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Today I got off work with one untouched DC kit and some extra bits, two Vanguard Vet kits, and some really old models I believe were supposed to be assault marines (but I got them built as tacticals and broke them up). Now, they have become 20 Death Company marines with tons of left over weapons. By spreading out the DC bits across all of the marines, they're all pretty recognizably Death Company, I think. The only thing that was odd was putting a vanguard vet torso on DC legs, some combos looked strange. I think the DC torsos have a little more girth that made the vv chests look small on dc legs, but after putting gear on them I think they look good. I also have I think 5 more bodies but ran out of fancy jump packs so they'll have to be regular assault marines, and that can be tomorrow's ordeal. I also need to think up a paint scheme for them...
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Today... I dropped a thunderhawk Gunship





Thankfully the top half ended up still in my hand (as it is intentionally not glued in place to grant access to interior), but the nose did snap off (breaking the pins in it), it's for the most part fine, glue is drying from the repair and I may need to do a tiny bit of gap filling before I continue with painting it. Also need to inspect the legs as whilst they don't appear to have snapped it did fall from a fair height onto them..


A friend of mine knocked his Reaver Titan over once. The ensuring little girl scream remains one of the funniest things I've experience during a 40k game :happy.::laugh.:

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Today... I dropped a thunderhawk Gunship


Thankfully the top half ended up still in my hand (as it is intentionally not glued in place to grant access to interior), but the nose did snap off (breaking the pins in it), it's for the most part fine, glue is drying from the repair and I may need to do a tiny bit of gap filling before I continue with painting it. Also need to inspect the legs as whilst they don't appear to have snapped it did fall from a fair height onto them..

A friend of mine knocked his Reaver Titan over once. The ensuring little girl scream remains one of the funniest things I've experience during a 40k game :happy.::laugh.:

I didn't scream, but I did utter a couple of curses and then stare blankly at it...

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Today... I dropped a thunderhawk Gunship


Thankfully the top half ended up still in my hand (as it is intentionally not glued in place to grant access to interior), but the nose did snap off (breaking the pins in it), it's for the most part fine, glue is drying from the repair and I may need to do a tiny bit of gap filling before I continue with painting it. Also need to inspect the legs as whilst they don't appear to have snapped it did fall from a fair height onto them..

A friend of mine knocked his Reaver Titan over once. The ensuring little girl scream remains one of the funniest things I've experience during a 40k game :happy.::laugh.:

I didn't scream, but I did utter a couple of curses and then stare blankly at it...


That's been my experience of dropped models. A few swear words followed by staring silently at the model, wondering how I was stupid enough to allow this to happen :P


Anyway, hope there isn't too much damage and it can all be repaired! Recite blessings to the Machine Spirit to aid recovery :)

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Had 40k league night on Monday. A good win for BA. It was "Relic" mission against a Necron Dicurion at 2000 points.


Opponent ran 10 man lichguard with that fancy "steal every rule" HQ with 4 10man warrior squads, 10man immortals squad, 2x monoliths, 2 ghost archs and 3 speeder like things (not the heavy destroyers, some other squad) and a squad of deathmarks.


Ran a BSF and CAD as my formations/detachment. I brought Mephiston with foot chaplain, 8x DC and rhino, 5 man squad of Jump DC, 2x 5 man tac marines (1 squad with razorback), 5 man Meltasquad in Drop Pod, 5x sanguinary guard, Dante and Priest, 10x CCW scouts and 5 x Sniper/Heavy Bolter/Bolter scouts and a storm raven.


I took second turn to see where he deploys. Client deploys in a line 12 inches from relic with his lychguard squad behind his two monoliths. I reserve everything except the two tactical squads and the Mephy/DC Deathsquad. I Infiltrate the 10 man squad of scouts behind his lichguard squad 18 inches near the table corner. I then scout move my scouts to get within 12 inches of the lychguard. My 5 man squad infiltrates on a piece of terrain to take shots against ghostarc or immortals.


In his first turn, he succeeds in only knocking a hull point on one of the rhinos and a couple of my CCW scouts with his monoliths. So he was already off to a bad start. He then went after my scouts with his lychguard which is exactly what I planned :ph34r.: . His charge went through and managed to take off nearly all of my scouts save 3 and my sarge who challenged his HQ. The HQ managed NOT to kill the sarge and when we rolled off to see if my squad fled, they stayed put and combat continued. His warriors and ghost arc completely eliminates my sniper scout squad in the first turn netting him first blood.

On my turn, I took pot shots with my razorback, zoomed close to the objective in my rhino and popped smoke. My back field 5 man squad tried planting a frag missile on a warrior squad and did nothing. Sarge challenged again but no wounds on either side. The rest of the scouts got murdered though. Drop pod came in and landed near his two monoliths. Blew one up with a solid 9 to pen and a roll of 6 for damage!

