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Always a pleasure and a joy to see your work Eggy - that Stormraven in particular is beautiful!


Is there a subtle blue-ish tiny to the cockpit canopy..?

Thanks Luther! Yes, I dipped the canopies in a mixture of future floor polish and marine blue ink to create the tint. 

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Always a pleasure and a joy to see your work Eggy - that Stormraven in particular is beautiful!

Is there a subtle blue-ish tiny to the cockpit canopy..?


Thanks Luther! Yes, I dipped the canopies in a mixture of future floor polish and marine blue ink to create the tint.

Funny, I was planning on doing exactly that for mine (but with green ink), but went for painting with Tamiya Clear Green in the end. I'm pretty happy with mine but I like the subtlety of yours and I think that method gives more control.

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Ran out of white spray... Nooooooo!


Still using a white undercoat?


As the saying goes, once you go black...



... it messes up your entire colour scheme and you've got to strip ~ 8000 points of models to make everything coherent? No thanks.


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I hate to break it to you, but that's an Emperor's Children marine - Hell, I think it's even meant to be Fulgrim :sad.:


Look at the shoulder emblem people, wing with a claw!

Whoops! :blush.:


I thought the sentiment suited Blood Angels – bloody carnage in his wake but still time to appreciate aesthetic beauty :biggrin.:

Edited by LutherMax
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Complete dedication to specific facet of art to the point of absolute mastery is VERY Blood Angels /  Eldar.


I've drawn this parallel somewhere else before.


The BA are noted artists due to their long lives, and that seems to be the only given reason.


The Eldar also take up an 'aspect' to focus their minds entirely to stave off the dark impulses. 


I think it's a natural fit that the BA also could become obsessive over their art, and let it totally absorb them to stave off the rage. 

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That's a facet that I'm working with in my Successor Chapter. There's a thing that autistic people (which I am) often exhibit, which is basically an obsessive interest in very specific fields. I was thinking about how similar that is to both the Eldar Paths and the Blood Angels focus on the drive to perfection. Throw in Charlo's point about no idle minds...

And that's how I ended up with a chapter of marines who obsessively train for the specific necessities of the task at hand, to the exclusion of all else. When a given strike force returns to the fold, they are often drastically different from the rest. So they get sent off to another battlefield with some other marines who have a different tactical obsession, and they both train for the new situation, and they learn from each other. And they return, again different, to the chapter. And on it goes, for centuries.

It actually ended up creating a very dynamic character for the Chapter. And provides a great excuse for doing a huge variety of things with my marines!

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Ran out of white spray... Nooooooo!

Still using a white undercoat?


As the saying goes, once you go black...

...you go mad? I swear I cant see :cuss when I undercoat black..

...Are you sure you're holding the can the right way round? :lol:

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Remind me folks, what's the best way to attach clear plastic such as those which come with the Storm Raven kit? Tiny bit of superglue, PVA, or something else?


Never use cyanoacrylate (superglue) or plastic cement with clear pieces.  Clear glues such as PVA are best, but remember they will take much longer to bond and will never be as strong.

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