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I know what you mean, but at the same time that's a lot of high strength low AP weapons that aren't firing at the Death Company. Bear in mind there are few weapons that can reliably take out a Land Raider at long range. The best option is melta and those are only effective at close range. In the 5 games I've played so far it's only been destroyed twice and on both occasions it succeeded in its goal of getting the Death Company into combat intact.
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I know what you mean, but at the same time that's a lot of high strength low AP weapons that aren't firing at the Death Company. Bear in mind there are few weapons that can reliably take out a Land Raider at long range. The best option is melta and those are only effective at close range. In the 5 games I've played so far it's only been destroyed twice and on both occasions it succeeded in its goal of getting the Death Company into combat intact.


Those weapons don't have to/cannot fire at the death co as they are inside the land raider!


I think you need another distraction unit. Either a drop pod for those terminators, or drop those slow movers for a furioso in a pod (to take some of the anti tank heat).


Dropping the flakk missile launcher and the teleport homer on the scouts nets you 35pts for a pod. you could then drop one fist from the DC and one TH/SS from the termies to get a 3rd pod (scouts?).

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I did consider putting the Terminators in a pod, it's something I'll probably try. The thing that made me wary was the fact that 35 points is a lot to pay when they'll be coming on turn 2 anyway and a teleport homer can make them scatter perfectly. Also the flakk missile is the only source of anti-flyer in the list. Also I don't see much point in drop podding the Scouts when they can infiltrate and scout.
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Nope. Sternguards are also in a drop pod and I really want them joining the fight as soon as possible right where I need them. Drop pod assault means half of them come in one turn one.


A third pod, as I suggested, means you get both sternies and terminators T1.

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Speaking of three drop pods...






The middle one was painted by me, and the other two by Scars Miniature Madness to match, plus some finishing touches by me :)

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I also played against Eldar and lost last night (badly). I stopped bringing Armour against him because he usually cracks them open by turn-2 the latest (even my Imperial Knight) - so this time I had:

Librarian Terminator (attached to Assault Terminators)

Sang Priest JP (attached to SG)

10-man Sang Guard

10-man sniper Scouts

5-man CCW scouts

10-man 3melta Assault squad

5-man 2melta Assault squad

-- Archangels Orbital Interv Force

6-man Assault Terminators

6-man Terminators with HF

5-man Terminators with AC


He had:



3 units Striking scorpions

several units walkers (outflanking)

3 Hornets with AP2 lance weapons

and TONS of jetbikes


--- This was his "weak" list... Eldar can just so easily out-shoot and out-assault us haha; I knew I'd get smoked but I just wanted to try the Terminators formation.


Anyway by the end of turn 1 he'd nearly killed all of the Sanguinary Guard, I was rolling 1's and missing FnP like a champ, but my snipers forced one of his hornets to jink (they did this 3 times and even killed a hornet)... my scouts sat on the 2 most important objectives mildly hopeful.


Turn 2 my Archangels Orbital Intervention Force arrives... both shooty terminator squads land on target so I get a little bold with the assaulty+Lib, and they mishap (just delayed but still bad news). My plan was to hide them behind the shooties so if he assaults first he's getting overwatched and the assault termies can jump in with full might - anyway, foiled. The HF and storm bolters do kill a bunch of scorpions at least and the AC kills a jetbike.


Turn 3 my CCW scouts are deleted despite a 3++ cover save, he pulls off a 12-inch assault with Karandras and unit of scorpions into the few Sang Guard/Priest and kills them.  My 2 assault squads charge one unit of 9 Scorpions, 1 dies from overwatch and a few more die in combat and I lose combat, the shooty (AC) terminators cause 3 glances and 2 pens on a Hornet but he saves all but 1 glance. The other terminator (HF) squad gets shot to pieces and I keep rolling 1's, only 2 survive. My assault termies can only run onto an obj this turn after a bad deep strike scatter.


Turn 4 the finishing blow - he shoots the heck out of my terminators with and without AP2 shots and I fail enough saves that they all die, his scorpions kill the rest of my 2 assault squads in CC, he assaults the snipers with scorpions and most die just from mandiblasters... we call the game.



I really miss only D6 scatter dice on Deep strike. I expected to lose this game but really nothing went my way haha oh well.

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Some archangels formations have that rule - the OIF also gets to run into place before shooting.


Yeah that was pretty much the only reason I took some shooty terminators instead of all assaulty hah, but it didn't make much difference.


I forgot to mention that my group also has many house rules; the one for Terminators...

  • Models in Terminator Armor have a re-rollable Invulnerable save; the second roll can only ever be taken on the basic armor (5++) despite any pieces of wargear or powers that may otherwise provide an Invulnerable save.

We used to give them "+1 armour", where a 1 always fails but AP2 can't hurt it - but that was too good; needless to say even with our house rule I couldn't make a save all day.

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Archangels Strike Force is hilarious. If you want to ruin Eldar's day take an army consisting entirely of Sternguard Veterans in drop pods with combi-gravs. Let's see them run rings around us in their grav vehicles once they've been immobilised. Or when it comes to the ones with armour 10, fire dragonfire rounds and ignore their jink save. My maths tells me that your game was around 1700 points. Next time maybe try him out with something like this? The list you were up against seems to have mainly been comprised of 3+ saves, so they would die like chumps to a grav volley.




Captain Karlaen – 160 points




Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad w/2 x Grav gun, 3 x Combi-grav and Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher) – 220 points



I mean hey it might be ridiculous but it could work. Something like Tau would probably wreck it with all their interceptor shots but against a cheesy Eldar list I think this could stack up pretty well. I mean with Storm of Angels his big thing about rerolling reserve rolls Karlaen is somewhat redundant but you want some fluff in life.

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Hah yeah it was 1750... he usually brings wraithknights too. Honestly I'd love to try a list like that but I only have 10 Sternguard still in boxes, and I haven't been able to commit to any weapon loadout yet.


It just seems like Eldar can do everything better than everyone else... those Scorpions and mandiblasters shredded me even when I charged, and Karandras forget-about-it!

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Vs assault marines, yeah, scorpions are pretty good. DC in a BSF tear them up though, since then they swing simultaneous, and pack twice as many attacks as the assaults. Eldar can do just about everything better than everyone else, which is why everyone agrees their pretty damn broken. Except Tau beat them at long range shooting. He wasn't exactly bring a casual list, hornets and jetbikes alone pack enough cheap firepower to make it not nice, though it wasn't anything like optimized with the scorpions. Which is the sad part, scorpions are really good, when compared to every elses books. Their super sub-par internally.

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Maybe drop the orbital intervention force and get a Land Raider and a Stormraven instead? Assault marines aren't worth it IMO and you'd be better served with Death Company. If you give the Death Company jump packs, you're effectively paying 6 points for feel no pain, rage, relentless and an extra attack. That's worth if you ask me. Or even better don't give them jump packs and stick them in a Land Raider Crusader. If you were footslogging your Assault Marines you probably used their jump packs to move 12 inches in the movement phase so if you did charge them you wouldn't get the reroll and hammer of wrath anyway.

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LutherMax I am incredibly jealous of both your skill and productive output. Those look amazing.

As to the first point – thank you very much! As to the second, well, I had some help with these and the pods. I painted one of each and Peter at Scar's Mini Madness matched the other two for me. So that really does help with the productivity :wink:

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