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Played two 1k games today for an escalation campaign. I managed to get the Lost Brotherhood in 1k just to try it. First game was against a Decurion. I was getting wrecked the first three turns until my DC dread came on. My opponent charged 4 wraiths into the Dread when it landed and the Dread killed all 4. Completely turned the game around and I won. I even forgot the Chaplain was giving out the +1 attack bonus...


Second game was against some nids. They completely overwhelmed my 3 DC squads. Had both my DC Chaps, 2 DC, 2 drop pods, and my Dread that just came in at beginning of turn 3. Hive Tyrant charged my Dread and whiffed... my DC dread then slaughtered the Tryant. Almost came back and won, but it was too late at that point. Again I forgot about the 12in attack bubble... I was told by an observer after the game that I should ask to look at my opponent's codex if something sounds too good to be true... so not sure what the nid player was getting away with but I doubt it was intentional or too big of a deal. A lot of her units did seem to have oddly high initiatives...



DC Dread MVP hands down. If your opponent doesn't deal with it properly, they are screwed. The 6 attacks even when being charged is nasty.


Noticed the DC chaps don't allow themselves to reroll wounds... lame, but it seems like they get the plus 1 attack since it says "everyone in the DC unit" I believe.


The extra 6in move is not always your friend with The Lost.

Did you take Talons on the DC dread? Sound like fun games though.


What kind of stuff was the Nid player using?

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Tyranids have a massive range of initiatives. They go all the way from 2 (1 if you count Spore Mines) to 7. A lot of the common ones like Warriors, Termagants and Gargoyles are still only at 4 though. Lash whips then push things into the 7 or 8 range.


Hive Tyrants sucking against Dreadnoughts was my experience. Which is a truly massive nerf from the days mine could tear through soul grinders like paper.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Played two 1k games today for an escalation campaign. I managed to get the Lost Brotherhood in 1k just to try it. First game was against a Decurion. I was getting wrecked the first three turns until my DC dread came on. My opponent charged 4 wraiths into the Dread when it landed and the Dread killed all 4. Completely turned the game around and I won. I even forgot the Chaplain was giving out the +1 attack bonus...


Second game was against some nids. They completely overwhelmed my 3 DC squads. Had both my DC Chaps, 2 DC, 2 drop pods, and my Dread that just came in at beginning of turn 3. Hive Tyrant charged my Dread and whiffed... my DC dread then slaughtered the Tryant. Almost came back and won, but it was too late at that point. Again I forgot about the 12in attack bubble... I was told by an observer after the game that I should ask to look at my opponent's codex if something sounds too good to be true... so not sure what the nid player was getting away with but I doubt it was intentional or too big of a deal. A lot of her units did seem to have oddly high initiatives...



DC Dread MVP hands down. If your opponent doesn't deal with it properly, they are screwed. The 6 attacks even when being charged is nasty.


Noticed the DC chaps don't allow themselves to reroll wounds... lame, but it seems like they get the plus 1 attack since it says "everyone in the DC unit" I believe.


The extra 6in move is not always your friend with The Lost.

Did you take Talons on the DC dread? Sound like fun games though.


What kind of stuff was the Nid player using?

Yeah I took the talons though against the Tyrant and wraiths I didn't roll any ones to wound and hit with all the attacks.


Nid player had 40 hormagaunts, 20 termagants, 3 warriors, and the Hive Tyrant that had an AP 1 strength 9 blast. No idea what they could have done wrong, but the hormagaunts were attacking before me at one point.

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Nid player had 40 hormagaunts, 20 termagants, 3 warriors, and the Hive Tyrant that had an AP 1 strength 9 blast. No idea what they could have done wrong, but the hormagaunts were attacking before me at one point.

Don't have my book on hand,but I think the hormagaunts are I5. If the warriors had lash whips then they'd be I7,so the only thing you'd be striking first against is the termagants.

