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Ive used so many likes today...



in other news, played some heresy games with my BA on the weekend, Day of Revelations went very well in both games :D


I also got another coat of red onto my thunderhawk finally after all this time, so thats a nice bonus too haha.


still not got a fat lot of anything else painted though :/

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Ive used so many likes today...



in other news, played some heresy games with my BA on the weekend, Day of Revelations went very well in both games :biggrin.:


I also got another coat of red onto my thunderhawk finally after all this time, so thats a nice bonus too haha.


still not got a fat lot of anything else painted though :/


My greatest aspiration is to suffer from this affliction one day.  I basecoated a devastator squad and started on a Baal Predator last week, so now my To-Paint queue is down to around, well, 30 models or so?  I was feeling like the end was almost in sight!


This week a Death Company box and a lot of bitz (to become a Vanguard Squad), Kill Team Cassius and a second Baal Predator arrived at my door.


Please tell me how you stop yourself from buying plastic crack..


(At least I somehow managed to stop myself from buying older second hand pewter from eBay - that stuff got really really expensive lately for no reason whatsoever..)

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aaaaaand im apparently out of likes!


i feel your pain brother, i purchased death masque thinking i might have a little foray into deathwatch, but their rules don't really excite me, and the RPG i was intending to run isnt happening so... BITS FOR THE BITS GOD!


a short time later and i've got a new mk8 tactical squad (well... combat squad atm, i'll add some more eventually). And managed to give away the dreadnought.


but unassembled on my table currently sit:

a storm raven

a land raider

a mk2 assault squad

a couple of praetors

the 30 year limited space marine

parts to make the above assault squad into a mixed 10 man assault squad

a vanguard squad

enough marine bits for another

10 mk 4 marines

a ba tactical squad


huge miscillaneous pile of bits which i can tell includes parts for marines from legs to heads etc... i do feel like I may also have a problem.


plus side I DID finally get absolutely everything thats built undercoated, be it for 40k or 30k.


And i've found having a second child has helped with the miniature spending ;)

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Don't think this warrants its own thread, but please play nice in the NR&A forum following the appearance of a new BA rumour thread...

Blood Angels rumours thread you say... Play nice you say...


* heads over there, pop corn in hand *


Let's count all the salty Chaos players!



We Iam feeling very salty mostly as I didnt bugget for the next book in my spending plans, and the rumor hits the streets the day after I drop over $250 on a BA army! (and Chaos Book). Ah well If I drop the scouts I was going to pick up this week.. it will be OK very much depends on Cost of Spay paint. 

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Don't think this warrants its own thread, but please play nice in the NR&A forum following the appearance of a new BA rumour thread...

Blood Angels rumours thread you say... Play nice you say...


* heads over there, pop corn in hand *



Let's count all the salty Chaos players!



We Iam feeling very salty mostly as I didnt bugget for the next book in my spending plans, and the rumor hits the streets the day after I drop over $250 on a BA army! (and Chaos Book). Ah well If I drop the scouts I was going to pick up this week.. it will be OK very much depends on Cost of Spay paint.


Don't buy spray paint from GW, get it from a car accessory / hardware shop – you'll save a lot that way!


And yes maybe hold off on the scouts until you see the new Formations...

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Played in a local HH event with my 30k BA.


Set up was 1500pts using the Crusade Force Org.


I ran:



Blob Tac Squad w/ cc elweapons, vex

10 man TAC, vex

Plasma Support squad (5 man), rhino.



Contemptor or, kheres/fist

Contemptor or, kheres/fist


Pred, Las spons, Pred autocannon

Pred, Las spons, Pred autocannon

Heavy Weapons Team, 5x ML


Overall, 2 draws and a loss, but I did win best sportsman snagging a cool art print of the Emperor and Horus kicking ork butt (presumably at Ullanor)


Considering transports for my dudes after a lots of pain was dealt to my foot sloggers by things like the scorpius


I don't think minimal upgrades works in 30k, stuff like arty armour and kitted out sgts help with survivability and extra punch.



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Just heard about the upcoming BA stuff.


Joypuked everywhere.


Came straight back to visit my battle brothers after a significant absence.


What have we got lads, do we know anything certain other than the teaser GW just posted to their FB wall?

My hands are literally shaking as I type this.

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Don't buy spray paint from GW, get it from a car accessory / hardware shop – you'll save a lot that way!


And yes maybe hold off on the scouts until you see the new Formations...



I was planning to get the paints from Army Painter I think... I have looked at the automotive paints today and for custom colours it runs a bit more expensive.  


Just need to change my order again, to make sure I have the funds for the new book. 

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Can't recommend the Matte Black enough.



When I lived in the UK it was my Go-To... now Iam state side I normal go with Army-Painter but I like the base-coat to be the primary colour on the model. Looking for a Bone paint.

Could use white, then sepia / earthshade wash all over..?

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Can't recommend the Matte Black enough.


When I lived in the UK it was my Go-To... now Iam state side I normal go with Army-Painter but I like the base-coat to be the primary colour on the model. Looking for a Bone paint.

Could use white, then sepia / earthshade wash all over..?



The Armypainter bone spray is awesome.

I use it to base my filthy Xenos army. It goes on a little thick, but it dries OK. A layer of Agrax and a drybrush of Ushabti bone, easy-peasy.

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Thankfully the top half ended up still in my hand (as it is intentionally not glued in place to grant access to interior), but the nose did snap off (breaking the pins in it), it's for the most part fine, glue is drying from the repair and I may need to do a tiny bit of gap filling before I continue with painting it. Also need to inspect the legs as whilst they don't appear to have snapped it did fall from a fair height onto them..
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