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You hurt me, Reclusiarch! 


Just some gentle ribbing but seriously, plan out what you want to take this April Bank Holiday and focus on it if you're lacking time right now - it's not going to get any better come the Xmas holidays and then you've only got three months...


Oh, and grats on 10k :thumbsup:

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God I post two much. 13 a Day for 2 years it works out as!


And that's the problem - taking to one of our DA players, I have so much I want to bring (plus I need to get in on the SH action...)


  • BA (40/30k)
  • DG 30k
  • Cult/ Skitarii
  • ....Maybe Squats if I find the time to make a start....
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Need to get a picture of mine like that one day. Have you had the pleasure of wielding that much in a battle yet? From experience it's fantastic.

Only about a half of this.

Well, it was good - but they die pretty fast under titan fire)

But suprisingly Stormravens/Ppredators/Land raiders were just the best)

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So anyone got any games coming up? :wink:


I've got a Kill Team game coming up, my first outing for my Death Company (I'm furiously painting a Lost Brotherhood Strike Force...)



New Kill Team rules?  I'd love to read about it if you ever get around to posting it..

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Entering the second month of From Rage to Salvation 2016 and our Death Company still need your support to attain their salvation! Will you leave them to this task alone, or will you assist them with this endeavour?


I should look at the sticky threads more... I shall peruse!


@ Omega – WOW! :eek:

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its two short stories that deal with the dual nature of the blood angels.


one is a story that shows this via sparring.

Amit is noted as being too aggressive whilst Askellion is noted as being too defensive minded, appropriate as a guard but not necessarily in an astartes.


they are persuaded to take a different approach to things by sanguinius.


other one iirc is where Askellion duels Lucius.

also interesting...

Askellions armour is (other than the legs) effectively identical to the 40k style sanguinary guard - which makes perfect sense from a lore perspective. Does make me wonder though if we will see a heresy kit for them or not. I'd actually not be surprised if we got a heresy upgrade kit specifically with sanguinary guard in mind... possibly.

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Hey Blind, I think we would all agree if you did a fancy DIY green stuff for hair. That Alphael is brilliant! I'm so jealous. I have a Jansus Model from the Death Watch kit that I want to turn into a counts as Mephiston. But I'm rubbish with green stuff. Maybe it could help with some trial and error no? What say you brothers? 

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