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So.....I'm kind of the new girl at the Playboy mansion when it comes to painting, and I have mostly been working my Imperial Guard to get the mistakes out of the way (that's what Conscripts are for), but I figure starting to post some stuff holds me accountable, so I might as well (finally) start posting some stuff.


Here is the kitbash unnamed Blood Angels Captain that is my latest project. I have titled him "Son of Sanguinius" as a bit of a place holder and because my inspiration was to make a "standard" BA Capt that kinda sorta represents what draws me to the Blood Angels as a faction.



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-Artificer Armor

-Storm Shield

Any combination of the following options depending on points and the rest of the army:

  • Relic Blade
  • Valour's Edge
  • Jump Pack or The Angel's Wing
  • Thunder Hammer (sword wrist magnetized)
  • Melta bombs

My inspiration was the idea of a S7 AP3 (which Relic Blade) at I6 (with BSF/ABSF) that can bounce around slaying (most) monstrous creatures. That's kind of a super diet version of Sanguinius to me. Hence this dude was born.




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It's basically a doctored version of Antor Delassio from the Deathwatch: Overkill set. Looking at his model I knew he was ripe for some coolification (I simply can not stand that mop of a haircut they push on us) and some wargear that actually works. 


  1. 80% of it, including base and jump pack = Antor Delassio
  2. Helm = Sternguard-veteran-looking-one from BA upgrade sprue 
  3. Relic Blade = from Vanguard Veterans kit
  4. Storm Shield = from BA Assault Terminator kit





Second row from the bottom; middle helm:













Son Of Sanguinius

Edited by Indefragable
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Lol, I was hoping we got to read him somewhat falling to the rage and thinking Khârn is Horus and that he is sanguinius about to get murdered again before Khârn/Horus gets interrupted. I was also hoping he didn't just run away, but maybe was needed elsewhere... (Unlikely considering his condition)

He was bested with each blow, he wasn't running away as much as he was trying to Stay alive and beat Khârn. Daenor was too strong of willpower to succumb to the black rage, his duty and ability to resist it is what prompted Astorath to save him. The death company was reduced by 90% at this point. And they were losing ground.

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Antor is a really cool model for converting.


Especially the Deathwatch pad as it tells a story etc.


Was going to turn mine into a SP or something :)

Really like the Dante Conversions I've seen using him. I think he would make a great jump pack captain or even a helmetless chaplain, that conversion looks quite cool as well!

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Antor is a really cool model for converting.


Especially the Deathwatch pad as it tells a story etc.


Was going to turn mine into a SP or something :smile.:




Antor is a really cool model for converting.


Especially the Deathwatch pad as it tells a story etc.


Was going to turn mine into a SP or something :smile.:

Really like the Dante Conversions I've seen using him. I think he would make a great jump pack captain or even a helmetless chaplain, that conversion looks quite cool as well!



Thanks. Not sure if I want him to be primarily red or gold. Gold, since he will have artificer armor 95% of the time. But red will sort of establish him as more of a "standard" captain rather than name character.


I actually really agonized over the helmet choice. Other than the odd Land Speeder pilot or such 95% of my BA are all helmed, since I think it looks cooler (and might save their life. Safety first!). Really only named characters with their unique faces are unhelmed. I thought about doing a baldo for this guy, but I am really happy with the helm choice so far. Less-is-more and it has just the right amount of subtle detail to make him stand out without looking like a Chapter Master or something. 


I do agree that the Deathwatch arm provides an awesome element that is left up to the imagination. A veteran who did his time in the DW and now is a Captain...what things has he seen (attack ships on fire around Orion?), what enemies has he slain, what tactics can he bring back? From a hobbying perspective, a silver left arm will tie together with the silver-ish relic blade to accent the primarily red/black/gold of the rest of him.


Any suggestions on how to paint the storm shield? I have held off on painting other SS because I want them to have a subtle "powered" look (like they are energeized, ala the fluff), but am not really sure how to efficiently and easily pull it off. 

