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Yeah I don't miss that at all! 15pts was just too much. I have fond memories of Deep Striking in and charging with my VV in 5th. Didn't always work of course but when it did it was spectacular and a hell of a lot of fun :D


I believe Heroic Intervention is now no longer having the penalty for disordered charges? I'm not sure it's been a while since I fielded my Vanguard.

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How often does disordered charge happen?

It happens when you charge through / into / out of terrain doesn't it? Something I always try to avoid but not always possible.



Isn't it a multi charge?




I used them a lot back in 5th Ed.


Multi charges existed in 5th, but not disordered charges.


A disordered charge is where you charge multiple units at once, but gain no charging bonuses such as Red Thirst, Furious charge, or rage (or +1 A for charging).


Death co etc can still do this vs weak units like Tau (if hey survive the overwatch), but in 5th it was a bit ganky as you could charge one unit, then have a single model from the unit charge another enemy unit in order to do minimal damage to it, and keep them in the fight.

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How often does disordered charge happen?

It happens when you charge through / into / out of terrain doesn't it? Something I always try to avoid but not always possible.

Isn't it a multi charge?


I used them a lot back in 5th Ed.

Multi charges existed in 5th, but not disordered charges.


A disordered charge is where you charge multiple units at once, but gain no charging bonuses such as Red Thirst, Furious charge, or rage (or +1 A for charging).


Death co etc can still do this vs weak units like Tau (if hey survive the overwatch), but in 5th it was a bit ganky as you could charge one unit, then have a single model from the unit charge another enemy unit in order to do minimal damage to it, and keep them in the fight.

Clearly I meant I charged multiple units at once...

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In theory [keyword], you could use Angel's Fury Spearhead to Deepstrike 10x VV into the middle of the enemy and then multi-charge half the enemy's army. Tie them up through their turn while the rest of your guys do work (avoiding overwatch). Of 10x VV with 10x Melta bombs and multi-charge 10x vehicles from Deep Strike....


In theory....

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Death co etc can still do this vs weak units like Tau (if hey survive the overwatch), but in 5th it was a bit ganky as you could charge one unit, then have a single model from the unit charge another enemy unit in order to do minimal damage to it, and keep them in the fight.



Having spent the day theroyhammering a BA list... I really want a Dirge Caster from my Chaos Codex in my BA list! 

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1800pts game tonight.


Thinking a something along the lined of:


BSF with Chappy, DC, Scouts, Cassor and a couple of Contemptors, maybe a Baal Pred.


Paired with a CAD, Libby dread, 5 Tacs with Plas in las/plas razorback, cheap bolter scouts. Also want to squeeze in 2 MM bikes and hopefully both my Tri-Las preds but obviously points dependant.


I basically want to spam av13 and ap2...and trying to utilise stuff painted during the ETL.


I'll come up with the final list this eve and give details tomorrow.



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So my game from Thurs. I took the following:



Chappy, jp, VV


Contemptor, fist, kheres

Contemptor, fist, kheres

DC, (7), x2 fist



Scouts, bp/ccw



Libby dread, lvl 2


Tac squad (5), plas, combi-plas, las/plas razor

Tac squad (5), plas


Attack bike w/ MM x2


Tri-Las Pred

Tri-Las Pred


So fairly heavy on the av13, and quite alot of ap2. I rolled night fighting and -1 reserves to my opponent as my WL traits.


Libby dread took Sanguine powers, getting the lance, fear and the primaris .


He had a SM list, quite a lot of infantry. 3 tacs, 5 man assault squad, 5 man dev squad (2plas can, 2 ML), LR with Th/SS termies, SR, shooty dread, Libby with burning blade.


Neither list was optimised, but on paper I think I had the advantage, t'was a enjoyable game.


High Lights: Contemptors were just awesome all around.


Enjoyed the tri-Las press


Low lights: Cassor immobilised by ML before he got to combat :(


Libby dread immobilised trying to get to an objective.


MM bikes whiffed against the LR and were promptly turned into past by the TH/SS termies.


Chappy was killed in a challenge by a PF sgt.


I did some poor placement and both my pf dc died before they reached combat


DC whiffed in combat and eventually lost to a tac squad :(


Overall a win for me. :)



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Immobilization really just plain annoys me.


Hell the vehicle damage chart annoys me.




Because Tau & Eldar "Walkers" (Wraiths/ Big Suits) just keep going losing wounds, but we take one unlucky roll and our things are dead and gone :'(


Otherwise sounds like you had a good game!

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Dreads will get wounds/toughness stats eventually.

So I've started painting a redeemer, a crusader, mephy, a new cap and some more tacticals. Now im looking at buying a sanguiniary guard box to build dante. I think i have a problem

You could always just cherry pick the bits you want from a bits site/ebay store if you're worried about the amount of stuff that's accruing.

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That was my first point of call but all our bitz sites down under are out of most sang guard bits

Has anyone got a good recipe for a gold that isn't as bright as the retributiors?


I did a huge gold (different brand) comparison experiment a few years entirely in preparation of painting my Sanguinary Guard. It's here if you're interested: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/2011/10/great-gold-rush-quest-for-best-gold.html


The new-ish GW Retributor Gold base (with the white cap), as Xenith mentioned is actually quite good and has nice coverage. It's very similar to Vallejo Model Colour Brass - which is my goto base-coat for gold!


My old recipe was too convoluted when I went back to it ...now I just use GW washes as they are excellent.

--Base coat: VMC brass (or GW Retributor Gold base)

--washes: all gold parts biel-tan green wash (any green wash ok), wash/glaze riekland fleshshade on non-light areas, then finally wash some black (nuln oil) into just the crevasses and creases.

--1st highlight: VMC gold (GW has nothing like this great color)

--final highlight: VMC gold mixed with VMC silver... I do like 3:1 so as not to spoil the effect and make it look like dirty silver.


The VMC metallics thin fairly well with just water even.

Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard
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