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Anyone know if Cassor the Damned can embark on a Mastodon?


RAW - Probably not... But he IS a DC Dread and they can.


I'd argue it would be akin to an infantry special character not being allowed or something, maybe.


Personally, no reason he couldn't.

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So I'm going to be using a lot of DC on my lists and I have one BIG concern...


If I'm using mostly DC, have black DC, and still give them red Xs... How can I make it obvious that I'm using my successor chapter and not BA?


I don't want to go the white DC route, I'm saving that for special DC like Cassor and maybe the DC chap, and I've already painted 15 black...


So with the main color being black what other options do I have to make it obvious it's a successors DC? I've thought of white face mask on helm, maybe changing the Xs to another color, but that would require me painting over all the Xs on the 15 DC I already have...


Is this a problem with any one else? Most official successors follow the normal DC scheme, so is it the norm for all BA and successor DC to be unidentifiable?


I already used the blinded DC shoulders, so no room for me to fit my chapter badge on them...

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Good idea, but would require me to get more death masks are rip the current heads off... And I wouldn't have the masks for my SG then...


I've thought of doing the opposite of my color scheme so all black with red helms... But then I can't give my DC the menacing red eyes...


Lol I'm making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be I know

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I used too many DC shoulders that don't have room for chapter badge beside like two...


I don't want to break them apart so I'll probably go with different shoulders..,


Any suggestions on colors? My guys are all red with black helms (normal marines)


DC are black right now and I've only used silver for any blinded parts instead of gold... No gold on my DC


Red shoulders would match the red X and I'd have to change that color as well... Red head means the red eyes need to go (not likely since u like the red eyes for DC)


I was trying to avoid white on my regular DC as well, but that might be the best option since red is out...

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Thanks for the help!


I'm going to mess around with white first.., I think black DC with White shoulders or helms or accents, or any combination of those with the red X would look pretty solid...


If you use GW paints, what is the best for painting skulls and bone? I've been using white/gray but know there's a better color for a more "realistic" bone look I think

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Some of my paints are the older ones, so I used Komando Khaki as a base, sepia or ogryn flesh wash, bleached bone as second highlight, and Corax white as the edge highlight.


I think that's Sandri Dust, Ushabi Bone, Reikland Flesh Wash, and the white is the same. Could be wrong though.

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Some of my paints are the older ones, so I used Komando Khaki as a base, sepia or ogryn flesh wash, bleached bone as second highlight, and Corax white as the edge highlight.


I think that's Sandri Dust, Ushabi Bone, Reikland Flesh Wash, and the white is the same. Could be wrong though.

Thank you! I feel like Zandri dust is too beige? To be used for bone, but others have def told me that too, so I guess I'm wrong lol. I've been using it for purity seals...


Edited this into my last post pretty late, so included it here again...


Edit: anyone think it would be cool if I put more white on veteran DC? So a new recruit that fell would be all black, but a VV that fell would have a white helm or something, while a special dude that fell (Cassor as an example) would be all or mostly white including the DC chaplain...


Would that be too messy with all the DC being varying degrees of white and black and not look uniform? (Though I'd argue DC shouldn't be as uniform as a legit squad of tacs or whatever)

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I don't see a problem with that.


I can see where you are coming from. If you want a more pure looking bone, I'd try going with greys. Start with a medium gray and work up to white.


Also, I just realized why the skull on my guy looks like crap... White isn't supposed to be an edge highlight... There is an even lighter shade of bone.


But I guess I like the white.

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Some of my paints are the older ones, so I used Komando Khaki as a base, sepia or ogryn flesh wash, bleached bone as second highlight, and Corax white as the edge highlight.


I think that's Sandri Dust, Ushabi Bone, Reikland Flesh Wash, and the white is the same. Could be wrong though.


You think that's old? Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone is where it's at.


Get off my lawn! *Shakes Crozius*

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Some of my paints are the older ones, so I used Komando Khaki as a base, sepia or ogryn flesh wash, bleached bone as second highlight, and Corax white as the edge highlight.


I think that's Sandri Dust, Ushabi Bone, Reikland Flesh Wash, and the white is the same. Could be wrong though.

You think that's old? Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone is where it's at.


Get off my lawn! *Shakes Crozius*

I've got snakebite leather xD


I've also put bleached bone in that original list xD


I actually have the entire old paint range, and even some of the old inks (so sad when those run out!) the ink is important to making my color scheme.


But, the greatest thing... My dad has the original paints, from the original paint pots... XD man they were different.

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If I were you I'd paint the front part of the helmet white, something like this:



I love the fluff being incorporated in to the table top'

I think I'm just over hyping it, but it seems incredible to me to use the Arch Demi with Dante GH. We literally can pick where everything goes with rerolling turn 1 reserves. It seems to be more of a shooty list tbh, with pistols on VVs and bunch of sternguard to really get some firepower right where you need it...

We may not have gotten anything to really show we love JPs, but we seem to be the undeniable kings of precision alpha and deep striking (at least our first company is anyway)

I'd be interested to see this list written up!

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I'll work on that list sometime soon, though I'm probably not the best in making it as competetive as possible... Id just give the units stuff I like....


That DC? Is awesome! That's exactly what I was going to do awhile back but gave up for no real reason thinking it wouldn't look good, but I didn't even test it!!!! That really looks great, though I might not be able to pull of the teeth/skull effect. I wanted to paint a skull like that on my chap that doesn't have a skull helm


I'm going to to test this out tonight...


Is that yours Luther? Any tips/advice for getting that skull look?

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It's not mine, it's by fellow frater Totem Pole, who is a much, much better painter than I!


Check out his blog, you'll be blown away! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/285797-index-astartes/


I think it's a MKIV helmet which he added the studs to, filled in the vents on the 'snout' and just painted the skull on. I think it would look good just having the whole faceplate white if you're not sure about painting all the skulls - especially if your helmets are mostly MKVII.

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I remember seeing your work on dakka probably almost two years ago now (pretty sure it was an Assualt squad with blue glowing eyes, think it was your avatar here at one point and how I noticed it was you.) But I was blown away with them then and still love looking at your models today... So I doubt he is that much of a better painter than you!


Thank you for the help! I'll def check out his blog!

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When you realize why the sanguard on ebay was so cheap. The winged jump packs are missing....

Now they get magnets on their back and will use black dc jump packs.


Look on the B&C heresy forum for someone that has just built a load of Mk4 assault marines using Sanguard packs... ;)

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So I was planning at some point to make a gunslinger VV squad using any visibly mkIV armor I have and SG backpacks (sans wings). Now I am not so sure I want to go that route but its been something I was thinking of doing.


The original plan was to make it compatible with a HH list but when I last looked, it was not viable at all. So I'll just make it anyway since why not?

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