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I ran an a list with the Archangels Orbital Intervention force yesterday against a frag cannon heavy Deathwatch list. Going in the other player expected that I had the much stronger list. For my first assault I made the mistake of trying to multi-charge and ate overwatch from roughly a billion frag cannons, immediately shredding the unit of Assault Terminators. The other unit of assault terminators failed their charge and died to frag cannons in his shooting phase, as did the unit of normal terminators. Other highlights involved losing a Furioso and a Librarian Dreadnought before they could assault, both to frag cannons as well.


t was pretty brutal, honestly. We chatted about it and the guy just didn't realize how strong the frag cannons were since he really hadn't had a chance to play much with the army yet. It did teach me the valuable lessons that regardless of how aggressively I like to play I A) Still need to have some sort of long range support and B) I always need to take ways to pop transports outside of assault.

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Hard luck there Pendent – but lesson learned, thin them down with shooting before charging!


I've been busy finishing the tactical squad that will join the marine I painted for my tutorial. Special and sergeant's weapons are magnetised.



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Hard luck there Pendent – but lesson learned, thin them down with shooting before charging!


I've been busy finishing the tactical squad that will join the marine I painted for my tutorial. Special and sergeant's weapons are magnetised.




My envy of your painting skills is at an unhealthy level.. I so want to see these painted.. and don't want to see them painted at the same time..


Also.. no Heavy Flamer? :(

Edited by appiah5
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Thanks appiah, you can always follow the tutorial to get the same results!


Have no fear! There will be a heavy flamer in the squad, he's already half painted and one of these bolter marines will go in another squad.

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There's only nine there...

This is the thenth:




But one of these will be swapped out for a heavy flamer dude too.

Edited by LutherMax
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Got a practise Red Thirst game in today 2,500 points versus the new chaos decurion. I ran Lucius armour 1 Baal, 2 all the las preds. One redeemer. A lost brotherhood, and a small CAD with Mephiston and two scout squads. Lastly one knight paladin.He had the warband with the hell drake formation and the deep striking raptors.

I've never seen him sweat so much, he likes to castle with most of his armies. I crossed 18' before my first turn. Negating that extra turn of shooting is amazing as you're so much faster up the board. Mephiston was confidently stopping his heretic techno mancy from wrecking the redeemer. And parked next to his fire base. The death company Dred in a Lucius pod also landed in ruins haha.

Essentially he was nearly tabled turn two but I couldn't kill those pesky hell drakes.

Also the 'eye of night' black legion war gear is horrible!

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Startet to rebase my army this weekend. Taking the time to give some of my older models a bit of a touch up. Changing old static grass to those fancy new tufts thingys.





Also how do you make the spoiler thingys for your pictures and so?

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Startet to rebase my army this weekend. Taking the time to give some of my older models a bit of a touch up. Changing old static grass to those fancy new tufts thingys.





Also how do you make the spoiler thingys for your pictures and so?

Thats a basing material Id like to have.. who makes them?

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This is all wild speculation, but I think it makes sense given everything happening in the state of the game...


GW have been pushing Campaigns where possible in between a mix of new army releases. The campaign books are serving as a way to get some fluff in and update 2 or more races in one go.


Fenris pt.1: Wolves Codex (new units, decurion) & Daemons (round up of sheets and maybe new stuff I think...)

Kau'yon: Raven Guard/ WS/ Guard & Tau updates

Angel's Blade: BA/ Chaos


Now while a few races are left in the dark - we're fast approaching Fenris pt.2 (WOO MAGNUS!) and Atia is heavily hinting we'll see new units for the wovles as well as the main 1Ksons releases.


So what do we take from this?


Well personally I hope it's that we'll see a continuation of Angel's Blade in a year or so when it's Sanguinius' time to return and w'ell get some updates then.


So hey, who knows :)


PLEASE though do not discuss whether you like Sanguinius coming back or not. That happens enough in the rumour sections... If you are going to start a new thread I guess :P

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Following a lot of research (read as: watching Youtube videos) into what I want to do Stormraven and other projects-wise, I've purchased some 2 x 1 mm, 10 x 1.5 mm, and 1 x 1 mm N52 grade Neodymium magnets from Guy's Magnets (whom I do recommend).


Hopefully this will kick start my RTS vow...

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I've had my Sternguard soaking in Simple Green for the past few days and am going to take a toothbrush to them tonight and possibly get them primed. They were some of my eariliest models I posed/painted and they've been bothering me for quite a while. A week or so ago I tore off a bunch of arms and head to fix the terrible original posing.

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