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I would do it anyway! But I build things with cool load outs regardless of competitiveness or usability... At the very least they will look awesome...


Is there any reason really to not buy the DW LR? It's a tiny bit more and seems to come with all the options for every LR...


Nah, buy it.


If you assemble a redeemer or crusader, you get lascannons to convert a rhino to a razor.


If you assemble a phobus, then you get TL assault cannons spare.

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Played a 2000 point game today against an unbound Chaos list based entirely around vehicles. The guy is playing an apocalypse game tomorrow and wanted to test the effectiveness of his vehicles working together, so I obliged. He had a brass scorpion, a defiler, two decimators, what I think was a Blood Slaughterer and a whole bunch of forge fiends. I had Corbulo, a chaplain, 14 Death Company (3 x power fist), a land raider, two scout squads, an imperial knight, two attack bikes with multi meltas, a stormraven with a DC Dreadnought inside it and some drop podded sternguards with combi meltas. It's honestly fortunate that the game was fairly straightforward in composition and required tactics as I played the whole thing with a pounding hangover but you know, I'd arranged the game in advance so I was going to play it no matter my mental state.


Fortunately despite my serious lack of cognitive function the game went smoothly enough. Sternguards dealt handily with the Blood Slaughterer, decimators went down to the Death Company, Dreadnought and Stormraven handled the Defiler, the Knight scored a devastating hit on the brass scorpion with its reaper chainsword whilst the bikes had fun popping the forge fiends with their multi meltas with a bit of help from the knight. I came away from the experience realising that Chaos Space Marine units are very overpriced for what they bring. No way in hell is a brass scorpion worth 700 points when an Imperial Knight is 375 and a Wraithknight is 295. I also learned that heavy drinking the night before a warhammer 40k match does you no favours in the tactics department. 

Edited by t-dog1996
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I knowvthat pain. Had to attend at my first tournament ever after having a heavy drinking night watching an iron maiden coverband.

I was happy that game 3 was against eldar and i could pack my models very quickly.. my head feeled like it was an victim of an orbital bombardament.


Hope to get a game against traitors hate csm next week.

I will try the angles blade with dantes avenging host and an bike auxillary. I´m also temped to try out the dc strike force but i will try out how "bad" angles blad strike force will be.

Edited by Riot Earp
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Played 1850 against a Dark Angels Deathwing army using house rules for Terminators and his Landraider took a house rule (30point upgrade) to make it a Super Heavy Vehicle. Maelstrom of War, I was using Blood Angel cards.


His List:

TH&SS Termies, with banner and Apothecary + Librarian + techmarine in Landraider Crusader (Super Heavy Vehicle)

Landspeeder unit - 3 Regular and 1 super command Speeder that gives cover saves

2 Tactical squads in rhinos

large Bike unit with gravs

2 scout squads

maybe one other squad of something


My List:

Archangels SF Detach

-termie librarian (attached to BSF termie asslt-sq)

-fragioso in drop-pod (Locator Beacon)

-10man sternguard (5 combi-melta) in drop-pod (Locator Beacon)

Baal SF Detach

-librarian dreadnought in drop-pod

-Sang Priest with JP

-6man termie asslt-sq (TH&SS sarg, all LC's)

-10man ccw scouts

-10man sniper scouts

-5man scout bikers (3 AGL, combi-plas, Locator Beacon)

-5man meltacide ASM

-5man meltacide ASM


Guided deep strike with re-rolls is the SHizz and I can't wait to try this with some Angels Blade formations...


Anyway I "deployed" first putting out my Aegis Defense Line... then we put out Infiltrators, my snipers behind the line, my CCW on an Objective and my bikes in forward position + scout moving further up.

Turn was on target (only D6 scatter), the drop pod with Fragioso landing in perfect position to fry his Landspeeder squadron but only managed to kill one regular and stun the super-speeder (good enough), the Sternguard split upon landing, 5 combi-meltas shot at the Landraider and removed 1 hull point, 5 bolters shot at the back of a rhino and destroyed it forcing the tactical marines out. The bikes moved up - so that was 3 Locator Beacons in place.


On his turn he managed to kill all the bikes however leaving just 2 Locator Beacons, and his techmarine in the landraider repaired the hull point - Super Heavies can carry multiple squads so his plan was to keep the techmarine in there all day doing repairs.


