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*glances at all of the Terminators he's aquired over the past year*


...I'm never going to use these in a game. Why did I do this? :laugh.:


Oh well, at least the space hulk ones are pretty :wub.:

You should organise a game with Jol specifically to use them.

Well I'll bring them to the next Apoc if there is one. Otherwise it's actually quite the trek for me an Jol to play :P


The Space Hulk ones smashed up some riptides last time!

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How many termies have you got Charlo?


I'm currently sitting pretty on 25 based and painted (excluding characters) with another 15ish to be painted...




When it comes to modern models:

  • Almost all of the Space Hulk ones (missing the twin LC one I think...)
  • Four "Deathwing Knights"
  • Captain with TH/LC
  • Chaplain
  • Librarian
  • Karlean

Classic Models:

  • About 15 mixed shooty/ assaulty/ captain/ chap/ libby.

Maybe more I'm forgetting.....

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I believe I have 21, All shooty.


5 2nd Edition plastics

1 3rd Ed Captain


5 DV

5 Space Hulk


Only 11 of them painted though.


I should probably get some Assault Terminators sometime, 5 THSS, 5 LC

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I seem to have more Terminators than I thought.


5 old metal Terminators (Mix of Assault and Fist/SB, plus old Sergeant model)

1 old metal Captain

1 old metal Chaplain

5 old plastic Terminators (Fists/SB with a Heavy Flamer)

10 new plastic Terminators (2 Sergeants, 1 Heavy Flamer, 1 Assault Cannon, rest Fists/SB)

5 new plastic Assault Terminators (all TH/SS)

1 Captain Karlaen


Also got 1 unbuilt Karlaen model from a 2nd Deathstorm set I plan to modify a bit for a custom model, not sure what yet. Plus Lysander to run in an allied detachment, but he doesn;t count for the purposes of BA numbers!


Planning to model a hood onto the old metal Captain so I can use him as a Librarian, as I wouldn't have a need for a 2nd terminator captain with Power Sword and can easily paint that up as a force sword instead.


So yeah, 29 Blood Angels terminator models... should be enough to run an Archangels detachment at some point :tongue.: Though the old metal models will have to be split and added as extra models for the newer units, as they can't be mixed any more.

Edited by Thoridon
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Yeah, I think I have only 10 termies painted (5x from Deathstorm, 5x 3rd Ed shooty termies). I also have Karlean painted.


Unpainted, I have:

one set from Space Hulk (Only have the one set which I "eventually" plan to paint).

9 old school termies in various pieces (Mix of static termies and metal ones)

5 BA assault termies


Even though it's not effective, I would really love to do a 1st company/all termie Archangel list someday for grins.

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I'm almost done with my 2500pt list, an all terminator Archangel's list. It's not great. But it's fun and people always comment how awesome it is that I'm doing it...


Painted: 15 Tactical Terminators, metal sculpts. 3 chain fists and 3 assault cannons are in there. I obtained them all 3/4s done, and I painted the rest and put them on 40mm. 

5 Lightning Claw Terminators

7 Tacticals, with Sergeant, Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer


Unpainted: 8 Lightning Claws

12 Thunderhammer Storm Shield

7 Tacticals, with sergeant, assault cannon and another heavy flamer


I have 4 of the 5 Librarian in Terminator sculpts. (Calistarius, new plastic BA, more recent metal Librarian with staff, older metal on 25mm base with force axe, just missing the current plastic generic terminator librarian sculpt to make my BA conclave)


The Space Hulk ones are littered throughout. 


I love terminators. They don't love me back as much as I love them. 

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I think most Marine players love Terminators :biggrin.: Model and fluff-wise anyway, they do suffer a bit on the table top these days. Though I do acknowledge I seem to have awful luck with them too which doesn't help. Maybe I need new dice, mine like 1's a bit too much :teehee:

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I love that we all have loads of termies that we never use...


I don't know what your excuses are, but mine is that I'm determined to keep painting terminators until they're good again!




I really wish I hadn't vowed a few of mine :unsure.: Ah well, they're gunna look awesome!


Mine are all GOOOOOLLLD


Let's also add in 5 Cataphractii I forgot I had acquired :whistling:

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The pile of black and leadbelcher models on my work bench is growing.


Only one bike and the Terms to receive the metal treatment, then it's on to red!


God I hate painting metal.  Even after moving from crappy metallic crafts paints to VGC metallics, it's still the least enjoyable thing about painting miniatures for me.  I dread building my drop pod for this very reason..


I sympathize with you mate..

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