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Square bases - that's unusual. What made you decide to do them like that?

Ah yes.... I use square bases to paint on. They are only attached with a very small amount of superglue. Once they have been painted they will be "poped off" and attached to round bases that have been painted separately!


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@Uveron : did you magnetize the side bolters on the Baal predator ? If yes, do you mind sharing ? :tongue.: I'm working on magnetizing mine and I don't see a proper way to do it ... 

I magnetised mine, I can post up some pictures when I get home if Uveron hasn't answered the question before then. I used a strip of metal in the hull.

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@Uveron : did you magnetize the side bolters on the Baal predator ? If yes, do you mind sharing ? :tongue.: I'm working on magnetizing mine and I don't see a proper way to do it ... 


I did magnetize the Side Bolters, I also magnetized the Turret. Well I kind of did. The Doors sit in the rhino with friction alone, no Magnets used, as do the guns in the Turret it just slips in and out. The sponsons just used a pair of magnets within the reses of the hull on the rhino and one on the back of the side-sponsors.. there is room for magnets in the area without any drilling. I then renforced the bonds with greenstuff.


I will take some photos at the weekend. (I work away from home in the week and my Pred isnt with me)  

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Got some priming on my flamerbaal done. I buyed him from ebay and he had not the red i'm fielding but that is because i paint all my bloodies with gore red. ^^

So hes getting an overcoat.

Also ordered my third assault squad for bringing the oif. Finaly got my hands on the ba terminator sprue.


Also trying to fit the oif along with the archangles. It is very thight. would like to field corbulo instead of the sangpriest but okay.

b]+++ Ba 1850 angles blade (1850pts) +++


++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (BA Angel's Blade Strike Force) (1850pts) ++


+ (No Category) +


Relics and Detachment-rules


+ Command (60pts) +


Leaders of the Angelic Host (60pts) [sanguinary Priest]


+ Core (1135pts) +


"Archangels Demi-company" (1135pts)

····Captain (Terminator) [Power Sword, Storm bolter]

····Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]

········Drop Pod [Locator Beacon, Storm Bolter]

········Power Fists [Frag cannon]

····Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]

········Drop Pod [Locator Beacon, Storm Bolter]

········Power Fists [Frag cannon]

····Sternguard Veteran Squad [4x Sternguard Veteran, Veteran Sergeant]

········Drop Pod [storm Bolter]

····Sternguard Veteran Squad [4x Sternguard Veteran, Veteran Sergeant]

········Drop Pod [storm Bolter]

····Sternguard Veteran Squad [4x Sternguard Veteran, Veteran Sergeant]

········Drop Pod [storm Bolter]

····Vanguard Veteran Squad [Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, 4x Vanguard Veteran, Veteran Sergeant]

····Vanguard Veteran Squad [Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, 4x Vanguard Veteran, Veteran Sergeant]


+ Auxiliary (655pts) +


"Archangels Orbital Intervention Force" (655pts)

····Terminator Assault Squad [2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2x Twin Lightning Claws]

····Terminator Assault Squad [Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 4x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield]

····Terminator Assault Squad [2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2x Twin Lightning Claws]

Edited by Riot Earp
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Thank you both :smile.:

Here you go - usual potato camera quality I'm afraid but it shows what I did. I cut out the ridges (on the inside of the hull side around the door) to slot the metal plate flush and just glued a magnet to the inside of the sponson (and door of course). I would say it's really easy but I know it's not so convenient to get hold of magnetic sheet material as easily as I do - I raid the scrap bin at work!


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Thank you both :smile.:


Here you go - usual potato camera quality I'm afraid but it shows what I did. I cut out the ridges (on the inside of the hull side around the door) to slot the metal plate flush and just glued a magnet to the inside of the sponson (and door of course). I would say it's really easy but I know it's not so convenient to get hold of magnetic sheet material as easily as I do - I raid the scrap bin at work!


I just placed a magnet were you had the sheet, and filed about the same amount of space with green stuff! so it looks about the same! 

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Yeah that works just as well, I just wanted to save magnets :smile.: I did magnetise the turret too so can post pictures if wanted but I suspect it's not really needed - I think I went overkill in that regard. For the guns I should add, the back tanks/ammo definitely need magnetising!


One thing the Baal kit confirmed for me is how overdue for an update the standard Predator kit is. Just think of the better turret design and of course the far superior and robust sponsons...

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It would be nice to have some weapon upgrade options to. I feel like the Sicaran is what the Predator should've always been though.


Also, picked up A Deathwatch Cassius yesterday for a Death company chaplain kitbash. Really looking forward to working on it!

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I remember everyone (not here necessarily) saying how great vindicators are for us due to fast, but I just learned that a normal vindicator can still move 12 and shoot with POTMS.... So why are they so great for us? The little bit less scatter?


Because the POTMS doesn't come as standard? 

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So vindicators don't have POTMS? I'm not near any books, this is just what a guy told me while playing after I mentioned BA can move 12 and still fire the demolisher cannon


Not as standard, there may be ways to add it to the tank via upgrades and Powers. But it requires some work... (and will cost more than the points we pay)

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So vindicators don't have POTMS? I'm not near any books, this is just what a guy told me while playing after I mentioned BA can move 12 and still fire the demolisher cannon

The only way I know to give a codex:SM vindicator PotMS is through technomancy. Us having it is way easier and more potent. Plus we can stick on a storm bolter and fire it as well.

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You can move 12" and fire a single weapon at normal ballistic skill as a regular vehicle, I think? Fast on Vindicators mostly lets us reposition really easily. I've stopped taking the upgrade, though.

no normal vehicles only snap fire beyond 6" movement?

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