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Going to attempt to rescue this disastrous Vindicator I just bought. I really thought it was in better shape than what it is. /:


Oh well if I'm not up to the task I just bought an extra piece of terrain. Wish me luck!


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Going to attempt to rescue this disastrous Vindicator I just bought. I really thought it was in better shape than what it is. /:


Oh well if I'm not up to the task I just bought an extra piece of terrain. Wish me luck!

One of my favourite parts of the hobby, despite my games room now permanently smelling of dettol. Just get a buzz from recovering 2nd hand trash and making it serviceable again. 


Good luck!

Edited by Brother_Angelus
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Going to attempt to rescue this disastrous Vindicator I just bought. I really thought it was in better shape than what it is. /:


Oh well if I'm not up to the task I just bought an extra piece of terrain. Wish me luck!

One of my favourite parts of the hobby, despite my games room now permanently smelling of dettol. Just get a buzz from recovering 2nd hand trash and making it serviceable again.

Tis' the influence of the Omnissiah you feel brother, perhaps it's time you undertook the Pilgrimage to Mars...?

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Hey cousins,

Any tips on fixing the windshields?


What do you mean by "fixing"?


Well...I find them flat?


Does this illustrate the effect you're looking for?




To achieve that (without an airbrush) I would start with a dark green, and build up layers diagonally mixing in more of a bright green each time.

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Had a game planned at the local GW, but had to call it off just as we were starting the first turn, as the Earthquake inspector had another look at the building and decided they weren't happy with it and closed the whole block. Bit frustrating, but I'd rather lose out on a game than be in new already broken building if another quake hits.

It's bad enough being in an up to code and undamaged house!


Edit: oh and the aftershock/quake count is up at something like 1400 now. Lol.

Edited by CaptainHelion
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Had a game planned at the local GW, but had to call it off just as we were starting the first turn, as the Earthquake inspector had another look at the building and decided they weren't happy with it and closed the whole block. Bit frustrating, but I'd rather lose out on a game than be in new already broken building if another quake hits.

It's bad enough being in an up to code and undamaged house!


Edit: oh and the aftershock/quake count is up at something like 1400 now. Lol.


Got home to discover an old chaos rhino kit arrived from Ebay! It's only half built, too! Gosh, its so small though.

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Kind of a weird occurrence at my bi-weekly Warhammer trip.  A small game was proposed: 600 points, due to time constraints.  My opponent had what he considered to be a very strong Khorne (KDK?) list already prepared, and excited to be used.  I started pulling out my Dreadnoughts to be used in a Chapter Ancients formation.  My opponent refused to play against it because it was A) unbalanced, and B) his list wouldn't "work" against it.  I've never experienced anyone having this reaction to a Blood Angels-anything before.  


Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing.  A weird experience!

Edited by Boudan
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Kind of a weird occurrence at my bi-weekly Warhammer trip.  A small game was proposed: 600 points, due to time constraints.  My opponent had what he considered to be a very strong Khorne (KDK?) list already prepared, and excited to be used.  I started pulling out my Dreadnoughts to be used in a Chapter Ancients formation.  My opponent refused to play against it because it was A) unbalanced, and :cool.: his list wouldn't "work" against it.  I've never experienced anyone having this reaction to a Blood Angels-anything before.  


Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing.  A weird experience!


Your opponent sounds like a d-bag frankly.


Back in the 3rd edition Rhino-rush days I got that reaction a LOT and I hated it - because I was never a power-gamer or even a good player haha. Pretty much why I'm perfectly satisfied with us not being the uber top-tier at the moment.

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Kind of a weird occurrence at my bi-weekly Warhammer trip.  A small game was proposed: 600 points, due to time constraints.  My opponent had what he considered to be a very strong Khorne (KDK?) list already prepared, and excited to be used.  I started pulling out my Dreadnoughts to be used in a Chapter Ancients formation.  My opponent refused to play against it because it was A) unbalanced, and :cool.: his list wouldn't "work" against it.  I've never experienced anyone having this reaction to a Blood Angels-anything before.  


Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing.  A weird experience!


You should have told him he's an absolute disgrace to his pathetic God!


Is this all Khorne's mighty champions have to offer? No wonder Sanguinius gave Kha'banda the old Bane maneuver. No wonder the Sanguinor did the same.


If someone is scared of dreads then they clearly have never faces a full cheese Eldar list.

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Kind of a weird occurrence at my bi-weekly Warhammer trip.  A small game was proposed: 600 points, due to time constraints.  My opponent had what he considered to be a very strong Khorne (KDK?) list already prepared, and excited to be used.  I started pulling out my Dreadnoughts to be used in a Chapter Ancients formation.  My opponent refused to play against it because it was A) unbalanced, and :cool.: his list wouldn't "work" against it.  I've never experienced anyone having this reaction to a Blood Angels-anything before.  


Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing.  A weird experience!

Lmao...it's so long since i've read/experienced such a childish behaviour in the warhammer community the last time. About 7 years to be exact. Awesome. :D

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Haha yes Khornedogs have a bad matchup against front 13 dreads. If he field just 60 dogs and nothing else maybe his list was unbalanced also?


My opponent know mixes some units in which can handle such dreads.


Your opponents reaction was not gentelmenlike. And hugging the table edge to don´t get charged is kinda silly and not fun.

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I would've just asked politely what his intentions were. Then I would have had to reply if he planned on disgracing the Pantheon for his cowardice.


Just kidding that would've been inner DBH. Outer DBH would've been, "Hey man, this isn't really fun I think I'd rather play someone else"

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Kind of a weird occurrence at my bi-weekly Warhammer trip. A small game was proposed: 600 points, due to time constraints. My opponent had what he considered to be a very strong Khorne (KDK?) list already prepared, and excited to be used. I started pulling out my Dreadnoughts to be used in a Chapter Ancients formation. My opponent refused to play against it because it was A) unbalanced, and B) his list wouldn't "work" against it. I've never experienced anyone having this reaction to a Blood Angels-anything before.


Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing. A weird experience!

Pfft. Not fit to be playing Khorne if he actually cares from whence the blood flows.


He seriously came with a 'strong' list to a 600pt game then got upset because someone else had a 'strong' list?

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His list was a chaos lord, a hellbrute, 5 CC terminators, a deamonthing with a large blast template and some riders summoned by blood tithes. Next turn was to be a bloodthirster, and at that point I said 'never mind.'


It didn't seem to be *that* weak against AV13, but hey.

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Postscript: I made a Golden Host list, and my opponent thereafter refused to move his all-assault army, forcing me to move into his charge range, or just sit there for 6 turns doing nothing.  A weird experience!

If you had a Golden Host, could you not just deep strike right in his face and charge immediately, then Hit & Run around with Dante wiping the floor with everything..?

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Update time!


Been busy painting these last few weeks and have 5 new additions to add to the army: 4 HQs and 1 Stormraven Gunship



All these models were built and primed years ago. Slowly making my way through all the models to paint. The Stormraven was very fun to paint and will be looking to paint more flyers soon. The model like all my other large models is heavily magnetized for easy storage and transport. Anyway...onto the pics:









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