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Is PA1 set before the current timeline? As far as I'm aware, it isn't.


I doubt any of the books will be set pre primaris and pre guilliman.




It would be 1000% dumb to set it before the events of the 'nid attack on Baal.

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You're in luck - I had deleted it but I hadn't emptied the recycle bin :happy.: It's dead on 1500 points and bear in mind I'm not a competetive player at all, I'm super casual so I don't know how this would fair against serious players!


Supreme Command Detachment:


Chaplain w/JP, Plasma Pistol

Librarian w/JP, Force Sword, Hand Flamer

Sanguianry Priest w/JP, BP, CCW


Vanguard Detachment:


Captain w/JP, Inferno Pistol, Relic Blade*




Sanguinary Guard x10 w/Death Masks, Plasma Pistol x2, Encarmine Axe x2, Power Fist x2

Vanguard Veterans x5 w/JP, Power Sword, Inferno Pistol, Sgt w/Thunder Hammer

Vanguard Veterans x5 w/JP, Hand Flamer, Plasma Pistol, Sgt w/Power Axe



Assault Marines x10 w/JP, Meltagun x2, Sgt w/BP, Power Fist

Assault Marines x10 w/JP, Plasma Pistol x2, Sgt w/BP, Lightning Claw


*Captain had Angels Wing relic and Artisan Warlord Trait


Cheers Jolemai! It was nice to meet you in person too as well as have a game :biggrin.: Shout out to your old school models too, they looked great :thumbsup:


Edit: I forgot model numbers... and the RAS entirely :teehee:

Edited by Arkaniss
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Any of our Captains could get primarified as well. But I do hope we'll get any/all of the already mentioned heroes

Maybe we’ll see one generic BA primaris Captain next to one special character for that. Since it mentions psychic, I bet we’ll see Mephiston, but not necessarily primaris Mephiston. He can wipe the floor with most primaris characters as is, no need for him to go that route.


Could also be the Sanguinor in super-sayian form (not primaris though, that would be hella dumb) since he’s been described as a psychic manifestation of bla bla bla horrible Matt-Ward-background.


So either way, I’ll reckon we will see 1-2 characters and that’s it. Rest comes with a future codex release.

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Is PA1 set before the current timeline? As far as I'm aware, it isn't.


I doubt any of the books will be set pre primaris and pre guilliman.


Kinda hard to say considering the Ynnari pretty much disappeared after bringing Guilliman back and before he started his whole Indomitus Crusade and we didn't hear anything about them during any of the campaigns we got afterwards.


Also keep in mind that the time is not completely linear these days in 40k. The Great Rift appeared when Cadia fell. Guilliman got brought back shortly after, then he had a more or less long journey to terra, dealt with a bunch of stuff, got Cawl to ready thousands of Primaris and then went on 100 year long Crusade ... however for us Blood Angels Guilliman arrived with the Primaris only moments after the Great Rift appeared.

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The longer I think about it, the less I seem to know what PA might bring for us :P

So far, the PA is introducing resculpts of the existing range with the Aeldari. This trend might as well continue with the next chapter, where we got icons for SoB (which we know have been worked on for some time now), Alpha Legion, Imperial Guard, Emperor's Children, Iron Warriors, Night Lords (?), Salamanders, White Scars, Word Bearers, World Eaters and Black Templars. However these might as well be just some minor rules plus upgrade pack kits. 


For us, this can really be anything, but following the resculpts route, our oldest minis (not counting general kits like scouts, bikes etc.) are Mephiston and Corbulo with Dante close behind. We already have our upgrade pack kits, so I wouldn't expect new units, unless similar thing would get introduced for C:SMs.

PA might as well happen for us exactly in the moment of Cicatrix Maledictum's opening - at the height of the battle for the Baal system. It could then introduce any un-modified character of the Blood or two and move on to another area. 

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Is PA1 set before the current timeline? As far as I'm aware, it isn't.


I doubt any of the books will be set pre primaris and pre guilliman.


Kinda hard to say considering the Ynnari pretty much disappeared after bringing Guilliman back and before he started his whole Indomitus Crusade and we didn't hear anything about them during any of the campaigns we got afterwards.


Also keep in mind that the time is not completely linear these days in 40k. The Great Rift appeared when Cadia fell. Guilliman got brought back shortly after, then he had a more or less long journey to terra, dealt with a bunch of stuff, got Cawl to ready thousands of Primaris and then went on 100 year long Crusade ... however for us Blood Angels Guilliman arrived with the Primaris only moments after the Great Rift appeared.



Don't forget that now there were/are/will be Primaris BA on Armageddon, so somehow they made it back through the rift, or Karlaen and Aphael met with the Indomitus crusade on the way back from the EoT and got reinforced, then decided to stop at Armageddon for a laugh en route to Baal. 

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Is PA1 set before the current timeline? As far as I'm aware, it isn't.


I doubt any of the books will be set pre primaris and pre guilliman.

Kinda hard to say considering the Ynnari pretty much disappeared after bringing Guilliman back and before he started his whole Indomitus Crusade and we didn't hear anything about them during any of the campaigns we got afterwards.


