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OK, so the supposedly finecast Tycho and Chaplain Dreadnought models I ordered on ebay arrived today.  I don't know for sure because I never bought finecast before but I really doubt that the backpack is supposed to be resin as well, so it's very probably a counterfeit.


Regardless, the quality is better than many finecast models I saw inside their blisters, I'm strangely impressed..  I can post photos of the assempled figure if anyone is curious.

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OK, so the supposedly finecast Tycho and Chaplain Dreadnought models I ordered on ebay arrived today.  I don't know for sure because I never bought finecast before but I really doubt that the backpack is supposed to be resin as well, so it's very probably a counterfeit.


Regardless, the quality is better than many finecast models I saw inside their blisters, I'm strangely impressed..  I can post photos of the assempled figure if anyone is curious.

Some models do have finecast backpacks, and I think when I looked at Tyco's sprue at a store it was all finecast, but I don't remember.  I have no familiarity with Chaplain Dreads, though.


I'm on vacation in a city that still has a GW store so I thought I'd go visit.  I really wish they'd open another back home!  It was a blast talking with the guy working there, and I ended up picking up a finecast Terminator Chaplain just because no one ever seems to carry chaplains in my neck of the woods.  

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My Cassius model came in today, I've been busy working with him. Do we have a tactics section set up for the new death company relics? I'm looking at the armor or amourbane glaive, both seem really cool. The armour itself could counts as, but I'd need to equip a sword/axe to his right arm otherwise.


Also I've modeled a BA chappy helmet, or I could use the bare head as I'm pretty keen on it too. Thoughts?

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My Cassius model came in today, I've been busy working with him. Do we have a tactics section set up for the new death company relics? I'm looking at the armor or amourbane glaive, both seem really cool. The armour itself could counts as, but I'd need to equip a sword/axe to his right arm otherwise.


Also I've modeled a BA chappy helmet, or I could use the bare head as I'm pretty keen on it too. Thoughts?

I think the helmet is the easiest identifier for a chaplain, so I lean towards helmeted for them.  But I did also kit bash up a bare headed chaplain not too long ago, so I obviously don't feel that strongly about it.  

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My Cassius model came in today, I've been busy working with him. Do we have a tactics section set up for the new death company relics? I'm looking at the armor or amourbane glaive, both seem really cool. The armour itself could counts as, but I'd need to equip a sword/axe to his right arm otherwise.


Also I've modeled a BA chappy helmet, or I could use the bare head as I'm pretty keen on it too. Thoughts?

I think the helmet is the easiest identifier for a chaplain, so I lean towards helmeted for them. But I did also kit bash up a bare headed chaplain not too long ago, so I obviously don't feel that strongly about it.

Basically I shaved off the dark Angels emblem and put a blood drop in its place. It's simple enough, but position wise it's just a smudge wonky. I'm out at the pub right now. When I get home I'll try to upload pictures with both options.



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Here's the resin Tycho I got. Needs a bit of filing here and there, but otherwise I couldn't tell if it's genuine or not..


Regardless, now I also own a Chaplain Dreadnought. The problem is, I am already in the process of building a DC dreadnought with magnetized magna grapples using an AOBR body, so I'm really not sure about what to do with this. I am leaning towards making it a regular Furioso with a Frag Cannon and Meltagun (This way my current Furioso can go back to being a TLLC, Heavy Flamer dreadnought), but I've never seen it in red. Does it look good? Red with black wings maybe?

Edited by appiah5
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Here's the resin Tycho I got. Needs a bit of filing here and there, but otherwise I couldn't tell if it's genuine or not..


Regardless, now I also own a Chaplain Dreadnought. The problem is, I am already in the process of building a DC dreadnought with magnetized magna grapples using an AOBR body, so I'm really not sure about what to do with this. I am leaning towards making it a regular Furioso with a Frag Cannon and Meltagun (This way my current Furioso can go back to being a TLLC, Heavy Flamer dreadnought), but I've never seen it in red. Does it look good? Red with black wings maybe?

Well, the nipples look real...

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Trying to see if I can bodge together a MKII style jumppack. It's currently involving just a HEAP of tiny plastic triangles, as I try and make the air intakes

Not quite a waste of time, but close. I have succeeded in finding one way that definitely didn't work, at least

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Has anyone used a ironclad as a furioso dread? I saw one with a chainfist yesterday and thought with some changes to the other arm it would make a nice furioso equipped with blood talons for my flesh tearers


I really diskile the ironclad because its body and arms are even more out of proportion with its legs.. The normal box dreadnoughts look somewhat believable but the ironclad looks absolutely bonkers to me, expecially the oversized chainfist and combat arms..  I mean, case in point:




I think they really went about 25% too large with those weapons.  The Furioso kit has much better close combat weapons and talons..


The Finecast Tycho comes with a plastic backpack, so if yours is all resin I'd say it's a repro but a good quality one.


I still have the metal one in his blister pack...


Yeah..  I already have a kitbashed Tycho so I'll probably make this a DC Tycho for my infantry DC I guess :smile.:


I keep looking at your blog daily hoping to see something new up by the way..  Your painting is really inspiring; it might actually be what pushes me to get an airbrush eventually..


In other news, I'm sold on the idea of using the Chaplain Dreadnought body for a Furioso:



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Helmet fo sho, Cassius' standard head is boring and the stereotypical baldy marine head doesn't fit well with Blood Angels.


...! Ooo! Ooo-ooo-ooo! I've an idea! If you're willing to do a little conversion work why not take a Sanguinary Guard Death Mask, cut off the face (and file down the hair behind the halo) and replace it with a Skull face and make it into a real Death Mask!

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...! Ooo! Ooo-ooo-ooo! I've an idea! If you're willing to do a little conversion work why not take a Sanguinary Guard Death Mask, cut off the face (and file down the hair behind the halo) and replace it with a Skull face and make it into a real Death Mask!

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I've been using Zbrush and Shapeways to avoid doing just that :biggrin.:

I want to make a few tweaks but it should be available for order by mid November.


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...! Ooo! Ooo-ooo-ooo! I've an idea! If you're willing to do a little conversion work why not take a Sanguinary Guard Death Mask, cut off the face (and file down the hair behind the halo) and replace it with a Skull face and make it into a real Death Mask!

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I've been using Zbrush and Shapeways to avoid doing just that :biggrin.:

I want to make a few tweaks but it should be available for order by mid November.


Uhh wow! ...please let us know the minute that beauty is finished!

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Has anyone used a ironclad as a furioso dread? I saw one with a chainfist yesterday and thought with some changes to the other arm it would make a nice furioso equipped with blood talons for my flesh tearers

I really diskile the ironclad because its body and arms are even more out of proportion with its legs.. The normal box dreadnoughts look somewhat believable but the ironclad looks absolutely bonkers to me, expecially the oversized chainfist and combat arms.. I mean, case in point:




I think they really went about 25% too large with those weapons. The Furioso kit has much better close combat weapons and talons..

The Finecast Tycho comes with a plastic backpack, so if yours is all resin I'd say it's a repro but a good quality one.


I still have the metal one in his blister pack...

Yeah.. I already have a kitbashed Tycho so I'll probably make this a DC Tycho for my infantry DC I guess :smile.:


I keep looking at your blog daily hoping to see something new up by the way.. Your painting is really inspiring; it might actually be what pushes me to get an airbrush eventually..


In other news, I'm sold on the idea of using the Chaplain Dreadnought body for a Furioso:



Yeh for sure those fists look comical but i won't be using them. I've still got my arm from my furioso and some spare blood talons and the other one will have that giant chain fist. Also still got my magna grapple. Might look ok we'll have to see

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