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my guys are bright red with black helms and people think i'm flesh tearers or just regular BA all the time lol, it is actually quite fitting since i made a successor because i did not want to be as noble/angelic as Ba or as blood thirsty/savage as the FTs and wanted to meet in the middle... looks like i found it lol

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Another battle report I have to share. This time against Khorne Daemons. In fact, it was against THE Khorne Daemons. It was a 2000 point game and there I am asking my opponent if he minds me using an Imperial Knight. He assures me he doesn't mind at all and puts An'ggrath the Unbound on the table... sigh. Then he puts Skarbrand next to him... double sigh. Aside from these two monstrosities his only units were two units of Bloodletters and a few other things that I think might have been heralds. Can't remember off the top of my head.


My list was one I've used before with a few tweaks: Corbulo, Chaplain, 14 Death Company (3 Power Fists), Land Raider Crusader, 5 Combi-grav Sternguards in Drop Pod, 2 Scout Squads, 2 Attack Bikes and a Stormraven containing a DC Dreadnought. Anyway, lacking the firepower in my CC heavy list to deal with An'ggrath at range (The rapid fire battle cannon was great against the bloodletters but less useful against monstrous creatures), I just hurled all of my close combat units at him in the hope that I might be able to drown him in attacks. My Knight's contribution was to lay waste to a unit of Bloodletters before holding down An'ggrath for two turns which, in hindsight, was actually pretty useful as it allowed me to get my Death Company in position.


I was able to charge An'ggrath with the Death Company and the Dreadnought, and due to Corbulo's awesome buffs they were able to fight on a surprisingly even footing with him. Numbers plus high Initiative and rerolls to hit makes for a devastating charge. In the first round of combat, the DC Dreadnought knocked off two wounds and the chainsword Death Company got one, all before An'ggrath got to fight at all as Corbulo makes BA units I6 on the charge. An'ggrath killed a fair few in retaliation but then the Power Fist guys were able to dump nine wounds on him and he only saved four, leaving him with one left. In the second round of combat he wiped out almost everyone with my guys not managing to damage him at all, but in the third round the DC Dread landed 3 wounds, only two of which were saved, which might just be the most unlikely success I've ever had in 40k. Anything will die if you hit it enough times. Even An'ggrath. Can't quite understand why he's only I5 though, especially at almost 900 points.


Elsewhere in the battle the only event of note was the Sternguards and the Attack Bikes ganging up on Skarbrand and killing him from range before he could really do anything. Once the two OP Bloodthirsters were dead my opponent conceded the match. With 1113 points tied up in 2 models he didn't have a great deal else on the table. There are times when I wish Blood Angels had some godlike, stupidy powerful monstrous creatures, but then I remembered we have Death Company.


By the way, on an unrelated note has anyone else encountered these new 'frag cannons' that the Deathwatch get? I played a 1300 point game against them last week and found my vehicles taking 10 S9 AP2 shots to the rear out of a drop pod. No need to tell you how that one ended. I really wish we had more sources of interceptor sometimes...

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Deathwatch frag cannons are annoying, but surprisingly easy to deal with. They need to be far forwards in the unit in order to work best, so they'll likely be taking the first few wounds. Unless, as Xenith suggests, they have a terminator to tank for them. Drown them in wounds, if you can. If they're close enough to use the s9, they're in rapid fire range. Melta, plasma, all the standards are a solid bet. It's a 40 odd point model, so it's not a wasted shot if it kills them.


Today, I worked out that I'm one sergeant short of enough terminators for an OIF, if I dig out my Space Hulk lads. I've got a couple of the old Assault on Black Reach termies in my bitsbox, I might see if I can bash something together.

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Well I can't decide on what type of dread to buy next. Do I want more cut and paste Furiosos/death company dreads? Or do I want to switch it up with a venerable or something to count as a furioso/regular dread?

Forgeworld chaplain dread with furioso arms painted as dc dread.. is what ill be doing soon :)

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I've been so very scatter-brained on my projects lately. I was in the middle of painting some DW allies and then the Angel's Blade came and I've been trying to group up my Blood Angels minis into formations and such. I'm so sad that I don't have the preds for a lucifer formation. There isn't a great way for me to take the vanguards I did for ETL outside of the 1st company core. I have the models to flesh it out with sterns but I don't own a single drop pod. But! That's all well and good to stick in a BSF. It sounds like shifting gears and painting up a bunch of DC is in order. I've been seeing visions of a DC chaplain wielding a guardian blade "melta sword" but I haven't figured out the design yet.

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Two weeks ago I was 5 men away from completing a fully painted battle company.


6 new marines painted and this week I'm a different 5 marines away from completing a fully painted battle company.


Then I'll probably by 107 marines away from completing a painted to my actual satisfaction battle company.:sleep.:


Today I painted 40% of 1 deathcompany dreadnought banner.

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