Turn 2 everyone else came in thanks to the re-rolls, the 2 meltacide ASM landed next to the Landraider and it took both squads to explode it. The Librarian Dreadnought landed within psychic power range, and the Terminators landed behind the sternguard to cast psychic powers and wait their turn to assault. The Fragioso did some damage to the super-speeder but still didn't kill it (stunned again - still good!).


Super heavies exploding are quite scary, yet somehow his terminators inside managed to escape without any wounds! ...I lost a single ASM.


On his turn focused shooting on my shield wall of sternguard so he'd have a clear passage to assault my terminators, he pulled off a multi-assault with his terminators charging both the remaining sternguard and my termies. His bikes turned around and put a grav hurt on my Librarian dreadnought killing him before he really made any impact on the game (in retrospect I took Smoke Launcher for this exact reason and should've used them!).


Turn 3, one unit of just 2 remaining sternguard assaulted his tactical squad, I lost 1 to the deadly DA overwatch, the lone veteran charged in - won combat and they fled. The ASM with priest piled into the termie melee - he focused all his attacks on my power armour guys killing them easily so he'd win combat, but it didn't matter and those were wounds he didn't put on my terminators. His 2+/3++(plus house rule 5++(reroll invul) + FnP) terminators were really tough but the Lightning claws were filing them down.

Most of my shooting focused on his speeders and I killed the super.

His bikes charged and killed my snipers.


Turn 4 and 5 were mostly in my favor -- I killed his warlord, and all his terminators, his tactical squads and both rhinos were dead, all of his speeders were dead.


At the conclusion of turn 5 - he had only 2 beatup scout squads and most of the bike unit left and I was ahead by 3 points.


We rolled to play another turn, but by the fates of Maelstrom - he was able to grab 3 objectives with one real lucky run and turbo-boosting the bikes... he had the card for one of those objectives (1 VP) and another card that gave him D3 for holding 3 objectives - he rolled a 6... and won the game; in my heart I count it as a win though.


---- Anyway I'm not sure what I can change up / improve just yet with the new Angels Blade stuff but certainly controlled DS with rerolls is a game changer for me.

Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard
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What exactly were the house rules you were using for your terminators? Sorry if this is something I should know...


From our group's campaign FAQ:

Models in Terminator Armor have a re-rollable Invulnerable save; the second roll can only ever be taken on the basic armor (5++) despite any pieces of wargear or powers that may otherwise provide an Invulnerable save.


We also give dreads a 5++ (never helps me though hah) and allow a "super heavy upgrade" for 30points to vehicles and walkers (no stomp).


So in this game he got his first save (2+/3++), then the re-rolled Invulnerable (5++), then FnP... my Lightning Claw terminators didn't care though.

Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard
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++Data file received++






My lord, the Church quadrant of the Wordsley has been purged of the Eldar, however, the skies are still teaming with eldritch Flyers of arcane design.


These need to be removed before any further reinforcements can arrive. We are using position and I urge you to make haste with the Stormraven Wing.


++message ends++

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OOFT He is ready to lay the smack down.


How did you do the walking legs?


Multiple offerings to the blood god.


Both hips were cut away at the join leaving as much of the pistons intact. Do this while the dread legs are still in their halves, its much easier. The right leg was simply rotated back, but the left leg had the knee cut away from the hip, and in turn cut away from the ankle. the ankle was rotated to let the foot be flat on the floor when stepping forward, and moving the piston (now at the front) back to the inside shin.


Cables were cut away before I began and then re-positioned, or replaced entirely with guitar wire. 

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OOFT He is ready to lay the smack down.

How did you do the walking legs?



Multiple offerings to the blood god.


Both hips were cut away at the join leaving as much of the pistons intact. Do this while the dread legs are still in their halves, its much easier. The right leg was simply rotated back, but the left leg had the knee cut away from the hip, and in turn cut away from the ankle. the ankle was rotated to let the foot be flat on the floor when stepping forward, and moving the piston (now at the front) back to the inside shin.


Cables were cut away before I began and then re-positioned, or replaced entirely with guitar wire.

Any chance of some close up pics? Really wanna try that!

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