Also keep in mind that the time is not completely linear these days in 40k. The Great Rift appeared when Cadia fell. Guilliman got brought back shortly after, then he had a more or less long journey to terra, dealt with a bunch of stuff, got Cawl to ready thousands of Primaris and then went on 100 year long Crusade ... however for us Blood Angels Guilliman arrived with the Primaris only moments after the Great Rift appeared.

Don't forget that now there were/are/will be Primaris BA on Armageddon, so somehow they made it back through the rift, or Karlaen and Aphael met with the Indomitus crusade on the way back from the EoT and got reinforced, then decided to stop at Armageddon for a laugh en route to Baal.

Well, we know when karlean meets up with dante again he is older and has primaris battlebrothers with him. So its perfectly reasonable that they did indeed stop off during armageddon.. but also random as presumably they should have been unremembered sons instead

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I hope they come up with a good reason for Meph or/and Dante to become Primaris. Cuz I can't.


In Universe, the characters become stronger, more potent, closer to their Primarch. Since Primaris Marines don't seem to be affected by the Black Rage, some BAs might see this as a path to salvation.


Real-world. Sweet new models! What more reason do you need? :D

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Is it actually “canon” that becoming embiggened is curing the Res Thirst and Black Rage, at least for a short period of time? I’ve only read that new Primaris marines don’t seem to be affected by the latter.


No. We have no fluff of Blood Angels crossing the Rubicon yet so its effects on "firstborn" Marines is unknown. I can see the BAs giving it a shot however work or fail, it could potentially make for interesting fluff.


So far as we know, Primaris Marines don't seem to be affected by the Black Rage but there is one piece of fluff that suggests they may be more prone to the Red Thirst.

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Is it actually “canon” that becoming embiggened is curing the Res Thirst and Black Rage, at least for a short period of time? I’ve only read that new Primaris marines don’t seem to be affected by the latter.


No. We have no fluff of Blood Angels crossing the Rubicon yet so its effects on "firstborn" Marines is unknown. I can see the BAs giving it a shot however work or fail, it could potentially make for interesting fluff.


So far as we know, Primaris Marines don't seem to be affected by the Black Rage but there is one piece of fluff that suggests they may be more prone to the Red Thirst.



Remember that many Primaris were produced using genestock from 10,000 years ago and thus would have suffered less degredation than current BA. As Primaris begin to be made using gene seed from firstborn marines, we'll see more incidences of the thirst and rage appearing. We have already seen the thirst take a couple of primaris. It wont be too log before the rage manifests. 


Once we get an actual Primaris jump pack equipped assault unit, Primaris DC won't be too far behind. 

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I hope they come up with a good reason for Meph or/and Dante to become Primaris. Cuz I can't.


In Universe, the characters become stronger, more potent, closer to their Primarch. Since Primaris Marines don't seem to be affected by the Black Rage, some BAs might see this as a path to salvation.


Real-world. Sweet new models! What more reason do you need? :biggrin.:


Well, Dante and Meph are not 'some'. I don't think the old Vampire cares about getting stronger or is too afraid of falling to the Black Rage. As for Mephiston, his power comes from his psychic might, a Primaris body wont do much for him, and he has overcome (kind of) the Black Rage.


Really, if there is no major development in Guy Haley's new book, and their motivation to crossing the Rubicon is 'to become stronger' than I personally would call it terrible writing. I can see an aspiring Captain undergoing the surgery, but Meph and Dante are the very last characters, in my view, to have a reason taking that risk. Even if it is 1% chance of dying.


Just my personal opinion though. I can understand if people don't care how much sense it makes as long as we get new models.

Edited by Klod
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I hope they come up with a good reason for Meph or/and Dante to become Primaris. Cuz I can't.


In Universe, the characters become stronger, more potent, closer to their Primarch. Since Primaris Marines don't seem to be affected by the Black Rage, some BAs might see this as a path to salvation.


Real-world. Sweet new models! What more reason do you need? :biggrin.:


Well, Dante and Meph are not 'some'. I don't think the old Vampire cares about getting stronger or is too afraid of falling to the Black Rage. As for Mephiston, his power comes from his psychic might, a Primaris body wont do much for him, and he has overcome (kind of) the Black Rage.


Really, if there is no major development in Guy Haley's new book, and their motivation to crossing the Rubicon is 'to become stronger' than I personally would call it terrible writing. I can see an aspiring Captain undergoing the surgery, but Meph and Dante are the very last characters, in my view, to have a reason taking that risk. Even if it is 1% chance of dying.


Just my personal opinion though. I can understand if people don't care how much sense it makes as long as we get new models.



Uhm then you definitely don't know Dante very well. He'd be the very first who'd attempt to cross the Rubicon Primaris if it means improving their odds.


Also Mephistons power doesn't just come from his psychic might. He's physically much tougher than other Marines ever since he became Mephiston as well.

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Yo fellow BAngles:


Just so I'm up to date, all Blood Angels units pricing are exactly per their own codex at this time, right?


Ie, nothing abrogates their pricing to fall in-line with the latest Space Marine codex?


Codex + Chapter Approved.

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Yo fellow BAngles:


Just so I'm up to date, all Blood Angels units pricing are exactly per their own codex at this time, right?


Ie, nothing abrogates their pricing to fall in-line with the latest Space Marine codex?


Hey, no. Chapter Approved 2017 and 2018 modified the point costs of several units and weapons. 

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