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OOFT He is ready to lay the smack down.

How did you do the walking legs?


Multiple offerings to the blood god.


Both hips were cut away at the join leaving as much of the pistons intact. Do this while the dread legs are still in their halves, its much easier. The right leg was simply rotated back, but the left leg had the knee cut away from the hip, and in turn cut away from the ankle. the ankle was rotated to let the foot be flat on the floor when stepping forward, and moving the piston (now at the front) back to the inside shin.


Cables were cut away before I began and then re-positioned, or replaced entirely with guitar wire.

Any chance of some close up pics? Really wanna try that!



I'll get some soon, it's fiddly, but worth it.


I'll make a tute on the next dread, I guess.

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Hey now! Of all things my Dreads are painted!


The Leviathan is still in a baggee though waiting to be cleaned mind you...


I'll probably make a small 30k detachment purely so I can bring a Leviathan with Assault Cannon nips.


Should probably buy an actual Lucius pod too....

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Should probably buy an actual Lucius pod too....


Pretty much. They let me get away with using a Drop Pod as a Lucius in regular games (as they do non-painted models, small amounts of model rep, etc) but not in the Apoc. Can't even run my Whirlwind Hyperios as a Scorpius (though they let me run it as a Whirlwind but w/e)

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Should probably buy an actual Lucius pod too....


Pretty much. They let me get away with using a Drop Pod as a Lucius in regular games (as they do non-painted models, small amounts of model rep, etc) but not in the Apoc. Can't even run my Whirlwind Hyperios as a Scorpius (though they let me run it as a Whirlwind but w/e)


Aye I thought as much!


Blood hell I am excited.


Especially after yesterdays revelation that it is the Bank Holiday weekend.

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Not sure Gunz... i'll take a look in the book though when i start reading it later tonight


I've had this thought since about a week ago and i know it's incredibly unlikely, like super incredibly unlikely, but what if in the not so distant future they revist the SOB campaign with updated/new FT stuff and new Tyranid stuff... Now again this probably won;t happen at least anytime soon, but who else are the nids fighting? and it seems like they almost intentionally left things out of our book. I mean there's noway to prove that.. but idk just a weird feeling or thought that i got when i was reading all the leaks that weren't living up to expectations so to speak... 


Tyranids need and updatge, only other thing i can think of for them would be... i'm afraid to even say it.... Sistas of battle... (They are coming back with a righteous fury, and lots of soul...)

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So I was right? Lol I jest


To be fair we had no idea at the time. We also looked into having our next Apocalypse battle at Warhammer World (with an eye on getting noticed ;)) but the costs (in £ and wife faction) of staying up in Nottingham for three/four days was too much.

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I'm loving the idea that the whole apoc game is set up to try and get featured in a WD...


Done it mate.





Purely kidding obviously. I didn't think the text speak rule was still a thing!

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Lol don't mind me I'm just jealous I don't get to play in such an awesome apoc game every year haha


What's the text speak rule?


I've only been once! But it was a hell of a way to come out of 40k retirement :P


And the rule is you can't use text speak abbreviations like "M8" What U doing" etc. I think a few things are tolerated like IMO etc. The rule is simply:



No chat or "leet" speak

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[File damaged] ... Planet Antlecht Outpost Omega lost ... Inquisitor Findecano missing ... attacked by [File damaged] ... heavy losses from the 1st Company ... [File damaged] ... requires extraction ...


[File damaged] request that [File damaged] [File damaged] a [File damaged]


+++ transmission lost +++


Battle report recovered from the warp...

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Got a 1k points game tomorrow! (Hopefully...)


4 Way brawl against:

  • DA OR Guard
  • Guard
  • Orks

Other than Squad Firestorm and then at least two more pods with Dreads in (Fragioso and Libby probs) unsure what to bring!


May keep it cheap and bring a Veritas or something for some good deployment advantages.


No FW or Formations - we're keeping it nice :tongue.: I may even use a CAD instead of BSF, who doesn't love Scoring Cassor?


ALSO - if anyone knows of any good rules to keep 4 player a little bit fairer, please speak up!


Apparently there is a 6th edition supplement on BL (currently £1) called carnage that handles it pretty well?

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Only let one player attempt to deny the Witch at a time. My first game running a librarian was a 4 player game and I never cast a single spell successfully, it was extremely frustrating. I think I periled myself to death from putting every warp charge into quickening every turn hoping I could get it off.
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Only let one player attempt to deny the Witch at a time. My first game running a librarian was a 4 player game and I never cast a single spell successfully, it was extremely frustrating. I think I periled myself to death from putting every warp charge into quickening every turn hoping I could get it off.


Yeah this is a must. Perhaps only the closest/ player gets it. Or split the deny dice amongst all enemies evenly, but they get their own pool too?

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Probably a better question for the DW guys, but has anyone tried or know if the DW squad (not the special one from overkill but just the 5 genetic DW squad) to mix those parts with other marine/armor marks? I know there's the whole upright pose or possibly bigger in general bits, but does anyone think I could put one of those legs with a SG torso or use the DW torso on DC legs? Would the DW bits look too big? Edited by Brother Lemartes
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