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So played against genestealer cult today. His patriarch rolled the pick whichever cult ambush result you want....now this guy was in a unit of the new genestealers.

He multi assaulted three units and I rolled snake eyes for my lone assault marine. So all my flamers eagerly awaiting to torch said unit watched in horror as they could do nothing.

Just urgh

Did the Templates help otherwise? Do you feel like the advice I offered helped enough or no?

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1500 pts of tactical squads rhino and flamers, two flamer Baal preds, two whirlwinds, death company, Sicaran, land speeder.

All useless as I couldn't shoot the 'First Curse' locked in combat with the one assault marine...sigh.

Just dice against me in that game

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1500 pts of tactical squads rhino and flamers, two flamer Baal preds, two whirlwinds, death company, Sicaran, land speeder.

All useless as I couldn't shoot the 'First Curse' locked in combat with the one assault marine...sigh.

Just dice against me in that game

Forgive me, I'm not familiar with the new Genestealer Cult rules - what happened exactly to make all those things useless?!

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Yeah, I don't know what "first curse" means or how it invalidates so much.


After my metallic paint troubles, I decided to just go for gold. I'm not actually fond of gold at all so I was reluctant, but my DC look pretty good as ironbreaker and auric armor gold, I think it captures the look I wanted for them nicely. I'm putting finishing touches on them now, thus will be by far the fastest squad I've ever painted (one benefit of having them all metal, I suppose). Only 15 more! I'll post pics later, I hope, in RTS.

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Found my old metal techmarine bust from when we had the blood angels command squad. I was wondering what legs to use when gw kindly provides the BoP box.

Do you guys think there will be a similar delay on releasing the seperate kits like calth?

Keen to get thus guy done for the lucifer formation

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Found my old metal techmarine bust from when we had the blood angels command squad. I was wondering what legs to use when gw kindly provides the BoP box.

Do you guys think there will be a similar delay on releasing the seperate kits like calth?

Keen to get thus guy done for the lucifer formation

I dug mine out recently - forget legs, he's going on a bike!


I'm just wondering how to arm him, keep the axe? ...axe and combi? ...servo arm or harness?

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Found my old metal techmarine bust from when we had the blood angels command squad. I was wondering what legs to use when gw kindly provides the BoP box.

Do you guys think there will be a similar delay on releasing the seperate kits like calth?

Keen to get thus guy done for the lucifer formation

I dug mine out recently - forget legs, he's going on a bike!


I'm just wondering how to arm him, keep the axe? ...axe and combi? ...servo arm or harness?

Bike is a great idea. I'm not sure about the arm vs harness. Either way i will have to resort to ebay to find one.


Are you building him for the formation as well?

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Ordered another box of death company for 14 quids. Its DC and only14 pounds and the pound is so much weaker now so why not. Now I can have a jumppack CC DC combat squad (Raphens DC) to go along with my CC and Boltgun infantry combat squads.


EDIT: Aaand in a strange twist I cancelled my order because I decided I don't really need more than the 12 DC I already have, especially not before I finish painting my vehicles.  Backlog priority.

Edited by appiah5
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A few Musings, the coffee is strong this morning...

You know, the more I re-read Angel's Blade and Traitors Hate, It really gives me hope that we might actually get a non-forgeworld DC Chaplain Dreadnought. Unless of course they re-attach a leg to Daenor, and "fix him" right proper. I can dream at least! <3

Really busy week, coming up, haven't really finished my drop pod yet. Hopefully get some good painting in this afternoon, going on a much needed holiday at the end of the week with the Mrs. 


Lemartes, I've found the perfect meme for us...

Really like that red on the WIP Tarantula.

Top Notch on the Feast of Blades Xenith, I think we can all agree it has been loads of fun so far!

And Still trying to figure out how I want to play this damned Three Tiers army. Also In other hobby news, fancy TDA to arrive today, and I may end up having to get a squad of bikes at some point. (just have to figure out how to get it past the wife...at this point though, I doubt she'd notice lol)

Hope all is well Brothers! Keep up the great work!

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Unless of course they re-attach a leg to Daenor

Did I miss something in Angel's Blade? I've read the whole book but didn't see this happen, though I've read other hints to it on here. I'm thinking now I accidentally skipped a section?!

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Unless of course they re-attach a leg to Daenor

Did I miss something in Angel's Blade? I've read the whole book but didn't see this happen, though I've read other hints to it on here. I'm thinking now I accidentally skipped a section?!



It's in Traitors Hate I believe.  Khârn chops a few of his limbs off.

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Unless of course they re-attach a leg to Daenor

Did I miss something in Angel's Blade? I've read the whole book but didn't see this happen, though I've read other hints to it on here. I'm thinking now I accidentally skipped a section?!

Well in Traitors' Hate he gets savaged pretty bad.

He uses his jump pack to burst away and Gorechild does its thing, before the chaplain can get away, the only reason he escapes is Khârn is attacked by another Berserker.
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Just to clarify. The 'First Curse' is a command formation from the new GC codex. It consists of one Patriarch (think super brood lord) plus 20 Purestrain genestealers. They get to roll on a chart and apply one buff for the game can be assault grenades, furious charge etc. Few things to understand, genestealers in the GC get a 5++ invul, stealth and 3 attacks base.

The new cult ambush rule on a roll of a six allows you to infiltrate within 3' and then charge.

Now you begin to understand... Lol

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Progress on Tarantulas.




Which one is it? I'm still after photos for the VV so once it's done, please post it here if it's one not on the list. Cheers.

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Found my old metal techmarine bust from when we had the blood angels command squad. I was wondering what legs to use when gw kindly provides the BoP box.

Do you guys think there will be a similar delay on releasing the seperate kits like calth?

Keen to get thus guy done for the lucifer formation

I dug mine out recently - forget legs, he's going on a bike!


I'm just wondering how to arm him, keep the axe? ...axe and combi? ...servo arm or harness?



Always the harness. Axe is pointless if you have the harness due to 5th ed nerfing servo arms and then 6th ed making axes just as unweildy as servo arms. Keep the axe if you like the look and then saying 'its a normal axe, not a power axe' to save points.


When I get around to making mine he's going to have one of the new wider bike bases so he can be standing in front of a parked bike. I'm stalled on that one due to having a body I like and no servo arm.


I'm vaguely thinking of giving him a normal techmarine back pack and then sticking a servo arm on the bike and saying that's the rest of the harness.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Lol, I was hoping we got to read him somewhat falling to the rage and thinking Khârn is Horus and that he is sanguinius about to get murdered again before Khârn/Horus gets interrupted. I was also hoping he didn't just run away, but maybe was needed elsewhere... (Unlikely considering his condition) Edited by Brother Lemartes
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We don't get to read the DC chap fighting Khârn in our book? That's lame, I wanted to know what he was thinking haha


Perhaps he believed that anything was possible after reading Khârn dies to a brick


(Google it)



ROFL I had forgotten all about that reddit post.  That brick is the Emperor reincarnate.


Also reminds me of so many goddamn funny game sessions I DMed in my days..  If I wrote a book about funny :cuss like this that happened it would be a bestseller.


You know what is best about middle ages?  The people I gamed with for over 15 years are still my closest friends, we are all married and our wives are great friends, and our toddlers are about the same age..  I can't wait for them to reach school age so they can sit around a table with us mommies and daddies and play roleplaying games alongside.  I just can't wait to GM that..

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