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It probably stems from WAAAAY back when... Back when they only sold the big nasties.



 I definitely agree with that. I remember when I first got into the Game Forge World was so powerful I was timid to even agree to play a game against some of those monstrosities. If I lived in London I'd be much more inclined to buy from Forgeworld. As I don't have to sell body parts to have it shipped across the pond. I will admit, that since I've started really getting in depth advice from this site, I have been much more inclined to take harder looks at more forge world product lines!

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Didn't think this was worth making a thread of its own but wanted to share and vent admittedly a bit about what I just read from someone else about "Angels of Caliban" 30k novel pertaining to Sanguinius...


apparently only 4 sanguinary guard are alive from a bombing curze did in the "Pharos" novel... 4. Really? I thought sanguinius went with them to fight Horus at the end. Really changes my feelings of thinking he went with the most skilled guys from the legion, not 4 of the most skilled guys and a bunch of newly appointed guards right before he leaves for terra(honestly no idea about timelines just assuming). I doubt the guard have even done anything in the hersey yet besides get blown up by curze.


Also the lion wrecks Cruze in their fight, yet sanguinius doesn't really fight curze because he thinks they will draw... It's fine to make the lion a bad***, but I feel we are being made out to look like chumps so far. And curze still had azkellon's hand and tauntts him at the end.


Sorry but I really wanted to share and see if anyone can provide any info to make me feel better about our mist beloved legions depiction so far...

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Sanguinius doesn't fight Kurze/ Night Haunter because of thier mutual precognition.


It'll end in an eternal stalemate with them each predicting each others moves until, probably Kurze wins as he knows literally no mercy and Sanguinius always would have a shred in him.

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i know the precog thing, but the lion, who has no type of precog, can beat kurze, so why does the fact that sanguinius has precog mean he is unable to even try? If they are so good at predicting moves, Kurze wouldn't have been beaten by the lion ever. If anything it should give Sanguinius a better chance than the lion to beat Kurze, since i would imagine the lion and sanguinius are at the same skill level (am now starting to think the lion is actually a better fighter). And if Sanguinius shows mercy in a fight to the death with a crazy primarch in such a way that it makes him lose the fight, then maybe Sanguinius isn't as boss as i thought....


Also pissed about how Azkaelon gets pooped on and the entire sanguinary guard as well lol


Sorry not trying to be super argumentative or anything, this is just how i feel about it. 



Edit: i know the precog thing is the explanation given in the book (or i think it is), i just think that is a bs explanation based on what i said above... just my opinion though!

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Sanguinius doesn't fight Kurze/ Night Haunter because of thier mutual precognition.


It'll end in an eternal stalemate with them each predicting each others moves until, probably Kurze wins as he knows literally no mercy and Sanguinius always would have a shred in him.

So then how did the Lion win? If Kurze can predict every move and stand up to the greatest melee primarch short of Angron, how can he lose so pitifully to the Lion in Angels of Caliban?


But that's not exactly what happened. Sanguinius did actually end up beating Kurze, but hesitated because he thought he could be redeemed. I the end his men all were killed for it and Azkaelon lost his arm.

Edited by Arkangilos
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Sanguinius doesn't fight Kurze/ Night Haunter because of thier mutual precognition.


It'll end in an eternal stalemate with them each predicting each others moves until, probably Kurze wins as he knows literally no mercy and Sanguinius always would have a shred in him.

So then how did the Lion win? If Kurze can predict every move and stand up to the greatest melee primarch short of Angron, how can he lose so pitifully to the Lion in Angels of Caliban?


But that's not exactly what happened. Sanguinius did actually end up beating Kurze, but hesitated because he thought he could be redeemed. I the end his men all were killed for it and Azkaelon lost his arm.


Spoiler just in case 


So sanguinius does get the better of Kurze in their briefish fight, but Sanguinius hesitates which allows Kurze to wreck the guard and Azkaelon? I should probably just read the books myself, i just remember reading on here that it was pretty even and sanguinius lets him go to save Azkaelon or something...
Edited by Brother Lemartes
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The Lion, is FAST. So so fast. He is probably the fastest and most skilled and brutal/ unforgiving Primarch because he has very few emotions. He is an honorable warrior, that only finds honor in the utter destruction of his foes.


