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I keep looking at your blog daily hoping to see something new up by the way..  Your painting is really inspiring; it might actually be what pushes me to get an airbrush eventually..

Thanks, that's very kind of you to say! I wish I could update the blog more often, but opportunities to paint are few and far between these days... Still, I'm happy to hear that it serves as inspiration - that's what it's for after all.


I will say that there's something rather special coming soon, with which I had some help from fellow frater Blindhamster... watch this space!

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...! Ooo! Ooo-ooo-ooo! I've an idea! If you're willing to do a little conversion work why not take a Sanguinary Guard Death Mask, cut off the face (and file down the hair behind the halo) and replace it with a Skull face and make it into a real Death Mask!

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I've been using Zbrush and Shapeways to avoid doing just that :biggrin.:

I want to make a few tweaks but it should be available for order by mid November.



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Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm making some other parts too. I'll be sure to share everything in the Blood Angels Third Party Bits thread when I get them. Here's a WIP render of some shoulder pads for now. They're designed to be used alongside the pads from the GW upgrade pack.

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You may want to lose the Inquisition insignia on the chest as well while at it.

I'm going to keep it. I'm keen on it, and it's going to represent working with the Deathwatch. The Deathwatch shoulder was messed up though when I got it. I may try a blood drop though.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm making some other parts too. I'll be sure to share everything in the Blood Angels Third Party Bits thread when I get them. Here's a WIP render of some shoulder pads for now. They're designed to be used alongside the pads from the GW upgrade pack.

As someone whose chapter symbol is a single crimson tear (blood drop), you have my attention.

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Had no idea cassius was that convertible. Very nice.

The Hardest thing was the U badge. I've been trying to file it down some more but it has been giving me fits. I feel like once I get some paint on it, you won't even notice it. The only other issue I'm having is my Liquid Green Stuff has dried up and for whatever reason will not fill that stupid U on the Crozius. 


Thanks for all the compliments. Just gotta figure out what kind of jump pack I want to do for him. I'm leaning towards a regular Death Company Jump Pack, but I also have the Lord Executioner Jump Pack lying around for something a bit more extravagant to give him a bit more individualism.

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The only other issue I'm having is my Liquid Green Stuff has dried up and for whatever reason will not fill that stupid U on the Crozius.

Have you tried mixing PVA glue with a little water and green paint the using it to fill the gaps? It worked well for me on fine cast models.


You don't even need the green paint ;)

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I got back into town today and picked up BoP. I'm uncertain what I should do with the Tartaros guys. I want to build them as counts-as regular terminators, but I see three options: one, all lightning claws to field as assault tda (which I like but I have 5 of each assault option right now, don't think I need more); two, build them as tacticals with no special weapon (or convert an assault cannon with the reaper base plus dreadnought asscan arm); or three, build them with the reaper and just field it as a counts as asscan. Three is easier and possibly cooler looking, and on the 1/1000 chance we BA get rules for Tartaros in 40k I could use it (if it is good). Two is most work but also most logical. Thoughts? What is anyone else with BoP doing with them?
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Aye - sadly we just don't now what units we'll be getting in Book 8 (or 9 as it could be!).


My absolute dream however is we get some sort of Ultra-dick-kicking "Whole Squad of Terminators with Assault Cannons" deal :P


I'll be using them to make a LC unit methinks or something like that for use in 40k - seeing as they match the rules bar sweeping pretty well.

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I got back into town today and picked up BoP. I'm uncertain what I should do with the Tartaros guys. I want to build them as counts-as regular terminators, but I see three options: one, all lightning claws to field as assault tda (which I like but I have 5 of each assault option right now, don't think I need more); two, build them as tacticals with no special weapon (or convert an assault cannon with the reaper base plus dreadnought asscan arm); or three, build them with the reaper and just field it as a counts as asscan. Three is easier and possibly cooler looking, and on the 1/1000 chance we BA get rules for Tartaros in 40k I could use it (if it is good). Two is most work but also most logical. Thoughts? What is anyone else with BoP doing with them?


Like the Cataphractii, I'd be going combi + lightning claw with heavy weapon, 1 chainfist. I'd probably go plasma blaster unless the reaper is only 10pts, not 25 like the chaos codex...

Edited by Xenith
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