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Ah I thought you already had one!


Then again, even if you did a second one ain't a bad investment ;)


There has been talk of a possible plastic one included in the forthcoming HH boxed game. Awesome if true as the resin kit is a bit fiddly, but it's salty rumour...

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Those were early rumours though - the more recent ones only talk about various types of MK3 armour (Breacher, Assault and Tactical) and some Tartaros Terminators. Which rumour source is more correct remains to be seen, of course.


I'm hoping for some plastic MK4 assault marines myself, as I don't like the look of those steampunk double thruster MK3 ones.


Although one very solid source was talking about Custodes and Sisters of Silence, so there's that.

Edited by RedemptionNL
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Did some more ground work on the vow!


Wet pallet is pretty cool, especially with all the other tools combined. But I have learnt I hate painting bikes...


With a bit of luck and some moxie I might just finish. Or at least to a half decent standard. Basing... May be optional.

You got this man! I believe!

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My Deredeo has been the bane of two Eldar Cesftworlds and done significant damage to a Medium sized Eldar titan even so I'm happy with it :biggrin.:


Well... you got me looking into these now. Which weapon loadout is best against Eldar? I play against at least 1 Wraithknight (sometimes 3) from my regular opponent often.

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Depends on the kind of eldar.

The standard anvilus autocannon is great at killing light to medium av tanks, and death to flyers everywhere.

The plasma struggles more against tanks, but can drop a pie plate on deep strikers, and still can do work against light av stuff with str7.

The lascannon are only good against super heavy vehicles and other really high av targets.

None of the weapon options are great against a wraithknight sadly. Plasma wounds on a 5, Autocannons don't pen it's armor, and the lascannons only get 2 shots since their special rule doesn't come into play against non vehicles.

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Played a space wolf army today packing lots of Thunder wolf cavalry and Wulfen with my new Death Company heavy list. Basically the list comprises 14 Death Company, 3 of whom have power fists, alongside Corbulo and a chaplain in a Land Raider Crusader. Army also included Grav-sternguards in a drop pod, 2 melta attack bikes, some assault terminators and two Scout squads. Convincing 7-2 victory for the Blood Angels. Near run thing as towards the end he realised he couldn't catch up on points and tried to table me, but he couldn't shift the Land Raider. Third consecutive victory with the list and 4/5 wins in total. This was the day I realised I didn't need to be particularly scared of Wulfen. Like everyone else I've played with this list, my opponent completely underestimated the killing power of Death Company. Just waltzed a bunch of Thunderwolves in the direction of my Land Raider, which he knew contained the Death Company, assuming nothing bad would happen. Corbulo and the Chaplain turn them into an unstoppable wrecking ball of destruction. Seriously nothing has so far been able to withstand the charge, no matter how many casualties the squad has taken.

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Played a space wolf army today packing lots of Thunder wolf cavalry and Wulfen with my new Death Company heavy list. Basically the list comprises 14 Death Company, 3 of whom have power fists, alongside Corbulo and a chaplain in a Land Raider Crusader. Army also included Grav-sternguards in a drop pod, 2 melta attack bikes, some assault terminators and two Scout squads. Convincing 7-2 victory for the Blood Angels. Near run thing as towards the end he realised he couldn't catch up on points and tried to table me, but he couldn't shift the Land Raider. Third consecutive victory with the list and 4/5 wins in total. This was the day I realised I didn't need to be particularly scared of Wulfen. Like everyone else I've played with this list, my opponent completely underestimated the killing power of Death Company. Just waltzed a bunch of Thunderwolves in the direction of my Land Raider, which he knew contained the Death Company, assuming nothing bad would happen. Corbulo and the Chaplain turn them into an unstoppable wrecking ball of destruction. Seriously nothing has so far been able to withstand the charge, no matter how many casualties the squad has taken.

I know the puppies put great pride in the assault capability of their TWC, but allowing them to be charged by buffed DC is pretty horrendous oversight. Well done for teaching them what a real close combat unit looks like.



Today's update is a small but repetitive one for me; more panel work on the thunderhawk. Shes getting there brothers, and I won't be failing this year.

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Yeah eventually he got his act together and charged the remaining Death Company with his other Thunderwolf unit but by that point the battle was slipping away from him and it didn't make a difference to the outcome. He took so many casualties on the first two turns that he had to go all out assault on my Deathstar to stop himself from being wiped out, allowing me to sit back and claim objectives with my other units. Corbulo and his mad brothers died, but they took about half the puppy army with them.