There is a part of the books where he literally mid conversation draws his sword and slashes out Kurze' throat before he can speak. He does not hesitate and perhaps Kurse didn't see this coming, he cannot see everything.


As for precog war, it's a little self serving for the fluff and really it's Sanguinius' compassion that lets him down in the end. But he is compassionate because he knows that he could if provoked go full rage mode (ask Kha'Banda) and there is no coming back from that. Kurze however gives zero :censored:  at this point.

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is the lion really meant to be super fast? Faster than sanguinius? Also if there's no coming back after going full rage mode for Sanguinius has he not gone full rage yet in the series? like on Signus? Or does he just go full rage mode on terra vs kha'banda? if so, is he just like some different crazy person almost while on terra in rage mode?


Genuinely curious and seriously asking, not trying to a smarty pants!


edit: And i guess i'm just dissappointed Sanguinius would show any type of compassion this late in the heresy to a complete traitor who is killing a bunch of people even if they are bros. I knew sanguinius was compassionate for a primarch, just thought he wouldn't let that stop him from exacting the Emperor's vengeance upon a traitor...

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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The Lion, is FAST. So so fast. He is probably the fastest and most skilled and brutal/ unforgiving Primarch because he has very few emotions. He is an honorable warrior, that only finds honor in the utter destruction of his foes.


There is a part of the books where he literally mid conversation draws his sword and slashes out Kurze' throat before he can speak. He does not hesitate and perhaps Kurse didn't see this coming, he cannot see everything.


As for precog war, it's a little self serving for the fluff and really it's Sanguinius' compassion that lets him down in the end. But he is compassionate because he knows that he could if provoked go full rage mode (ask Kha'Banda) and there is no coming back from that. Kurze however gives zero :censored: at this point.

I think we are just going to have a disagree then, because several times it has been said Sanguinius and Angron were the most skilled and most dangerous melee fighters, and on top of that the precog thing has proven to be inconsistent.

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Perhaps Sanguinius spared Curze, because he saw in Konrad what he could have been....what he could become.


Among the 18 brothers, some were complete outsider to the core of their own brotherhood, while others were simply passively or actively rejected. I think it is fitting to the Character of Sanguinius to think that  among all the Primarch, he was the one who saw his brothers as real brothers. Trying to make bond with everyone, trying to avoid conflict from each others, and trying to forgive some others their "excesses", to understood those who felt rejected....


I personally think, that of all Primarch, Konrad soul was the one that reflected the most Sanguinius soul, a true opposite. Both shared pregognitives powers, both were only able to see the worst future. But, while Sanguinius had Hope for the future, Konrad felt Despair for the future.


Sanguinius is like Konrad in the way that both were very close to what a Human feel. Sanguinius is able to Cry, while Konrad experienced Fear. Unlike many others Primarch, those weren't simple Warlords. They were symbol. Sanguinius was Hope/Life/Forgiveness and Curze was Despair/Death/Condamnation.

Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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Perhaps Sanguinius spared Curze, because he saw in Konrad what he could have been....what he could become.


Among the 18 brothers, some were complete outsider to the core of their own brotherhood, while others were simply passively or actively rejected. I think it is fitting to the Character of Sanguinius to think that  among all the Primarch, he was the one who saw his brothers as real brothers. Trying to make bond with everyone, trying to avoid conflict from each others, and trying to forgive some others their "excesses", to understood those who felt rejected....


I personally think, that of all Primarch, Konrad soul was the one that reflected the most Sanguinius soul, a true opposite. Both shared pregognitives powers, both were only able to see the worst future. But, while Sanguinius had Hope for the future, Konrad felt Despair for the future.


Sanguinius is like Konrad in the way that both were very close to what a Human feel. Sanguinius is able to Cry, while Konrad experienced Fear. Unlike many others Primarch, those weren't simple Warlords. They were symbol. Sanguinius was Hope/Life/Forgiveness and Curze was Despair/Death/Condamnation.



Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Trying to decide what to do for my 3rd etl vow. Right now I'm torn between a land raider or a sicaran... I know I could do both, but with my lack of painting speed I don't trust myself to vow both at the same time... I'll still have 2 vows left after this, so I guess I'll just do one and see where I'm at after that.
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is the lion really meant to be super fast? Faster than sanguinius? Also if there's no coming back after going full rage mode for Sanguinius has he not gone full rage yet in the series? like on Signus? Or does he just go full rage mode on terra vs kha'banda? if so, is he just like some different crazy person almost while on terra in rage mode?


Genuinely curious and seriously asking, not trying to a smarty pants!


edit: And i guess i'm just dissappointed Sanguinius would show any type of compassion this late in the heresy to a complete traitor who is killing a bunch of people even if they are bros. I knew sanguinius was compassionate for a primarch, just thought he wouldn't let that stop him from exacting the Emperor's vengeance upon a traitor...

3 quick points.

Sanguinius fought a super high level bloodthirster and keeper of secrets and kicked ass. Serious ass.

Both Horus and Lorgar, view Sanguinius as the single biggest threat to the heresy.

Lorgar states that only Angron or Horus have the potential of beating Sanguinius in full rage mode.


We saw a small hint of rage mode in Angels of Caliban, and it gave me chills.

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I just add two/three Ideas when looking at the Blood Angels Get Started => What if in the next codex, we could have :


- Baal Predator with Kerres Assault Canon, instead of "normal" assault canon. (That would fit the Baal Predator "image" and the recent 30K fluff that state that Blood Angels Legion possessed an advantage with the Assault Canon Technology.)


- Baal Predator with Special Flamestorm Canon that would have the Torrent Special Rule. (Logical given the "Size" of the Baal Predator Flamestorm Canon....)


- Breaking with the 5th edition fluff part that stated that Blood Angels possessed lot of Land Raiders, and instead make Stormraven the Big Dedicated Transport. (I think, that a Flying transport is more in Blood Angels Spirit than a Big Tank.)

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If Baals get Torrent it'll probably be a squadron bonus rather than default rule. Do Kheres assault cannons actually appear in 40k wargear, or just on Relics?


I doubt we'll get Ravens as dedicated transports, but I am hoping for a unique flyer or at least Stormtalons / Stormhawks.

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If Baals get Torrent it'll probably be a squadron bonus rather than default rule. Do Kheres assault cannons actually appear in 40k wargear, or just on Relics?


I doubt we'll get Ravens as dedicated transports, but I am hoping for a unique flyer or at least Stormtalons / Stormhawks.


About the "Squadron Bonus" of the Baal Predator, i think it will be something that doesn't care of the weapons equiped, So more likely we should see the return of the Scouts special rules for the Baal Predator as the Squadron Bonus.


Plus, read my post again, those are ideas that match the Modus Operanti of the Blood Angels.


In other words, for exemple :


=> What make sense for BA, a Stormravens or Land Raider as Dedicated transport ?


=> Is it normal that the "Oversized" Flamestorm Canon of the Baal Predator, do the same work as the little one on a Redeemer side ?


=> Do Blood Angels achieve to keep the Kheres Pattern Knowledge, an so are able to still produce it, and equiped it most notably on their Baal Predator ? (This simple fact would also solve the whole Mechanicum Relation Problems, since, the Knowledge of such weapon would really be a subject of tension.)

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I don't disagree with the logic (except are you sure the Baal flamestorm is bigger than the Redeemer one?) - I'm just not convinced we'll see those changes in the codex... Speaking of which, when do we think we might get said new codex?!
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I don't disagree with the logic (except are you sure the Baal flamestorm is bigger than the Redeemer one?) - I'm just not convinced we'll see those changes in the codex... Speaking of which, when do we think we might get said new codex?!


Working on it. Should be over for Christmas. Yet i think the Market team will delay it for early 2017.


I joke, i'm not working for GW. Even if on the particular case of the BA codex, i would agree to some collaboration. Yet i think it will come in the End of 2016 or Early 2017.


And yes, just compare the two Tanks, and you will see that the Baal Flamestorm is Bigger, and have Way BIGGER fuel reserves.

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