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No love for Mk 2 or 3 here, I really think of all the early Heresy marks IV is the best, so I really hope BaC box  doesn't go anywhere.


That said, what I'm really looking forward to Mk VI Corvus plastics.. Now those, I would buy in bulk.  They are my love, they are what got me into 40K..




EDIT: Ahriman and the Space Wolf character are definitely not Mk III.. Wolf one looks Mk IV for certain, Ahriman is odd, looks like Mk VII but that's impossible so I guess it's Mk IV also..

Edited by appiah5
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I primed 5 space hulk TDAs 2 nights ago. I need to work harder on my Demi company though.


Edit: Also, would anyone with a large cadre of marine bikers like to try out the silly Death Star list I've thrown out over on the Tactica? It's for the Angel! (And science)

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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So now that we have a bunch of Mk III coming to us, I've decided that I'm going I change my modeling plans.


Up until this point I was going to basically just do Blood Angel Tactical squads, Devastator Squads, and Assault squads to fill out my company for my chapter, and I was going to sit on my Mk IV from B@C until the HH Blood Angel book dropped and create the 30k version of my chapter.


However, I have sense decided (this morning) that I will probably buy one more Blood Angel tactical squad, and two devastator boxes, and then evenly distribute the models out to create mixed squads with all of the mks I have. So my devistaors and tactical squads will all have a few Mk III, Mk IV, and Mk VII suits the each.


The problem will be the assault squads, which will be any mark but III, and I'll still need to buy more jump backs :(

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So now that we have a bunch of Mk III coming to us, I've decided that I'm going I change my modeling plans.


Up until this point I was going to basically just do Blood Angel Tactical squads, Devastator Squads, and Assault squads to fill out my company for my chapter, and I was going to sit on my Mk IV from B@C until the HH Blood Angel book dropped and create the 30k version of my chapter.


However, I have sense decided (this morning) that I will probably buy one more Blood Angel tactical squad, and two devastator boxes, and then evenly distribute the models out to create mixed squads with all of the mks I have. So my devistaors and tactical squads will all have a few Mk III, Mk IV, and Mk VII suits the each.


The problem will be the assault squads, which will be any mark but III, and I'll still need to buy more jump backs :(

I run all my squads mixed :) looks good and more how I imagine marines even during the heresy.


I don't typically mix mks on a single model though

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Looks like I'll have 10 bolter Mk3 DC, 10 MK3 sternguard, and 10 more to work with.


Really hoping I can make those custodes SG somehow...


Edit: don't think I can pull that off after seeing better pics...

Even if you can't (they are bigger than space marines by a bit and don't fit aesthetically) you can make them statues in honor of dying with Sanguinius and the Emperor.


As a side note in case this pops into heads:


They used to paint statues, so you can have multi colored realistically painted statues.

Edited by Arkangilos
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That's a really cool idea Ark, but I'd probably just trade them or something if I can't use the bits for my marines somehow.


I'm hoping I can just use the Tartaros as regular termies for the OIF. Already do it with the B@C ones, but I've gotten weird looks even though BA can't use that version anyway.

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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That's a really cool idea Ark, but I'd probably just trade them or something if I can't use the bits for my marines somehow.


I'm hoping I can just use the Tartaros as regular termies for the OIF. Already do it with the B@C ones, but I've gotten weird looks even though BA can't use that version anyway.

If they released the Emperor would you buy him? I only ask because if you would I'd recommend holding onto them so you can have some bodyguard to go with him. Otherwise your plan of trading or selling for something more usable would definitely be better.

No love for Mk 2 or 3 here, I really think of all the early Heresy marks IV is the best, so I really hope BaC box doesn't go anywhere.


That said, what I'm really looking forward to Mk VI Corvus plastics.. Now those, I would buy in bulk. They are my love, they are what got me into 40K..




EDIT: Ahriman and the Space Wolf character are definitely not Mk III.. Wolf one looks Mk IV for certain, Ahriman is odd, looks like Mk VII but that's impossible so I guess it's Mk IV also..

Ahriman (and other 1k sons) wear a unique Mk IV variant.


Also, iirc they are getting rid of B@C :(

Edited by Arkangilos
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wonder if it'll mean a new model... i am still very happy with my custom one, but something with a pose remotely like that would be cool.





also, new background picture! its surprisingly good resolution for something thats

a) not final

b ) on amazon

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I'm interested in that novel, but suddenly very excited for the new Prospero box. SoS and Custodes had turned me off completely, but even if I throw those away it's still a good deal. I might make them all Sternguard so I can actually field an Angel's Blade... I just love Mk III helms. I had been considering buying a bunch from FW just for aesthetics, but this works better. Now to just warm the wife to the idea.
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Dante sure has a damn small head.. That comes out of his chest seeing how its not between the exhausts but ahead of them.. golly gee.. The anatomy is :cussing awful draw a line between the shoulders and check the head placement hes either the most famous hunchback since quasimodo or has the neck of a giraffe.


Whats up with covers lately GW really deopping the ball here first the spandex chaplain on angela blade now this they need to stop cheaping out on artists.

Edited by appiah5
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