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They were just going to be my command squad Storm / Combat (30k) shield...


But now they may well be the start of a Mk4 Breacher team <3

If you wanted a smaller shield for combat shields you could discuss the same design but shrunken down by a percentage. Sure you could come to an agreement. Of could always just order a completely new design, but smaller, if you want a difference between the two shield styles.

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They were just going to be my command squad Storm / Combat (30k) shield...


But now they may well be the start of a Mk4 Breacher team <3

If you wanted a smaller shield for combat shields you could discuss the same design but shrunken down by a percentage. Sure you could come to an agreement. Of could always just order a completely new design, but smaller, if you want a difference between the two shield styles.



Thanks! Great to know!


But for the sake of cost and my ever-increasing model collection the command squad would be usable in both game systems probably, so I'd just use these as both!

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I must admit I wasn't convinced by them when I saw the clear plastic, but painted they look awesome!


Glad you like them! I'll pass it on. The clear plastic is just easier to work with than resin. Also has the added advantage of letting the 'viewslit' be somewhat-clear if you don't paint it, or you can glaze it to get a slight tint.

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You're too kind, but I appreciate it all the same. It's all just incremental improvements. Go take a look at the first page of my WIP thread to see where I was about 4 and a half years ago, big difference between then and now. One of the most significant changes was getting brushes that held their point and did what I wanted them to do.

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I second that - my painting improved drastically when I put down my Citadel brushes and bought Windsor & Newton Kolinsky Series 7's...

I've had mine sitting on my desk for a couple months shamefully unopened.


Vow work tomorrow I think.

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gw brushes that bad or are those brushes that good? Only tried gw brushes so far

In my experience, both. Admittedly it's been years since I used GW brushes and they may have improved, but when I used them they would lose their points and get all 'fluffy' very quickly. W&N Kolinsky Sable S7's conversely hold their points for months if not years (as long as you clean them properly) – which means although they're expensive to buy, they're actually better value in the long run. They're awesome, I can't recommend them enough!

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Open them man, you will be amazed!

And get some Masters Brush soap while you're at it!  I mainly use Rosemary & Co. 33 series these days, but W & N were my first venture into non GW or Army Painter brushes and it was revelatory.


gw brushes that bad or are those brushes that good? Only tried gw brushes so far

Can't really speak to the newer ones, but the old ones were rubbish for anything other than basecoating. From what I've read, the new Citadel Artificer brushes are there or there abouts in terms of quality with top brushes like W & N, Raphael, Rosemary & co. etc. But, and it's a big but, they're literally twice the price (sometimes 3 or 4, Rosemary & Co are astonishing value for how good they are even before you compare them with the likes of GW). You can get a size 1 W&N 7 series for 8 or 9 quid. Rosemary & co. size 1 is £4.40. The Medium Artificer brush is £16. No contest imo.


Edited by sockwithaticket
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