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Quick one folks - These formations are starting to confuse me - Is there a BA one which will allow me to go Vanguard/Assault heavy or better yet, exclusively jump pack only?


Quite a few!


The Archangels Demi Company is 5 Squads of either Sternguard / Vanguard/ Terminators/ Assault Terminators, a Terminator Captain and 2 Furioso Dreads. This entire formation can deep strike turn 1, with a re-roll and only scatter D6.


You can take a load of assault squads as Auxilliary choices to this if you wished to make an Angel's Blade Strike Force.


Add in Dante too as a Command Choice and suddenly no jump packs scatter :smile.:



I have played around quite a bit with this idea: "the all jump pack army" and the Archangels Demi-Company seems like a good start. You can do Golden Host (Dante + 2x squads of Sanguinary Guard), Arch Demi Co (1x Terminator Captain, 2x Furiosos, 5x VV w/ Jump Pack) and then a Rapid Assault Force (1x ASM w/ Jump Pack). However, that barely squeezes into 1850pts, let alone if you actually bring any weapons that can do anything. Unfortunately, I can't recommend it because for the size of the game you would need to make it work, you're facing things like Draigostars, 3+ Imperial Knights, etc.... and you're bring maybe a couple of Inferno pistols at best. Not worth it, IMO. 

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Finished my Assault Cannon Tarantula Sentry Gun for my 30k Blood Angels.




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Stumbled upon this today:


'Three Legions of Marines stand to defend you, sire. All of us will unflinchingly place ourselves between you and the war’s desolation. We are the greatest humans ever born – we are the flame of Humanity where the rest of the galaxy is just the spark. In centuries of warfare, against the vileness of the alien, the lies of the heretic, the foulness of the mutant, I have never known fear – but your silence terrifies me.'

-Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels Legion

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Formation question again...


What do you guys think of the Archangels Strike Force from the Shield of Baal campaign compared to the Archangels Demi Company in the Angels Blade book?


As I'm wanting to go Vanguard heavy, being forced to take a Terminator Captain as my HQ seems a touch weird - However, with the Strike Force, I can take a jump pack equipped Captain instead




Edit. Ignore me - HQ has to be equipped with Terminator Armour for some unfathomable reason ... Bah

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I had a good day of painting today. Doing Mephiston, a Tactical marine and a Death Company marine for Indefragable and the latter two are almost done.


Also FINALLY primed my Space Hulk Terminators, along with the nine latest tactical guys I posted earlier.

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Really looking forward to your rep riot earp.

I'm starting a blood angels force atm and I'm still not sure how my first list should be. Have some ideas but yeah..


Maybe we can talk a little bit at our tournaments in bedburg :wink:


Hi unerde i already have written up my battle rep in german. You can find it here.



I will do a write up in english asap.



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Has anyone fooled around with the Death Watch Cassius model and converted him to a BA chaplain//DCC? Also, just saw a Legion of the Damned Sergeant converted into a chaplain. It was brilliant! no pictures though. Man lots of inspirations today!

Edit: Per TheHarrower Circa 2010

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Has anyone fooled around with the Death Watch Cassius model and converted him to a BA chaplain//DCC? Also, just saw a Legion of the Damned Sergeant converted into a chaplain. It was brilliant! no pictures though. Man lots of inspirations today!


I've considered the idea.  I've considered doing the same with the Blood Ravens Librarian as well..


At the end of the day they are too beautiful to defile IMO..

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Has anyone fooled around with the Death Watch Cassius model and converted him to a BA chaplain//DCC? Also, just saw a Legion of the Damned Sergeant converted into a chaplain. It was brilliant! no pictures though. Man lots of inspirations today!


I've considered the idea.  I've considered doing the same with the Blood Ravens Librarian as well..


At the end of the day they are too beautiful to defile IMO..


Cassius is simple, swap the shoulder, you can grind off his U on the badge (or simply not attach it) and fill in the Crosius with some liquid green stuff. The Blood Raven is a simple arm swap and shoulder swap. I was going to have him be a "Counts-as" mephiston, but it would require way too much work, to green stuff him some hair, and I'm rubbish with green stuff modeling.



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