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  On 10/16/2019 at 9:29 PM, Mostwanted said:

Rumours going round that one of the yearly Christmas boxes will be a Blood Angels one this year. Not much info other than it will include Sanguinary Guard. The info comes from LordValrak who is pretty reliable. Be interesting to see what else it contains and if it has any bearing on something else for us in the hopefully near future

Interesting, I would not be uninterested if it had some Aggressors or an executioner in it. Hopefully not any mono pose kits though, would be a bummer if it had Eliminators without the las-fusils.

  On 10/16/2019 at 10:11 PM, Semirhagge said:


  On 10/16/2019 at 9:29 PM, Mostwanted said:


Rumours going round that one of the yearly Christmas boxes will be a Blood Angels one this year. Not much info other than it will include Sanguinary Guard. The info comes from LordValrak who is pretty reliable. Be interesting to see what else it contains and if it has any bearing on something else for us in the hopefully near future.

Which of his videos says this?

Not sure if I'm aloud to direct link on here. But the title of it is 'Inquisition White Dwarf incoming + Christmas box sets information' on YouTube. He also talks about it on the News and rumour section on these forums.

  On 10/17/2019 at 12:55 PM, Mostwanted said:


  On 10/16/2019 at 10:11 PM, Semirhagge said:


  On 10/16/2019 at 9:29 PM, Mostwanted said:

Rumours going round that one of the yearly Christmas boxes will be a Blood Angels one this year. Not much info other than it will include Sanguinary Guard. The info comes from LordValrak who is pretty reliable. Be interesting to see what else it contains and if it has any bearing on something else for us in the hopefully near future.

Which of his videos says this?

Not sure if I'm aloud to direct link on here. But the title of it is 'Inquisition White Dwarf incoming + Christmas box sets information' on YouTube. He also talks about it on the News and rumour section on these forums.



Nothing says you can't link stuff here. This forum is very lenient on leaks and such too unlike some others (not gonna name them since I don't want to start any forum bashing).

Can't decide if I would rather have a new Mephy or Dante. Certainly Dante needs new rules more than Mephy does as he is overpriced and underpowered as it stands. However Mephiston obviously ties in much more easily to a psychic awakening.


However, seeing the BAs get a bit of time in the sun is always welcome. I wonder if it is too much to hope we will receive Doctrines and the other price adjustments that SMs got? I would not complain if my Inceptors got a price cut (although Captain Smash going up would sting a bit).

If PA3 is mainly about the time before Primaris arrived on Baal it would make sense to select Mephiston for a new model I guess since he already has better than normal stats and with his condition it's a toss-up whether he'd even attempt to cross the Rubicon Primaris or not.

Edited by sfPanzer
  On 10/21/2019 at 12:53 PM, sfPanzer said:

If PA3 is mainly about the time before Primaris arrived on Baal it would make sense to select Mephiston for a new model I guess since he already has better than normal stats and with his condition it's a toss-up whether he'd even attempt to cross the Rubicon Primaris or not.

Why would it be about that time period when we are decidedly past that in the setting...?


I don't think he'll cross the Rubicon, he'll just get a new model.

  On 10/21/2019 at 2:06 PM, Charlo said:


  On 10/21/2019 at 12:53 PM, sfPanzer said:

If PA3 is mainly about the time before Primaris arrived on Baal it would make sense to select Mephiston for a new model I guess since he already has better than normal stats and with his condition it's a toss-up whether he'd even attempt to cross the Rubicon Primaris or not.

Why would it be about that time period when we are decidedly past that in the setting...?


I don't think he'll cross the Rubicon, he'll just get a new model.



Because we "know" it's about BA vs Tyranids which was a big thing right before Primaris arrived on Baal and we know that Psychic Awakening is about fleshing out what happened in the time after the great rift appeared.

I want Mephiston to become embiggened and become a Primarch-grade character for Blood Angels because we can't have a Primarch and that would make sense.

Mephiston's already super powerful, and he's not even embiggened yet.

  On 10/21/2019 at 2:08 PM, sfPanzer said:


  On 10/21/2019 at 2:06 PM, Charlo said:


  On 10/21/2019 at 12:53 PM, sfPanzer said:

If PA3 is mainly about the time before Primaris arrived on Baal it would make sense to select Mephiston for a new model I guess since he already has better than normal stats and with his condition it's a toss-up whether he'd even attempt to cross the Rubicon Primaris or not.

Why would it be about that time period when we are decidedly past that in the setting...?


I don't think he'll cross the Rubicon, he'll just get a new model.



Because we "know" it's about BA vs Tyranids which was a big thing right before Primaris arrived on Baal and we know that Psychic Awakening is about fleshing out what happened in the time after the great rift appeared.


Well it could be about the Blood Angels dealing with the splinters and remnants of Hive Fleet Leviathan leftover from the Cicatrix Maledictum. That would still be during or immediately after the Indomitus Crusade, so would fall into that timeframe. 

  On 10/21/2019 at 2:44 PM, sfPanzer said:

Don't forget about the Sanguinor. I'd much rather have him with a sick new model than Lemartes.


I agree. The current Lemartes model looks great but I find the Sanguinor a bit lacking. Buff him up, give him a sweet new model and make him our Prmiarch-equiv model.

  On 10/21/2019 at 2:08 PM, sfPanzer said:

Because we "know" it's about BA vs Tyranids which was a big thing right before Primaris arrived on Baal and we know that Psychic Awakening is about fleshing out what happened in the time after the great rift appeared.

To be fair, thanks to wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey, it could go either way. Personally I am hoping we get access to some of the new stuff from the SM Dex such as Doctrines and Stratagems.


I just want cool models and cool rules to play them with. Is that too much to ask GW:laugh.:

  On 10/21/2019 at 3:21 PM, sfPanzer said:

I still doubt we'll be getting Doctrines. If GW wanted to give us the same thing vanilla Marines got they would already have given it to us with the same Errata that gave us access to everything else.

Agreed. I think we'll get some sort of equivalent, but not the Doctrines from the Codex Space Marines. 


Not sure about which character(s) might get embiggened (love that term, thanks Zephaniah). I don't think Mephiston would, just because he is already very unique. Although a new model would be cool. Any would be cool though. Also agree with the Sanguinor getting upgraded. That would be awesome. 

I mentioned a couple months ago, that Mephiston has been in play testing since about January. I felt the subtle implication is, they were testing him because he was going to be primaris sized. My money is Mephiston. Hopefully Dante AND Mephiston though.

Edited by Chronos1985

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