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as per my main thread over in WIP forums, I've opted to go with the black diagonal stripe, but rather than a red line, i'm going to look at doing some sort of filigree design. LutherMax is awesome and is going to have a play in Photoshop to help me work out placement of additional gold areas. I'll also be adding further black areas like:

so after some thought, i'm going to combine this:


rough inspiration for the extra black and using golds come from:



but for now I'm at this point:


I've tidied the black up by hand this morning, making sure the doors etc look okay. i'll probably black in some of the other areas over today/tomorrow as well, and looking forward to seeing Luthers update on photoshop (It is SO cool having someone do that for you by the way, so thanks again LutherMax!)

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Veeeeery coool!




As some of you know I was lucky enough to attend the same Mega Apocalypse as our Honoured Reclusiarch earlier this year and I have been graciously invited to the next one!


Now - The Sanguine Vision performed admirably and reaped many a Fallen Angel, Xenos and Heretic - but I was sorely behind in the arms race. Other than my Deredeo and Caestus, I wasn't packing much on the heavy side. Especially the Super Heavy side.


So basically I need help deciding what type of Super Heavy to buy!


All suggestions both 40k and 30k welcome. Except the Cerberus as our honored Reclusiarch already has one :tongue.:


For context there will be Titans off ALL sizes and all manner of heavy tanks now too. I've heard rumblings of a RG Thunderhawk too....

Edited by Charlo
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What if the red patch in the middle of the white stripe was black instead? 



Black Stripe detracts, go with this, but with a black chapter badge.


EDIT: Ooops, too late :)

Edited by appiah5
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Options 40k:


Superheavy Tank
• Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
• Fellblade Super-heavy Tank
• Typhon Heavy Siege Tank


Superheavy Walker
• Cerastus Knight-Acheron
• Cerastus Knight-Atrapos
• Cerastus Knight-Castigator
• Cerastus Knight-Lancer
• Gerantius

• Imperial Knight Errant
• Imperial Knight Crusader
• Imperial Knight Gallant
• Imperial Knight Paladin
• Imperial Knight Warden
• Questoris Knight Magaera
• Reaver Titan
• Warhound Titan
• Warlord Titan

~ Obsidian Knight (Apoc only)


Other Superheavy
• Thunderhawk Gunship
• Thunderhawk Transporter

* Marauder Gunship

* Marauder Bomber

* Mastodon


30k Options only:


~ Imperial Knight Porphrin

~ Questoris Knight Styrix

~ Glaive

~ Falchion

~ "Baalcador"

~ Stormbird

~ Stormblade

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Something marvelous happened today. This is an open love letter to GW..


My wife had bought me a second Baal Predator as a gift during an overseas trip.  She returned home with it, and upon unpacking it I found out that it only had the Rhino Chassis sprues, no Baal Predator sprue.  The box was slightly damaged and the shrinkwrap kind of torn, but she wasn't sure if this was a transit damage in the luggage, or if someone had tampered with the box in the store (which is all too possible..)


I wasn't too spiffed, and was content with making a Rhino out of it, but she got really upset for not having bought me a proper gift.  She asked that I email GW, so I did, with zero expectations.  To my surprise they emailed back they would remedy the situation and 'fix' my gift, and would have a shipment for me from stock once it was ready.  So I was expecting them to send me a replacement sprue or something..  I was absolutely amazed and thrilled with their customer support and thanked everyone who mailed me back.


Anyway, today I got a box in the mail from GW.  It was too big to be just a sprue, and really rattled when I shook it.  I made no sense of what it was, so proceeded to open it.  In it, there was a Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader kit with a gift notice..


I really don't know what to do, I mean, I'm incredibly happy and grateful but also not used to being treated this well by ANY company..  I feel like I should call someone and thank them but really it's.. just WOW..  I'm not your biggest admirer GW, but you have truly shamed and humbled me with this one.  Thank you..

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Appiah that is an awesome story! Let's hope you can use a LR in our new formations ;)


And I knew you'd do this Jol! :P many thanks!


Now let's narrow this down... I don't really want any knights for some reason (especially now Renegade is gone...) though the Atropos is VERY cool - but I think a bit weird to use with my BA. I think if the option for double Gattling was there this would change... But alas!


No flyers either.


Jolemai has a Cerb.


The Titans are a no :P


Options 40k:


Superheavy Tank
• Fellblade Super-heavy Tank



Other Superheavy

* Mastodon


30k Options only:


~ Glaive

~ Falchion

~ "Baalcador"

~ Stormblade


Leaves us with these...


Gotta say the Glaive and the Mastodon are the most attractive - purely because getting either 40 models to the enemy (including dreads) or drawing a 48" Death Beam will be very fun... But the Mastodon does have 40k rules.


Watch this space.

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Even before eliminating any choices, the right choice is very obvious.




It costs an arm and half a leg, but when you look at it, you know you need it.



Btw appiah, I assume GW sent you a new Baal pred kit with the LR or was it just the missing sprue plus LR?


Did you end up with a rhino, Baal, and LR?

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Even before eliminating any choices, the right choice is very obvious.




It costs an arm and half a leg, but when you look at it, you know you need it.



Btw appiah, I assume GW sent you a new Baal pred kit with the LR or was it just the missing sprue plus LR?


Did you end up with a rhino, Baal, and LR?



They didn't send me the missing sprue or a new Baal, just the LR.  I'm fine with ending up with a Rhino and a LR though.  (And who knows maybe the sprue will come later? lol)

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Even before eliminating any choices, the right choice is very obvious.




It costs an arm and half a leg, but when you look at it, you know you need it.



Btw appiah, I assume GW sent you a new Baal pred kit with the LR or was it just the missing sprue plus LR?


Did you end up with a rhino, Baal, and LR?

They didn't send me the missing sprue or a new Baal, just the LR. I'm fine with ending up with a Rhino and a LR though. (And who knows maybe the sprue will come later? lol)
Lol that's actually pretty funny. I wonder if they just sent you the wrong thing by mistake, but you did say it had a gift voucher.... There had to be a mix up somewhere since there is no way they intended to send you a LR instead of the missing sprue you asked for... Maybe a LR And the missing sprue, but not just a LR... Whatever, unless you're not a fan of LRs, you really made out pretty well! Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Even before eliminating any choices, the right choice is very obvious.




It costs an arm and half a leg, but when you look at it, you know you need it.



Btw appiah, I assume GW sent you a new Baal pred kit with the LR or was it just the missing sprue plus LR?


Did you end up with a rhino, Baal, and LR?

They didn't send me the missing sprue or a new Baal, just the LR. I'm fine with ending up with a Rhino and a LR though. (And who knows maybe the sprue will come later? lol)
Lol that's actually pretty funny. I wonder if they just sent you the wrong thing by mistake, but you did say it had a gift voucher.... There had to be a mix up somewhere since there is no way they intended to send you a LR instead of the missing sprue you asked for... Maybe a LR And the missing sprue, but not just a LR... Whatever, unless you're not a fan of LRs, you really made out pretty well!



I mean, it's no Mastadon but barring that it's the biggest kit they could give me as an apology so who am I to complain?  I always wanted a Land Raider Redeemer for my footslogging Death Company, so I'm uber happy with it!  As for the Rhino I have, I guess I'll go hunting for a Predator turret of some kind on eBay or something. :)  I don't really like Rhinos, I'm a Drop Pod guy.

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