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The pile of black and leadbelcher models on my work bench is growing.


Only one bike and the Terms to receive the metal treatment, then it's on to red!



God I hate painting metal.  Even after moving from crappy metallic crafts paints to VGC metallics, it's still the least enjoyable thing about painting miniatures for me.  I dread building my drop pod for this very reason..


I sympathize with you mate..

I found switching to Vallejo Model Air helped a lot. Not just when airbrushing - I use them for hand painting too. They're so finely and densely pigmented they cover really, really well. Gold is still a bit tricky but I can almost to steel / silver in one coat.

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Aye, leadbelcher, then throwing on some nuln is like the easiest thing ever. Even nuln is one part magic. I slapped it all over an old dread that was just bolt gun on the back and it gave that some serious definition.


It feels like a slog right now, but I know as soon as the red is done and I've slapped some washes on it'll come together fully.


Thinking I might paint my TDA librarians like my Dread ones, normal chapter scheme but a blue torso.


For post ETL I have a 30k Preator conversion I'm going to work on, and wow am I excited - going to look like a boss.

Edited by Charlo
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Had an epic battle against Tau today. The game was a rather impromptu 1850 point match at my local store against the junior staff member. We both just threw together a list and set to it. I was going to use the store's Imperial Knight just to try it out, but as I was hurriedly doing maths in my head I decided that it would be impractical. My opponent then decided that as we had taken the Knight out of its case one of us might as well use it so he incorporated it into his list instead. My list comprised Dante + a DC Dread in a Stormraven, Corbulo and 14 DC in a LRC, Librarian and 5 Sternguards in a DP, 10 Scouts and an Attack Bike just to make up the points. His was a mix of Battlesuits including a riptide, quite a few crisis suits and a broadside, plus some fire warrior breachers in a devilfish, an ethereal, several small skimmers with marker lights and of course the knight. Highlights of the game included his warlord and his melta suits scattering out of melta range of my Land Raider, which they then failed to destroy, whereupon they were steamrollered by Corbulo and the Death Company the following turn and the Librarian skimming 3 HP off the Knight with Machine Curse. However the best bit was when the Knight charged the DC, only for Corbulo to shave off two of his remaining hull points thanks to some amazing luck with rending, then the power fist DC finished him off. The apocalyptic blast created by the knight then scattered an incredible 9 inches onto his allies, destroying a devilfish and two skimmers. Lucky perhaps, but allowed for an incredibly cinematic narrative of three crazed Death Company marines leaping up and smashing the Imperial Knight so hard with their power fists that it flew across the battlefield and crushed three vehicles. My opponent conceded the match at the end of turn four. It's nice when you decide to play on the spur of the moment with two random lists and awesome stuff happens.

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Had an epic battle against Tau today. The game was a rather impromptu 1850 point match at my local store against the junior staff member. We both just threw together a list and set to it. I was going to use the store's Imperial Knight just to try it out, but as I was hurriedly doing maths in my head I decided that it would be impractical. My opponent then decided that as we had taken the Knight out of its case one of us might as well use it so he incorporated it into his list instead. My list comprised Dante + a DC Dread in a Stormraven, Corbulo and 14 DC in a LRC, Librarian and 5 Sternguards in a DP, 10 Scouts and an Attack Bike just to make up the points. His was a mix of Battlesuits including a riptide, quite a few crisis suits and a broadside, plus some fire warrior breachers in a devilfish, an ethereal, several small skimmers with marker lights and of course the knight. Highlights of the game included his warlord and his melta suits scattering out of melta range of my Land Raider, which they then failed to destroy, whereupon they were steamrollered by Corbulo and the Death Company the following turn and the Librarian skimming 3 HP off the Knight with Machine Curse. However the best bit was when the Knight charged the DC, only for Corbulo to shave off two of his remaining hull points thanks to some amazing luck with rending, then the power fist DC finished him off. The apocalyptic blast created by the knight then scattered an incredible 9 inches onto his allies, destroying a devilfish and two skimmers. Lucky perhaps, but allowed for an incredibly cinematic narrative of three crazed Death Company marines leaping up and smashing the Imperial Knight so hard with their power fists that it flew across the battlefield and crushed three vehicles. My opponent conceded the match at the end of turn four. It's nice when you decide to play on the spur of the moment with two random lists and awesome stuff happens.


That's just.. LOL.  9" scatter, man that's just wonky.  Why do vehicle explodes blasts scatter anyway, such a stupid, stupid rule..  It did make for an incredible spectacle for sure, though.

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That's just.. LOL.  9" scatter, man that's just wonky.  Why do vehicle explodes blasts scatter anyway, such a stupid, stupid rule..  It did make for an incredible spectacle for sure, though.


Kind of like the fallen giant template in Fantasy. The knight doesn't just collapse vertically in a heap.

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That's just.. LOL.  9" scatter, man that's just wonky.  Why do vehicle explodes blasts scatter anyway, such a stupid, stupid rule..  It did make for an incredible spectacle for sure, though.


Kind of like the fallen giant template in Fantasy. The knight doesn't just collapse vertically in a heap.



Unit sshould not scatter farther than their heights then, I suppose?  Because falling on your side is one thing, but a thousands of tonnes machine flying off to land half of its height away from where it was struck kind of doesn't make sense..

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That's just.. LOL.  9" scatter, man that's just wonky.  Why do vehicle explodes blasts scatter anyway, such a stupid, stupid rule..  It did make for an incredible spectacle for sure, though.


Kind of like the fallen giant template in Fantasy. The knight doesn't just collapse vertically in a heap.



Unit sshould not scatter farther than their heights then, I suppose?  Because falling on your side is one thing, but a thousands of tonnes machine flying off to land half of its height away from where it was struck kind of doesn't make sense..



It's not just falling though....


It's to represent the internal systems experiencing a critical failure and then the vehicle skidding/ toppling out of control before finally exploding!

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Played a game recently using vanguard vets and I was asked why I didn't charge out of DS with them. I was sure I couldn't but my opponent was sure I could. Is this something vanilla can do and we can't or am I missing something in our Dex?


Back in 5th we could do it. Used to be part of the Heroic intervention rule.


Raven Guard can do it with a formation too currently.

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