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Yeah :D


Also, I've been developing my chapter's fluff a bit more, haven't typed it into my IA article yet, but it's a mix of the HH Day of Revelation and some Word Bearer Tactics.


Basically, before we start a campaign, when we send our scouts out, we also send chapter serfs with them to act as "prophets." While the scouts are getting intel, placing beacons, etc., my serfs go around spreading the prophesy of the day the Crusaders of the Angel (my Sanguinary Crusaders), will come and bring the Emperor's Holy Judgement upon the population. They then describe how it happens (At the sound of the first trumpet he said, "Let the stars fall out of the heavens, and fire engulf the land" (orbital bombardment)." Before each stage a loud trumpet sound broadcast over the communication networks and through the air will herald in the next stage. Meanwhile, the prophets that survive their prophesying (many will probably die by the enemies hands) will rouse up those who don't want to be judged into damnation, and so BAM, instant cultists dedicated to Sanguinius and the Emperor. Now it's a holy war! 

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Yeah having the shield of baal campaign books and a look into the kayon capgain that the armies either get the rules in on of the books or even no rules (see sisters in shield of baal) even though they have an apearence in those books.


Let´s hope for an Angelus Strike Force brothers.

What would you like to see the Angelus Strike Force resemble in terms of known formations/detachments?

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A demi company with complete OS with decent company boni whould be nice for the beginning.

The known formations are a little to big to fit into that model kit style so i would like to see new formations with usable rules wich form combined an decent angelus strike force.

What i would like to see is an:


Some kind of libarius or chaplain/sang priest conlcave. (Comand)

Demi Company (Core)

Jump Pack Unit Formation (Core)

Fragioso (Auxillary)

Stormraven Fromation (Auxillary)

Baal Pred Formation (Auxillary)

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What if it's actually Blood Ravens instead of Blood Angels and it has to do with DOW3's campaign?

It says Blood Angels and Mechanicus in the leaked photo of the White Dwarf text!




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Do you think the first book will be worth buying even if we don't feature heavily, just to get the start of the narrative..?


Unless they squeeze in a decent formation, no, I'd think not.  GW fluff is passable at its best, and that's when it's relevant to our chapter.. So..

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White Dwarf's Army of the Month is Eldar. In at least one of the pictures they line up against some very familiar Blood Angels :wink:

Mine arrived this morning – still in it's grey veil of secrecy – I shall tear it open and see!

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