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Lol, I was hoping we got to read him somewhat falling to the rage and thinking Khârn is Horus and that he is sanguinius about to get murdered again before Khârn/Horus gets interrupted. I was also hoping he didn't just run away, but maybe was needed elsewhere... (Unlikely considering his condition)

He was bested with each blow, he wasn't running away as much as he was trying to Stay alive and beat Khârn. Daenor was too strong of willpower to succumb to the black rage, his duty and ability to resist it is what prompted Astorath to save him. The death company was reduced by 90% at this point. And they were losing ground.
Sorry I've only read a couple pages so far, but is the fight win Khârn included in Angels Blade too? Or is it just Traitors Hate with us seeing the aftermath of the fight in our book?



Edit: I think he looks great Inde! No help with the SS though, I'd just go with gold and call it a day... Your idea sounds awesome though!

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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Lol, I was hoping we got to read him somewhat falling to the rage and thinking Khârn is Horus and that he is sanguinius about to get murdered again before Khârn/Horus gets interrupted. I was also hoping he didn't just run away, but maybe was needed elsewhere... (Unlikely considering his condition)

He was bested with each blow, he wasn't running away as much as he was trying to Stay alive and beat Khârn. Daenor was too strong of willpower to succumb to the black rage, his duty and ability to resist it is what prompted Astorath to save him. The death company was reduced by 90% at this point. And they were losing ground.
Sorry I've only read a couple pages so far, but is the fight win Khârn included in Angels Blade too? Or is it just Traitors Hate with us seeing the aftermath of the fight in our book?

Unfortunately it is only in passing as the main focus at this chapter is focused on the 1st and 2nd company. Basically the Death company 5th goes balls out against khorne heavy drop pod assault, and then it pans back to 2nd company.

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Do we end up getting pretty wrecked overall? I know we decimate the Crimson Slaughter, but we lost a whole company as well basically with the 5th. I'm sure our 1st and 2nd suffer plenty of loses too, but do we equally kill a bunch of the Black Legion guys at the end? I honestly don't want too much detail wise, I'm looking forward to reading it, but it doesn't seem like I'll have time for a bit...


I know we pull off something kinda big at the end, but was it worth it or were we ultimately just pawns?


Edit: that's an amazing conversion! I've had that model for a year now... I know what I'll be doing with him finally...


Edit 2: where did you find that Jol? I need to see it painted/ask how Mort did it. I was thinking SG arms were too small for him...

Edited by Brother Lemartes
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We do a lot of work. Mixed bag on the ending.


So it's a "standard" 40k resolution* ?  "The [insert heretics, traitors, xenos, villian-du-jour here] were repelled, but at grievious losses to the Imperials." 



*resolution is very loosely defined in this situation. 

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We do a lot of work. Mixed bag on the ending.

So it's a "standard" 40k resolution* ? "The [insert heretics, traitors, xenos, villian-du-jour here] were repelled, but at grievious losses to the Imperials."



*resolution is very loosely defined in this situation.

Well they were repelled, but they actually won. They accomplished their goal before the BA pushed them out.

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  1. Helm = Sternguard-veteran-looking-one from BA upgrade sprue


That's basically a modified version of one from the Sanguinary Guard box which I also chose for my captain as its one of the best looking marine helmets available in my opinion.


I would paint him red, but only because for me gold equals nipple armour.


Can I just bring your attention to the following conversion please:

How good a conversion is that? :blink.: :jawdrop:


Goes to show that often you don't need much more than an arm and head swap.


Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Are you going to use both or are you building one as Sanguinius and using the other for conversions?


One for table-top, one (in concept) for display... but in reality I'm too slow to make that really work. Probably both for table-top with different builds (1 no-helmet and sword, 1 helmet and spear).


They're so pretty I'm a little afraid to take on the task!

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I guess m0nolith's thread is in the painting section?


Edit: I'll find it later, I'm typically chained to the BA subforum though...

AoD - just click the quote mark in the post (speach bubble or curly arrow depending on how you're viewing) and it will take you there.

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Progress on Tarantulas.




Which one is it? I'm still after photos for the VV so once it's done, please post it here if it's one not on the list. Cheers.




The One on the List are

Air Defence Command Platform





I think the Air Defence Command Platform is just the Damoclese Rhino Coms on the Tarantula Base. I have that. I also have the Hyperios, though that needs to be Stripped. The Ones I'm painting However are the Heavy Bolters and Twin Linked Assault Cannons, which are not Listed. They are a 30k Option so I don't know if you are going to do a List for 30k.

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