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Hey cousins,


Any tips on fixing the windshields?



Paint them an off grey, such as administratum gray, highlight with white then glaze over with a light green glaze.  What you're going for here won't work..

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Be Happy, GW released an uptaded version of their FAQ on their Website.


Now Scouts and Scouts bikers officially have CC/CT of 4, and Dreadnoughts of all types have 4 base attacks !


Great and long awaited news ! (It isn't really a news, but now, it is a clear and official thing.)

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Hey cousins,

Any tips on fixing the windshields?

What do you mean by "fixing"?


Well...I find them flat?




Hey cousins,


Any tips on fixing the windshields?



Paint them an off grey, such as administratum gray, highlight with white then glaze over with a light green glaze.  What you're going for here won't work..


Any examples on what that will look like?

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