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find a few bare heads, and do some practice attempts! If you arent happy with the result, let it cure a bit and you can rework it a bit (I did this with Aphael a few times during the curing process because I just wasnt quite happy with how the hair sat), then if you arent happy once its totally cured... peel it off and try again! Good luck!

if you're going to use the Janus model... you'll want to file stuff down and sculpt hair prior to building him i think.

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Entering the second month of From Rage to Salvation 2016 and our Death Company still need your support to attain their salvation! Will you leave them to this task alone, or will you assist them with this endeavour?

I might, in two weeks, once I'm free of uni and work for the year, be able to put together a vow! But it's hard to say. Visions are cloudy as yet.

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I played a 1000 point game today against Tau. I brought a Lost Brotherhood. Astorath, dc chap (with the relic crozius), 3 5 man DC squads (each with one fist, one sword, one hand flamer), one dc dread (blood claws, melta and flamer, pod with missile launcher). Most of my upgrade choices were just to fill out points since I didn't have enough room to fit any more units. Despite my new dice trying their best to sabotage me (seriously, not a single successful wound from 5 dc charging fire warriors? Come on!), I tabled him at the end of turn 5. He started everything on his front line to try to shoot me off the board right away, but I seized and got a turn 1 charge in for 2 of the three units of dc. For the first three turns I only drew Secure objective x cards, which was unfortunate, but after that I caught up a little. I was only one point behind when I tabled him, after a lucky roll on d3 victory points for killing 3 units in close combat in my turn.


I really like the Lost Brotherhood, and I think I will like it even more at higher point values. I'm really excited to try out the OIF, maybe in my game against Eldar on Saturday. I also really wish I could get an armored task force together by then, but I doubt it (I have one Baal pred but could sub razorbacks, maybe) just to try it out.

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Yes, I was careful about what order I declared charges in to control who got shot, and I aimed pretty much everything at the center of his gun line turn one which meant afterwards that few of his units were within 6" of whoever was getting charged due to the casualties taken in the middle. My dread dropped in behind his line and dropped pies all over to help out with that. It actually wasn't entirely intentional, he just had his stuff laid out such that taking out the center unit really screwed up supporting fire.


All his suits came in turn 3 and landed back in my deployment zone since my whole army was in his by turn 1, trying to grab objectives and stay alive, so they weren't close enough either.

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Brother Zael has joined my chapter ancients with the least ideal loadout I could manage. More arms are in progress, so he'll be able to wield a frag cannon, assault cannon or pair of fists before long.




Also made some progress on 3 x Storm Ravens, but each one is still in dozens of pieces, so not worth showing just yet. Squadron Leader Turcio and his brothers will soon take to the sky.


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have a lot of CC dreads... But I feel like I now need a lot of riflemen...


I wish double Assault Cannon was a thing.


Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka.


Though I suppose 4 of my dreads are all loose-armed... So I just need arms really.

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I used to have a stockpile of the old 2nd-edition decal sheet for Blood Angels and the icon looked like that. Sadly when my apartment burned down years ago - my hobby room was untouched by fire, but the water glued all of my decals into one giant pile of crap (the only hobby related casualty so I can't really complain).

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Hah yeah I probably would've quit gaming if my hobby room didn't make it... but only my decals were ruined, oh and Microset and Microsol for some reason also turned to sludge from the heat.  Anyway that was years ago.


My old-ish models are still in play... actually just finally assembled 5 more old-style Death Company models to make my formation go.

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I used to have a stockpile of the old 2nd-edition decal sheet for Blood Angels and the icon looked like that. Sadly when my apartment burned down years ago - my hobby room was untouched by fire, but the water glued all of my decals into one giant pile of crap (the only hobby related casualty so I can't really complain).

Emperor protects. Literally.


Joking aside hope nothing more important than plastic toy soldiers got damaged.

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Had a spare Frag Cannon lying about.. painted it up and now one of my two dreadnoughts is a Furioso.


That means I'm just one tactical squad short of fielding a demi company. And I happen to have one primed..


In other news, I have no idea why the hell I even want to field a demi company..

Because it is the iconic image of space marines... and blood angels are still space marines :)

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Say people talking about the Triple Raven/ Tac squad formation in the DftS thread and it go me thinking...


I'd love to use it, and the fact the Tacs get Obj Sec is icing on the cake that almost makes this a much better version of a battle company.


Now here is the fun part - combine this with a tactical terminator OIF.


Shoot twice and charge all in the same turn!


Sure - you will struggle to fit this in anything below 1850 (if that) but hell, it'll be fun!


Or you could even use the new Death Company formation and really abuse that Chaplain's +1A aura aha!


It's not like you wouldn't be without Dakka either...






Ran up a quick list - 1800 on the nose...!


3 Plain Ravens [ALAC/ TLMM]

Tac Squad [HF / F / Hand Flamer x2]

Tac Squad [Multi Melta/ Melta Gun/ Power Fist]

Tac Squad [Plasma Gun/ HF/ Combi Plasma]


TDA Squad [2 Chainfist, HF]

TDA Squad [2 Chainfist, Cyclone]

TDA Squad [2 Chainfist, AC]


Taking it up to 2500 points, you could easily run the new Archangels formation so all that stuff arrives turn one, after the Ravens then use triangulation to deep strike - don't get double shots though... But hot damn I like this list! Some Serious Alpha there. If not i'd simply add in some Pirests/ scouts/ another combat unit or something. Priests could even sit with the Tacs just to let them hold the line.


Or put dreads in the Ravens, though skies of fury =/= Deep strike so they couldn't charge IIRC.

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Had a spare Frag Cannon lying about.. painted it up and now one of my two dreadnoughts is a Furioso.


That means I'm just one tactical squad short of fielding a demi company.  And I happen to have one primed..


In other news, I have no idea why the hell I even want to field a demi company..

I have no idea why you would either lol

There are two options, max out the squads or 9 man and spam priests. Drop pod them all in the enemies face and actually get some use from zealot, ws5 feel no pain tacticals. Maybe take a bike squad for the captain to ride around in (again with priest).

Or min squads as tax.

Neither appeals really. Although the max squads could be a funny list once or twice.

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Had a spare Frag Cannon lying about.. painted it up and now one of my two dreadnoughts is a Furioso.


That means I'm just one tactical squad short of fielding a demi company. And I happen to have one primed..


In other news, I have no idea why the hell I even want to field a demi company..

Because it is the iconic image of space marines... and blood angels are still space marines :smile.:



3 units of tacticals, cassor, another dread, an assault and devastator squad (along with 2HQ) fit into a CAD and BSF equally well, and net you Ob sec on your tacs and red thirst on cassor and your assault marines.

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