His turn two: his deathmarks landed, marked the backfield tac squad and eliminated 3 of the 5. His monoliths finally managed to pop the DC rhinos but didn't destroy it giving me a 6-ish inch bubble to plop mephiston right next to the relic. Ghost arch killed the razorback (also didn't explode) but It allowed me to deploy the squad forward of the wreck as another shield for my DC squad. Scout sarge didn't survive that time but held the guys off for a second turn. They did their job. Monoliths and immortal puts wounds on the drop pod squad but only succeed in taking 2 marine and the sarge leaving my two meltaguns still alive. He teleports a squad of warriors to go near the relic but wasn't able to get very close to it.


My turn two saw everything come in at once thanks to Dante's reserve rerolls. Storm raven deployed wide to hit his left flank (warriors and ghost arch). Dante/Sanguinary guard and priest dropped between second ghost arch, monolith and the deathcompany. Second DC squad dropped in front of his immortals as a distraction. I moved the Meph/DC south towards my deployment zone, moved 5 man tac marines up in front of monolith for possible first charge (to tank overwatch) but opted to take a hull point off his right ghost arc. Mephy succeeded in casting two powers (prescense and the one that allows re-roll of failed saves). Dante managed to drop a point of damage on his right ghost arc which dropped his shield. Storm raven took out his left ghost arc with an explode. The PoTMS used one of the hurricane bolters to drop wounds on the left most warrior squad but didn't get the snap firing to work. No one could assault this turn so no luck there.


His turn 3 saw my priest and a San.Guard die. One of the 5 tac marines biffed it but that was it. He pumped almost everything to take out the Jump Pack DC (immortals, 3 warrior squads, monolith small arms) which ensured that my plan worked (he should have taken out the Meph DC unit) even at the cost of the squad. During his turn he teleported his lych guard squad in front of his monolith but they didn't manage to get much closer to the relic. He opted not to charge anything this turn as I think he wanted to wait and see what would happen. Melta squad also met their end but blowing up the monolith was good enough for me.


My turn three saw a charge to his lychguard by dante and DC running off towards the backfield deathmarks splitting mephiston off to get as close to my table edge as we can (behind cover, of course). My forward tac squad poped his ghost arc but failed to charge the warriors the popped out. Didn't do squat with my storm raven as his monolith succeeded in avoiding any major damage (took a hull point off of him). Dante successfully cast fear dropping his squad to WS 1! He put some wounds on his HQ but didn't kill him. Lots of Sanguinary guard got hit but barely made much of a dent on his 3++ lychguard even with the Mephy re-roll. Combat ended up staying put which helped out with the win.

Time was up so we had to call it. I ended up getting relic (3 VP) to his 2 (First blood + one other one I forget). It turns out that the player was playing for kill points thinking that was part of the match. But even with kill points, he would have lost 5 to 6 (Relic + 3 units killed). Were there a turn 4, there would have been a chance that he could have gone for Mephy but not certain if he had the range for it.

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Today i recieved my kill team box! Built them up as two tac squads with a melta and combi plasma and melta bomb. The other squad has a melta and power sword plus vet sarg. Leader is the power sword vet sarg. Sarg with combi plas has soul blaze (on his combi plas). One marine with melta has eagle eye. And another marine has killer instinct. Really looking forward to playing with my mate who split the box with me (he is playing a mix of tau and guard becuase i dont mind and its fluffy). Customising the marines was also a blast!

Edit: the reason for meltas is because im scared of a possible chimera.

Edited by Emprah2508
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I need some help...

The thunderhawk has received repairs after yesterdays accident and has had the base coat completed, however I now find myself at a loss in terms of how I want to actually paint it.

Originally I'd thought I'd use white as an accent colour like this picture:


However, since then, the Heresy thousand sons and blood angels have had their colour schemes solidified somewhat and now blood angels seem to accented with black and some gold, where thousand sons are accented with white and gold.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've done some looking about the internet and it appears that people that paint blood angels ones have tended to just stick with plain red... which is fine, but I sort of want to be a bit more visually interesting with such a large model.

If anyone has suggestions, or better yet fancies photoshopping ideas, please help a Frater out and provide some inspiration!


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Played an good 1500 point Purge the Alien match against Daemons today. Opponent ran mainly Slaanesh but with a healthy dose of Nurgle and Tzeencht as well (He abused the hell out of Summoning and I reckon I was effectively facing 2000-2250 points worth of Daemons with a 1500 point army). His army was rounded off with three soul grinders because why not right? My list comprised Dante and a DC Dread inside a Stormraven, two Scout Squads (1 with HB 1 with ML), Corbulo and SGVs with combi meltas in a DP, two attack bikes with multi meltas and a Knight Paladin.


