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It's a part of the FAQ I am very torn on.


On the one hand, yes, these are all unique and poweful items that shouldn't be wasted or given out willy nilly...


But saying this, putting the choice to one per model means that there always becomes a best one and default choice.

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Some named characters break the rules anyway, though, so the 2nd captain having two relics shouldn't be that unusual.  And as for the codex, it does technically only give permission to swap one weapon for one relic, so it's not really different.  Sure, it doesn't say that you can't then replace a second, but it also doesn't say you can.


I think it's generally good because it does balance out across codices pretty well, and it prevents some combos that could be bad.  At the same time though, I think maybe there should be some that can be stacked (but with expressed permission in the entry).  

Edited by Tyriks
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I kind of get why they'd restrict it... although if you want to make an exceptionally powerful custom character and are willing to pay the exorbitant points cost, why not? For weapon Relics you have to swap a weapon so there'd be a limit of two. If you wanted to also take armour and a jump pack I don't see what's wrong with that. I imagine all the wargear of a veteran captain could be Relic in theory.
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Made an impulse purchase of a finecast Tycho (I need a second Tycho to paint as DC Tycho) and a Chaplain Dreadnought body (need to make a Cassor the Damned).


I didn't really need either but the prices were great..  They are more than likely recasts but whatever; if they are recasts I will at least post and let you guys know what the quality turns out to be.

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1k 4 way free for all is underway.


I annoyingly got first turn with my 5 pod list so, although I nuked a squad of guardsmen with the frag cannon and the Meltacide tagged a leman Russ executioner, I now have a few armies bearing down on me.


Librarian cast quickening with a 3 extra stats for lulz.


Vindicator landed a hit on a trukk, wagon and a lootas. He shot off the wagons big shoota and pulped the lootas.


Orks are now charging the vindicator with a klaw....


The boys killed it first :o


Honestly, why when boys are stood in front of a tank they can assault the rear armour I'll never know....


Autocannons got the Fragioso, even after he survived a leman Russ ram! But that's what happens with rear armour shots.


Librarian dread has however ended up unscathed and is about to cuase some absolute carnage.


I'm hoping squad flamestorm, CASSOR and their cheeky obj sec will steal the day later....


Had no idea a preiest was among the guardsmen. Librarian forever in combat...


CASSOR stepped on a nob then sliced his guts out. But the orks don't run because they like fighting.


Squad firestorm roasted a lot of orks in S trukk... But overwatch didn't work against a 2+ lucky stick boss... The squad is dead now.


Just CASSOR and Librarian dread remains.


Warboss totally chickened out of S challenge with CASSOR, letting s nob take it on the pretense he'd be the new boss if he won.


He did not. But then CASSOR got boss klaw'd.


Librarian left, Warboss now gunning for him. But I think I ye Librarian has his number if he makes it.







.... Warboss only did one Hull point! We're not killing each other now as it's last turn.




Random Chimera emerged from cover and claimed the objective for five VP. Came in third with 1VP for first blood.


A fun game overall, some mistakes from me and some horrendous dice luck at the end!

Edited by Charlo
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In other news, does anyone have any advice on magnetising a Stormraven? The catch is that I have painted the inside so I don't want to glue anything on the sides (so no metal plate or gluing the doors with magnets hidden inside).

Mine is magnetised with no need for any of that. I have some photos in my WIP thread somewhere, I'll see if I can find them...

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Here you go:





Basically I stuck a big disc magnet under the air intake, then stuck a 2p piece on the underside of the air intake filled with green stuff. The combined strength and weight is enough to hold the engines and wings in place without any other magnets.

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Cheers. Have you looked at the doors/guns yet?

I've not tried it but I'd think a series of 1mm magnets around the door frame would do the job.


That would be my suggestion too!




So some further thoughts on last nights game...


While obviously most tactical play is out of the bag with three other players involved, some things could have gone better! My list was a collection of powerful units, but they didn't really get a chance to support each other, just a bunch of one hit wonders that then became targets for the enemy.


I also need more meaningful, long range shooting - having podded units come in and blow something up is great, but when you then have an entire army beating down on you... Not so much! Only the Vindicator was ranged support and he did minimal damage before dieing to Ork Boyz in combat.... (seriously why can you attack the rear of a tank when you only just charged the front!)

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Cheers. Have you looked at the doors/guns yet?


I've not tried it but I'd think a series of 1mm magnets around the door frame would do the job.


That would be my suggestion too!




So some further thoughts on last nights game...


While obviously most tactical play is out of the bag with three other players involved, some things could have gone better! My list was a collection of powerful units, but they didn't really get a chance to support each other, just a bunch of one hit wonders that then became targets for the enemy.


I also need more meaningful, long range shooting - having podded units come in and blow something up is great, but when you then have an entire army beating down on you... Not so much! Only the Vindicator was ranged support and he did minimal damage before dieing to Ork Boyz in combat.... (seriously why can you attack the rear of a tank when you only just charged the front!)

I'm finding this a problem too - it's very easy to go very elite and alpha-strikey - especially with BA. I'm thinking a demi-company might actually help 'ground' my lists a bit and provide a solid base...

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See that's why I wanted ours to have something cool.


Instead of ON from the word go, it's a steady rise until we reach the enemy line and then slam them.


I'm thinking of adding more mobile units and firepower next time, I think bikes and speeders will have a real chance to shine combined with fewer podding elements.


Or one Leviathan.


Really all we need is Forge World.

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For the past couple weeks I have been trying to paint test models to come up with a specific and final paint scheme for my successor chapter.  I'm unable to visualize things in my mind, which makes this harder, and every one I finished was either dissatisfying or just ended up being Flesh Tearers.  Today I decided to just paint them as modified FTs.  It's apparently the only way I want to paint them, haha.  To differentiate them, their arms will be all black (instead of dark red) and their helmets will be a dark gray (instead of black), but they will probably get mistaken for FTs a lot.  I am okay with that, though.  


That said, I looked at the BA painting book, and I do not like the way they highlight FTs in that.  They use flesh tones for edge highlights, very jarring effect.  I'm painting my counts-as Mephiston and trying out khorne red as a base, washed in nuln oil, then mephiston red for a highlight.  I think after I touch up my mistakes a little (tomorrow) I will like it but sleepy brain me isn't sure right now.  I might try a second wash to dull the highlights a tad, but that might make the khorne red too dark, as it is pretty darn dark already.  I guess we will see.

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Yeah it's part of the FAQs

It was part of the Space Marine FAQS. And it does say a charachter may not be ARMED with more than 1 relic. By all technicality things like Veritas Vitae is not an armament, it would be more akin to Special Issue Equipment. So no Fury and Valor together but you can still take more than 1 relic at a time.
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Had a game with my angles blade sf against traitors hate decurion. With an abaddon psyker termideathstar. He got veil of time of and dante ans two sangguards squass crashed against this heresy. In round two i had one fistguard left. I almost killed his whole stuff but in the end he had two squads abaddon with two wounds and two drakes alive vs my multimelta dread. It was a fun game but charging the deathstar was not a good idea ^^


Deployment Chaos.

More Pictures to follow.



Edited by Riot Earp
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To differentiate them, their arms will be all black (instead of dark red) and their helmets will be a dark gray (instead of black), but they will probably get mistaken for FTs a lot. I am okay with that, though.


Welcome to the club! If you do deep red and black, even in different quotas and places, like I also do, get used to the "Are those Flesh Tearers?! Nice!" comments. I picked the name blood Suns, and now just use the flesh tearers chapter symbol painted differently too. Lol Edited by Father Mapple
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