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...Probably keep the hand flamer on him otherwise for fun.




I think someone worked out the math and statistically a hand flamer can out perform a bolt pistol if you can hit more than 2 models (which is often the case). Also you have overwatch shenanigans.

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So I may have picked up three Imperial Knights yesterday... :ph34r.: 

It could be ran as a Fallen House or a Baronial Court, but with the changes to the FAQ I feel like the Knights make wonderful allies. Thoughts on houses/renegade neutral color schemes? Or at least a great color of contrast against the boys in red? I'm really thinking House Drakkus, as the Sotek Green would make a fine contradiction to red, I've also thought about House Mortan or Hawkshroud as the yellow, black, and red would look more in synch, House Raven would fit the color scheme as its red, but I'd really like to show some variation. I would do House Terryn, but a mate has the entire court of 'em. Gerantius would make a fine Freeblade, but I can't figure out how to work his aide into my ongoing narratives. I could always forge my own house.

What are some thoughts from you all?

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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I saw a knight painted up like DC and it was awesome. All black with the white skill looking face and red x on the shoulders. That's what I plan on doing for one of mine...


That is damn cool, but I'm always hesitant to just paint knights like marines. They are their own thing with unique fluff.


Maybe a complementary gold or white? That is how I'm going to do mine.

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What are some thoughts from you all?


That's upwards of 1200 points :whistling:



And that they can be vowed for any faction ;)


I always thought the Blue/white striped house would look awesome with BA, and really stand out. Too much red, black or gold on there would make them too similar, IMO.

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Just reminded me of an interesting/fun discussion i had with a guy at my flgs. Making Imp Knights for each 'speciality' of BA, i.e.

Death Company: Knight Gallant (cc variant), black with red crosses etc.

Sang. Guard: any knight (probably Errant w/ Fist for melta punchy combo), head from 'Honoured Imperium' statue, wing motifs

Librarian: just paint it blue and make a funky Force Halberd on a giant scale!

Devastator: Crusader with blue head


Not fluffy at all but could look quite cool and definitely ties in with BAs.

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I honestly think a Gallant can work wonders for BA. Give it the AA gun and it covers two things for us:


A Distraction and Anti-Air.


Run it forward and no one is worried about the DC anymore :P


Ultra points if you manage to kill a big Tau/ Wraithknight and chuck it at the enemy line.

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Haha :sweat::teehee:


Basically, just another way of saying my Knight will never be that good...


In other, other news, I've purchased the following:

  • Contemptor chainfist
  • Contemptor lascannon
  • Puppetswar frag launcher
  • Bastion bonus pack
  • Battlefield debris pack
Edited by Jolemai
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