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Corbs gives +1 WS and I all the time to any unit within 6. I think it's a bit overkill for the DC myself, since the FNP is wasted on them, but WS5 I5 base DC are pretty scary. And yeah, DC mulch thunderwolves on the charge, as my longtime opponent who runs wolves can attest. They suffer pretty bad if they get charged though, especially if the Twolves are packing fists/hammers (No FNP)

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Hi all. Here is the full list used as requested:




Brother Corbulo – 120


Chaplain – 90




14 Death Company w/Power Fist x 3 – 355


Terminator Assault Squad w/3 x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 215


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/5 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod – 195




Scout Squad x 5 w/Flakk Missile Launcher – 80


Scout Squad x 5 w/Heavy Bolter and Teleport Homer – 73


Fast Attack


Attack Bike x 2 w/Multi Meltas - 110


Heavy Support


Land Raider Crusader w/Multi Melta - 260


I think the thing that inspired me to make this list was being told by a space wolf player (not the one I played yesterday) that the Blood Angels codex is nothing special and he had no reason to be afraid of it. I mean sure, we're not a top tier army right now but I felt I needed to prove something. The focal point of the army is of course the DC with Corbulo and the Chaplain in the Land Raider. At full strength on the charge, the unit dishes out 5 S6 I8 rending attacks, 5 S7 I6 AP4 attacks, 55 S5 I6 attacks and 12 S9 AP2 attacks. Of course they also reroll to hit so anything they charge is done for. I went for Corbulo with the DC because I wanted initiative 6 on my Death Company (don't forget he buffs initiative in his unit as well as weapon skill). Also I don't agree with the conventional wisdom that Corbulo is overpriced. His strength on the charge, high weapon skill, high initiative and rending make him no slouch in combat, and his force multipliers are brutal when combined with the right units. The rest of the list is basically designed to support the Death Company. Scouts provide fire support (as well as a bit of anti-flyer), and their scout and infiltration abilities make them really useful in Maelstrom games. Three of my victory points in the game yesterday were won by Scouts. The Sternguards are there to get rid of anything nasty that might hinder the Death Company's charge up the board, whilst the attack bikes race up with them and provide closer range fire support. Meanwhile the Terminators are there to deep strike up the board and reinforce the charge once the initial shock is over. Even if they die like chumps upon landing to enemy shooting that's firepower that's not being pointed at my Death Company.

Edited by t-dog1996
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Hi all. Here is the full list used as requested:




Brother Corbulo – 120


Chaplain – 90




14 Death Company w/Power Fist x 3 – 355


Terminator Assault Squad w/3 x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 215


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/5 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod – 195




Scout Squad x 5 w/Flakk Missile Launcher – 80


Scout Squad x 5 w/Heavy Bolter and Teleport Homer – 73


Fast Attack


Attack Bike x 2 w/Multi Meltas - 110


Heavy Support


Land Raider Crusader w/Multi Melta - 260


I think the thing that inspired me to make this list was being told by a space wolf player (not the one I played yesterday) that the Blood Angels codex is nothing special and he had no reason to be afraid of it. I mean sure, we're not a top tier army right now but I felt I needed to prove something. The focal point of the army is of course the DC with Corbulo and the Chaplain in the Land Raider. At full strength on the charge, the unit dishes out 5 S6 I8 rending attacks, 5 S7 I6 AP4 attacks, 55 S5 I6 attacks and 12 S9 AP2 attacks. Of course they also reroll to hit so anything they charge is done for. I went for Corbulo with the DC because I wanted initiative 6 on my Death Company (don't forget he buffs initiative in his unit as well as weapon skill). Also I don't agree with the conventional wisdom that Corbulo is overpriced. His strength on the charge, high weapon skill, high initiative and rending make him no slouch in combat, and his force multipliers are brutal when combined with the right units. The rest of the list is basically designed to support the Death Company. Scouts provide fire support (as well as a bit of anti-flyer), and their scout and infiltration abilities make them really useful in Maelstrom games. Three of my victory points in the game yesterday were won by Scouts. The Sternguards are there to get rid of anything nasty that might hinder the Death Company's charge up the board, whilst the attack bikes race up with them and provide closer range fire support. Meanwhile the Terminators are there to deep strike up the board and reinforce the charge once the initial shock is over. Even if they die like chumps upon landing to enemy shooting that's firepower that's not being pointed at my Death Company.


What's Plan B for when the Land Raider gets busted?  Because it will get busted.  If I were playing against this list I would pour every ounce of AV I have into it.

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