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I'm getting close to done with the death company for my Rage to Salvation pledge. Raphen's squad sure is tricked out. Doing this squad at the same time as the pile of shame thread made me realize i do the same thing GW does: build too many models because they look good when they definitely aren't optimal in games. Edited by Father Mapple
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Played today the orbital intervention force along with a cad with corbulo for reroll along with the dominus maniple vs a daemonlist with alot of dogs and salneesh beastriders. Very fast list. He beat my units turn two and then my oif stuck despite the reroll from corbulo in deep strike reserve. His drop pod decided the same so i was tabled turn two. Doh!
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So we are getting fancy novels for TWO of our major characters next year... has to mean something?

I suppose it means we are getting two books.



Two whole books!


Tbh, I'm loving the art on both even if anatomy is a bit off and look forward to some new authors having a pop at the BA!


It could also mean a continuation of the black crusade campaign... maybe.

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Well I was thinking more so that the novels are a hint that there's a new supplement/update about our further exploits involving the black crusade around a similar time as the novels... but they could just be novels to keep us occupied and have no other meaning... 


It would be kind of hilarious if they released new models along with these books and nothing else though...

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The serfs'll be kept busy patching the holes in his robes later...

I'd also like to know what he's firing the plasma pistol at to understand why it warrants him ignoring all the horrors clawing at his legs. Given their proximity it looks like he's using the wrong weapong.

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The serfs'll be kept busy patching the holes in his robes later...

I'd also like to know what he's firing the plasma pistol at to understand why it warrants him ignoring all the horrors clawing at his legs. Given their proximity it looks like he's using the wrong weapong.

He cares not. He'll deal with them later...



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Has Darius Hinks written anything yet?


I chopped up Ahriman pretty good, I think. His model is a little bit of a pain and it had way more stuff on it than I realized, but I think I have shaved it all off. Now I just need some liquid GS to fill up the stuff carved into him and he should pass as loyal. I also need something for him to stand on since his foot is propped up...

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Apparently he's written a great deal! Mostly Warhammer Fantasy and some new Age of Sigmar stuff, but for 40k he's written something in The Best of Hammer and Bolter: Vol 1, and one of the parts of Architect of Fate, Sanctus. So I'm feeling optimistic about that!


Today I grabbed some magnets for one of my Assault Terminator squads, and Angel's Blade! As much as the formation may have been disappointing, there is no denying that it is a gorgeous book.

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I like the scheme too – really nice! I wonder if another colour could be introduced – for example the tabard on the sergeant and the holster on the second marine would look really good in this scheme if they were dark brown...


Edit: Like so!



Edited by LutherMax
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Ohhh nice! They look cool Uveron!


Is your scheme Cream and purple? Very cool if so.


Yes, that's the plan. With some Gold and Silver for extra 'Bling' 


I like the scheme too – really nice! I wonder if another colour could be introduced – for example the tabard on the sergeant and the holster on the second marine would look really good in this scheme if they were dark brown...


Edit: Like so!


Yes the Holsters are going to be brown. I havent thought about the Tabard, I was going to add some extra details.. But maybe a Brown would look OK. I have been trying to make them look a bit more extravagant... but I will have to think about that

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