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Probably a better question for the DW guys, but has anyone tried or know if the DW squad (not the special one from overkill but just the 5 genetic DW squad) to mix those parts with other marine/armor marks? I know there's the whole upright pose or possibly bigger in general bits, but does anyone think I could put one of those legs with a SG torso or use the DW torso on DC legs? Would the DW bits look too big?


They are absolutely the same scale.  However, the legs will make any model that uses them appear slightly taller.  This gets progressively worse with the midget legs of the Assault Squad and the squad legs of the Tactical squad.  The 3rd/4th Ed. legs are the worst, but I think I'm the only one who has about 20 of those still lying about lol.

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The only bad thing about DW bits is they are covered in DW symbols. Every left arm has a crescent thing molded onto it, most torsos have the I carved into them, so it's a lot of work scraping it all off. And I don't know how to take the crescent things off.
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The only bad thing about DW bits is they are covered in DW symbols. Every left arm has a crescent thing molded onto it, most torsos have the I carved into them, so it's a lot of work scraping it all off. And I don't know how to take the crescent things off.

Not even worth the effort imo unless you really hurt for mk8 torsos (which Re mire easily available these days) Id personally just sell them off..

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I thought they were all scaled the same, just upright leading people to think the scale increased...


I wouldn't use them on tacs, so I think I'm safe there. Probably mix them with DC bits, or VV bits. Maybe even use the legs for SG. I think this newer armor mark will match with the SG armor, at least the DW legs should match well enough with SG torso...


I hate the frag cannon shells or whatever it is on every torso more than the I or other stuff honestly... But yeah it does seem like a bit of work...

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Like heavy bolter shells? They seem way too big, though I don't look at heavy bolsters up close often...


Either way I just don't like that they all have ammo for some big gun that only one or none of them will be modeled with...


Edit: I looked at the kit again, they are not as big as I was thinking, def are just bolt shells...

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Got a 1k points game tomorrow! (Hopefully...)


4 Way brawl against:

  • DA OR Guard
  • Guard
  • Orks
Other than Squad Firestorm and then at least two more pods with Dreads in (Fragioso and Libby probs) unsure what to bring!


May keep it cheap and bring a Veritas or something for some good deployment advantages.


No FW or Formations - we're keeping it nice :tongue.: I may even use a CAD instead of BSF, who doesn't love Scoring Cassor?


ALSO - if anyone knows of any good rules to keep 4 player a little bit fairer, please speak up!


Apparently there is a 6th edition supplement on BL (currently £1) called carnage that handles it pretty well?

Only thing i can think of is each turn rolling off to see the turn order so the same person doesn't get stuck going at the end of each phase

I also have a game tomorrow 1500 points against a friend. I'm bringing dante leading a dc star, scouts, grav bikes and a land raider spearhead

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My personal view has always been that bolter shells are ~about the size of a milk bottle.


Which holds up in terms of sizing IMO.

But they aren't. They are specifically said to be .75 caliber. That's 19mm.


A milk bottle is closer to a 40mm, which is too big for even the model.


As is, they are still pretty close to the right size, so no big deal.

Edited by Arkangilos
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Well you know, 95% of it was IRL stuff; work has been murdering my hobby time, as the free time has been spent with the Mrs, and not on Social Networking etc. The other 5% was wanting to be completely surprised about all the goodies from Angel's Blade without getting any spoilers.

I fan boy'd. It was awesome. I mean, FAST. :censored: LAND RAIDERS!!! :drool: But yeah I've really missed talking shop and painting, and a lot of things.

Things are still hectic with work, but I've gotten them somewhat calmed down for the time being. 

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so, what exactly is the ruling on relics and characters now?


Aphael clearly has Valors Edge and Fury of Baal as his intended weapons.


(I've decided to paint the majority of my marines as 2nd company rather than 3rd, but still have some 3rd company mixed in for old times sake)

Unless otherwise stated, one relic per Character.

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so, what exactly is the ruling on relics and characters now?


Aphael clearly has Valors Edge and Fury of Baal as his intended weapons.


(I've decided to paint the majority of my marines as 2nd company rather than 3rd, but still have some 3rd company mixed in for old times sake)

Unless otherwise stated, one relic per Character.

That's due to the new FAQ right? It isn't what our codex says.

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