy and I didn't get a decent list sorted.


Will probably go another day though I'm sure! One of the main problems is I like a lot of Pods, but they are hell to transport... Especially on the Tube... Even if it is only a few stops - but I'll be travelling at Rush Hour... :mellow.:

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I'd be more worried about someone nicking it than any damage that might occur. In other news, I've been needing some encouragement to paint some things recently and lo and behold the ETL is running.


Time to get off my arse and kit-bash that Dante, paint my Sanguinor, and finally take Karlaen off his sprue. Maybe even drag Mephiston out for a few drops of paint. We'll see. Might just start with Dante for the first vow.

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Time to get off my arse and kit-bash that Dante.


Been planning just that today... Bit sourcing is fun!


...Also as Flyer wings are a thing now I just managed get get a top condition Stormraven for essentially peanuts!


That'll be in Vow 2


....Just need to do Vow 1 now first.

Edited by Charlo
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ETL vow is chugging along at a snail's pace.


In other news I've got a game against Crons tonight. He's not bringing the 4+ reanimation shenanigans (thank the Emperor!) and I'm taking a mixed un-optimised list, something like


Chappy, jp, vv



Scouts bp/ccw x 2

Tactical squad, plas x 1


DC, 6, 4x bp/ccw, 2 fists.

Sternies, drop pod

Termies, chainfist, assault cannon


Attack bike x2

Bike squad, plas


Baal Pred, HB AC

Baal Pred, HB, AC


Thinking I might drop the drop pod on the Sternguard for more bodies and use Fulmination on Meph and fish for displacement...to do a switch a roo with a scout squad...thoughts?



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Fulmination is the probably the best of the new Psychic Disciplines in terms of reliability. All the powers are good, though obviously some are better than others, and the Primaris is basically firing a heavy bolter twice, which you can't really go wrong with. Especially against Necron Warriors.
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I do indeed enjoy Fulmination too. Anything that lets me go fast or roll a lot of dice is A-OK in my books. Plus the idea of Meph going insane with crimson lightning (Myotismon style... Google it!) is too awesome.


I like the list though, a nice mix of speed, power, alpha and such.


Keep the pod, give it a locator beacon and you can always bring the terms down next to it if you wanted for support.

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I do love me some Fragioso, but he's due to be stripped and is in pieces, so he unavailable unfortunately.


I've got the VV, so I'll be finishing for the infiltrate too which is my preferred method for deployment for the termies. I'm wondering if I should put Meph with the termies actually, then atlesst there's a 5+ invul to LoS stuff into...and they he can charge with them without having to sacrifice shooting output.



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Well there are a couple of ways to look at it.


Infiltrate puts you on the board, turn 1, just over 18" away from your enemy OR 12" with no Line of sight.


You get to place your guys according to how the first turn may play out, but then, two outcomes:

  • You get first turn, re-position, let off some mind bullets and also shoot your assault cannon and storm bolters.
  • Crons get first turn, move into range and pump Gauss into your expensive terminators, ever casualty reducing their okay shooting further.

Deep strike however means a couple of things:

  • Cannot put Meph with them
  • Arrive Turn 2 earliest
  • BUT when they arrive can go for the best possible position depending on the battle.
  • Get at least one guaranteed shooting phase at full effectiveness.
  • new threat for your opponent to deal with.


Both viable, but some food for thought brother :D!

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So got a bit of a strange list in my head, but I think it is quite a cool concept... It's all about buffing units into the stratosphere and charging as much of your opponents line as possible. Think of it as 3rd Edition Rhino Rush, but it hits on turn 2...


Basically you take the Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force.


3 Tac squads. 1 Assault Squad. 1 Furioso. 1 Vanguard Squad. They all get Red Thirst (so +1 int) and while the Vanguard are alive they are all stubborn and ignore disordered charges. This is the key.


This is the core, then the rest of the army is as much buffing as you can possibly get. Corbulo and The Sanguinor are the main two, everyone in range of them will get +1 I/WS/A and FNP. Librarans roll sanguinary to fish for buffs. Chaplains give rerolls/ fearless. Other priests give the WS and FNP.


The trick is you slam forward turn one with over charged Rhinos and disembark (I think you can do this... Unsure though).


Shoot as much as you can but try to be in favourable positions to stop too much enemy shooting. Pod in the Furioso with some buddies to act as magnets.


When it comes to turn 2, you charge EVERYTHING. Leave no unit of your opponent's uncharged. With some luck all your buffs should start overlapping where possible and you shatter the enemy in a big charge. If not, the WS/ I 5 should keep you striking first and better in the later turns with the Sanguinor's attack Aura meaning you'll be getting more attacks out too.


Could work, could not... Thoughts?

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Because it's not in our codex and until we get one it just feels a tad cheesy. I know they can only technically cast two powers a turn now (three with tiggy) but still.


Plus I like Sanguinary as a Discipline!

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