Things started out fairly even; my opponent got the early breakthrough by dealing with Corbulo and the Sternies fairly handily whilst I kept in touch by killing his slaaneshi fiends. The game was spiralling away from me with my only real success being the Knight crushing his slaaneshi daemon prince, but then, right at the moment it seemed the game was gone, I had a stroke of luck. He surrounded my knight with a horde of plague bearers with a few daemonettes loitering nearby, and killed the knight with touch of rust. He was actually cheering at this point, then I reminded him that the Knight exploded. Just as planned, Sir Galahad didn't scatter and killed about 15 daemons in the subsequent blast. The next turn, the Stormraven was able to finish off both the weakened plague bearer squads whilst Dante handled the remaining Daemonettes. Suddenly I was well out in front and a victory against an opponent who usually thrashes me seemed possible.


The finale was when things got truly epic. Seeing that he was losing, my opponent began summoning even more hordes of daemons and even a Bloodthirster. Meanwhile Dante and the DC Dread finally joined the fight proper. Dante dealt with one Soul grinder whilst the DC Dread handled another. Then the Stormraven got destroyed and suddenly Dante and the Dread were pretty much alone against forty odd daemons including another Soul grinder and the Bloodthirster. Of course, they were overwhelmed but boy did they go down fighting. Dante evaded one group with only a single wound left and killed the other soul grinder before being trampled by Daemonettes, whilst the DC Dread managed to bring down the Bloodthirster before dying.


The game went all the way to turn seven. At the end, my opponent still had legions of daemons left on the table from all the summoning he'd done, whilst all I had left was the drop pod and a scout with a missile launcher. This Scout deserves special mention because despite the rest of his squad dying on turn one, he stuck around for the whole game and won me at least two victory points with his shooting. He probably made his points back five or six times over through the course of the game. He may only be a lowly scout, but he's still BS 4 and packing a S8 shot and a S4 blast, and he damn well made sure the enemy felt his presence.


Anyway despite the fact that he was literally the only human survivor in my army and there were dozens of daemons left on the field, the final score was 14-9 in favour of the Blood Angels. Low model count was an issue as far as the list went, but I can tell you it was damn fun to play. My only slight regret was taking Corbulo. I'm a big fan of his but in hindsight he didn't really fit in the list and a librarian or a basic priest would probably have been a better option. In the end it didn't matter as (points wise) I won handily but in a different game just throwing away a victory point in the way I did could have drawn or lost me the match.

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@ Blindhamster good to see the Hawk alive again. I would paint some black surfaces on it highlight the accents and done. Hazard stripes here an there maybe.


@ both battles grats for the victories brothers.


I was yesterday @ the customs to pay duty for some special import. I think the illastus cannons are conversions which are recasted. The set came with 10 Heads so more place for other conversions.



I tend to use the bling parts on some calth minis as you wont see so much from them when big asssault cannons are in front. I will attend with them in an hh painting contest so you will see them painted till the end of the month. :)

Edited by Riot Earp
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That TBird actually has both white and black - I'd maybe go with the white/black/white stripe that you can see on the side and replicated on the land raider.


You can see the THawk in the background has a similar style, but a thinnner black band, squadron markings, probably.


Also, picture saved, do you have a source for it? Fan art?

Edited by Xenith
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Red, black and gold sounds pretty epic for the THawk.


@Tdog, that game sounds pretty epic. How did you find Dante @1500 pts, I find him a bit pricey for that point bracket, but it sounds like he whooped some butt!




Oh wow yeah that sounds like an ace game.


Dante is a total ass-kicking machine for sure.

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@ Blindhamster how about something like these for the Thunderhawk? Diagonal stripes like the one in the background of the reference pic, or a central vertical stripe. Any of them could have thin gold edging on the stripes, might look cool.









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@Tdog, that game sounds pretty epic. How did you find Dante @1500 pts, I find him a bit pricey for that point bracket, but it sounds like he whooped some butt!




Yeah the list was very much a quality over quantity affair. Dante is difficult to fit in but it's doable if you're prepared to make sacrifices elsewhere. Bear in mind it was literally just him and the DC Dread in the storm raven, no bodyguard of any kind. I think that at smaller point levels like 1500 he actually works pretty well on his own because ultimately he can handle most threats without backup and it gets really expensive really quickly to give him an escort. All in all I found he worked really well. Key thing was he made his points back before dying.


It's a list I've used twice now, once against Eldar and once here against Daemons, and it won on both occasions. It actually works pretty well because the Scouts give a fair amount of fire support for their points cost, ditto for the bikes, the Sternguards can alpha strike something nasty, the Stormraven and its contents pack one hell of a punch and the Knight Paladin provides backbone to the whole affair. Because of his rapid fire battle cannon the list has something in the locker against blob armies, whilst otherwise it would be lacking due to simple lack of numbers.


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I really like the angles stripes for the Thunderhawk but can't decide between the colours! White perhaps?


T-dog I have also run Dante at 1500, I tend to focus my army around him - hell, build it around him :P I try not to field him too often though, my opponents hate it when he turns up and butchers everything thrown at him and I don't want to be predictable nor have to rely on a crutch, the rest of the army needs to perform too!

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