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Librarian since he has the force halberd looking weapon? Looks really cool btw, nice snag.

I've already got two Libby Dreads, but perhaps!


If not just a dual arm furioso perhaps. Not had one of these dreads before and oh my is it pretty.

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99% Sure I have a game this evening! 1500pts against an Eldar player who is "fairly new to the game" but prefers to Forge the Narrative and have fun rather than WAAC.


Still probably going to be running my DROP DREAD ASSAULT list as it's pretty fluffy and super fun.


Let me know what else you think about the list or if you think I should change anything?

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Okay so we got Hammer and Anvil Deployment. Crap. My pods would be stranded, good thing I bought a lot.


Mission was the scouring.


You know my list but he was running:


Farseer on Jetbike - guide, fortune and a crappy shooting attack power. Singing Spear.

Jetbikes with Warlock and Scatter

Falcon With Dragons

Serpent with Wraithguard

3 Lance Vipers

Two squads of 6 Avengers


Some bastard tank that had a D weapon than can also be a D flamer....


He set up the terrain before I arrived. It was pretty much just a load of craters in the middle and big terrain along the sides. A bit crappy if you asked me though he was trying to make it even. Luckily because I would be on him straight away it didn't matter too much.


Objectives were quite heavy towards whqy would be my side of the table, but funnily enough his fewer ones were worth more.


He chose for me to deploy first so I got first turn. Thankfully he didn't sieze.


Deredeo had prime firing position and the bike squad and DC with chap hid in some ruins.


I got the -1 to enemy reserves and pinning test warlord trait. I promptly forgot to make him roll the pinning tests. So both useless.


Libby dread got the Melta Beam and wings.




First turn saw me advance the bikes and DC into cover.


3 pods came in containing squad firestorm, a Meltacide and the libby dread. Because of the dense area terrain pretty much no scatter.


Melta BEAM Power tore through the Falcon and a viper, stunning them both. Fire Dragons inside failed their "oh crap" check and could only snap shot next turn. YES.


Librarians Melta gun took another Hull point from the Falcon.


Meltacide straight up neutered the Prism blowing it up. FIRST BLOOD.


Firestorm took out 6 bikes leaving 4 and the seer left. Sadly the hand flamers got no wounds out of 6 hits though :(


Storm bolters on pods chiped at thinks killing a bike and a dire avenger.


Deredeo showed how much of a monster it is Stripping a couple Hull points from the Serpent after shuffling towards an objective.




Revenge time. Libby dread was summarily executed by bright Lance fire and a 9 shot Serpent shield from behind.


Rear armour was very hard to avoid exposing to the speedy Xenos, so I just had to kill more of him before he could of me.


Meltacide was laid down to 2 men by Shuriken Catapults from a few Avengers.


Squad Firestorm saw the wrath of a Surprise D template, slaying 4 of them. Scatter bikes killed 3 more. Two bolters and a flamer remained.


Wraiths Disembarked onto cover.


I also lost a bike, probably a stray bright Lance or something.


Hia psychic phase was negligible.


He decided to take Revenge and charge my now 1 man Meltacide with the Firedragons. No wounds either side. HOLD THE LINE BROTHER.




Both CASSOR and the Fragioso arrive on the side of Squad flamestorm to try and shore up the line. Again minimal scatter.


Bikes move up and loose a couple of grav shots into the avengers as they are in range. 2 wounds, both cover saves made.


DC stay put waiting to react.


Squad firestorm unleash into the remaining Eldar Bikes, kill one. Forgot I can't charge if I rapid fire, Doh!


Cassor's Meltagun finishes off the Serpent.


Deredeo Mauls the D tank in one Salvo (I love this thing!)


Pod Storm bolters kill a couple more dire Avengers.


Then we have the most amazing moment of the game. The Fragioso lowers it's Frag cannon and hits all 5 Wraithguard twice. The deafening double blast rings across the battle. The Farseer turns to see his fellow warriors, nothing more than a pile of Shredded Wraithbone. Fallen for the second time in thier lives.


Basically I got ten hit, 7 wounds and 2 Rends. Ignore cover means he lost two and then failed 3 more saves. Phenomenal.


The combat continues and no damage happens again. HOLD BROTHER!




He shuffles around a bit, mostly just to kill my dreads. Fragioso eats all of the firepower but I don't care, he's already done enough!


Dire avengers kill another marine from firestorm.


Vipers neuter my remaining bikes. It wasn't their day :(


Because of how he shot he cannot assault squad firestorm. Heh.


The Meltacide marine survives AGAIN! I really wish I could have won and chased his guys off the board but sadly it was not to be.




Now I'm starting to think objectives. I have no more reserves and he is a lot more mobile. The big scorers are also in his zone.


Deredeo shuffles towards on worth 2 to hold it.


DC and chappy move towards an objective to draw out the Vipers.


Squad firestorm's remaining bros line up to toast some dire avengers, also getting a bike in the deal. They kill two avengers.


Deredeo finishes off the Falcon and takes a wound from the Farseer with its missiles. Also forces them to jink.


Storm bolters pepper the bikes for nothing.


Cassor misses his Melta gun on the bikes.


Firestorm charge and finish off the 2 avengers while Cassor fails his 9 inch charge by an inch :(


Meltacide Bro finally goes down.


At this point I have Cassor, DC, Chap, Deredeo and a couple Tacs left.


He has the Farseer, two bikes, 3 Vipers and some avengers. It's close.




He moves to get side shots off at Cassor with the scatter bike and the Farseer splits off and goes 36" towards the Deredeo. I had no idea Eldar bikes could do this. I was livid :D!


Vipers move to start shooting the Deredeo. A couple of Avengers go with them to screen.


Fire Dragons Slag Cassor :( no dreads made it to the glorious assault phase with Extra attacks!


Squad firestorm gets killed by psychic powers.


Vipers take a Hull point off the Deredeo Stunning it.




DC decide to do something. They go with the chappy towards the avengers.


Deredeo manages to snap shoot a viper down and take a point off the other. The Anvilus is the most amazing weapon ever. Rerolls for days.


Pods fail to kill a Dragon.


DC lose a guy to Avenger Overwatch but then the chappy cuts them all down in one sweep of his Maul. Consolidate 5" onto an objective.




He moves the Dragons about, kills a pod with them for lulz.


Lone biker flysheet up to get some shots on the Deredeo side armour.


Farseer is in position for rear armour...


He gets a perils of the warp and loses a wound though.


Everything fires at the Deredeo, he weathers the Storm down to one Hull point before the Scatterbike gets a lucky 6 to glance... But 5++ for the win!




Chappy splits off from the DC to intercept a Viper and hopefully get on another objective. They remain on an objective.


Deredeo Slags the other Viper and then finally ends the Farseer with missiles.


Chaplain easily slams the Viper in two with his Maul and the consolidates onto an objective.


With only a scatter bike and Dragons left on the table, he conceeds.


Victory points were:




7 from objectives.

1 from killing a Fast Attack choice as per mission.


8 Total




1 First Blood

1 Slay the Warlord

7 from Objectives

3 from killing Fast Attack choices.


12 Total.




Overall a reallllly bloody game! The Deredeo was an absolute star unit, slamming down pen after pen from 48" away with those beefy autocannons. His total kill count was 2 Vipers, the Farseer, the Falcon and the D tank. Plus a few Hull points from the Serpent.


The Frag Cannon is friggin amazing against something like Wraith guard.


I think the bikes were a bit of a waste and I'd rather have had a load of Deathwind launchers on the pods. I would've most likely tabled him with those! The bikes just didn't get to do much or have a decent target with how deployment went.

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Honestly I can't get over how amazing the Deredeo was against his tanks, with nothing having over AV12 it was an easy 3 Pens/ Glances a turn at least.


The Aiolos Missiles were great against the bikes too, always providing a bit of pressure when they didn't feel like trying to glance something.


Only big shame is the Heavy Bolters really, they didn't shoot all game! Because they have to shoot the same target as the Anvilus Autocannons they either couldn't hurt it or it was already dead! :eek:


I think in a different deployment type the Grav Bikers may have been a little better, but they literally did nothing in this game and the board was so open and long they didn't really have many places to go. In future I'll probably run two squads with attack bikes and a character so that I can just use them as a Ravenwing Detatchment for all the added benefits at the same cost, that way with a turbo boost they could become a legitimate threat from turn two and support the pods.


The Veritas was a waste of points in all honesty, it didn't actually do anything for me and even if I had rolled some useful traits I think it would have been negligible in my list


I am very glad that Jetbikes and a D Template were the most cheese on offer though, I think against warp spiders or god forbid a Wraithknight I would have been slaughtered. Luckily my opponent said he's never going to get a WK as he plays Saim'han and feels they are too overpowered anyway.

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Congrats on your victory general :thumbsup:


Surveillance indicates that the Xenos contraption you faced has been designated a Warp Hunter via the Tech Adepts of the Ministratum. How did you fare against it's eldritch D-Flail and how did it perform in general?


What's the stats on the Anvilus autocannon again? A s8 autocannon with sunder?


STR 8, Heavy 4, Sunder.

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