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Remember we celebrate the sacrifice of the God-Emperor's own son who ensured the victory over the arch enemy, leader of the traitor Angels of Death, by the favored son's sacrifice after a lifetime of living among humans.


Happy Sanguinalia!

Hear hear!


Happy Sanguinalia, fraters. May your gold be shiny, your black be as dark and pitiless as the despair of your foes, and your red as deep and vital as the blood beating through our veins!

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Sanguinala's Greetings brothers. Several chalices of beer blood have been raised.


No festive hobby gifts for me, since I still have a mountain of grey plastic from Indomitus, but books and a biker chappy are hopefully on their way once the postal system gets over its current constipation.


Anyone get anything they weren't expecting?

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I got not one but two gladiator tanks :) plan is to run one as a gladiator and one as an Impulsor. I've already nearly finished the first one and the kit is a blast as nearly all newer big plastic kits GW has released. Such a good fit! I was able to completely dry fit the hull without one drop of glue. As I had hoped you are able to run them both as a gladiator or just remove the turret and the back of the hull and you got yourself an Impulsor. Turret and side weapons are also easily interchangeable even without magnets.
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Happy Sanguinala to all.

I hope people that had wanted warhammer stuff got some!


I myself got some vouchers from my brother in law, and an etched whisky glass with our chapter emblam and a blood angels tankard from my wife :) (plus beverages to put in them lol).


I also wrote a bit of a summary about the new Astorath novel over in black library section if anyone is interested and don't mind spoilers:


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I've built my 10 assault intercessors and 10 veteran assault intercessors (I've not gone particularly bling model wise, replaced skulls on chest eagles with blood drops on some and made a fancy sergeant essentially). All undercoated and base coated with the 50:50 mephiston/evil sunz mix, also base coated the yellow and gold helmets. Will make their bases later this evening (I made some press molds so i can do variations on imperial sector designs for them, so... 20 of those to do, plus another three for remaining aggressors I've made, these ones are reposed and have no silly dangly bits on their belts and have blood drops on their chests to mix in with the the standard ones. Kinda productive overall.

I need to build my gladiator too, but unsure on loadout. Suggestions?


Oh and I'm building DC intercessors, bolter ones for now, with auto bolt rifles. Just because I built one like it a while back so why not. I still HATE that i cant mix and match though, expecially as it was alluded we could...

Edited by Blindhamster
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I need to build my gladiator too, but unsure on loadout. Suggestions?

If you need dakka, go for the Reaper. There is a school of thought that says you can solve any problem if you throw enough dice at it. With disgustingly resilient DG on the horizon, this might be an efficient counter. Kinda a Primaris version of the Baal predator.


If you need anti-tank then the Valiant is pretty tasty too. Personally I prefer Attack Bikes or ATVs for my melta but the Valiant looks good.


Just don't bother with the Lancer, it looks as weak and unexciting as milky tea. :tongue.:


Although the correct answer is probably "magnets". I have heard from others that the Gladiators is actually realy easy to leave the weapons unglued and just swap them round, even without magnets. I haven't got one myself to confirm this though.

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Delayed write-up, but got my 2nd game of 9th ever in on Sat 12/26


Played against one of my core crew who moved away for school, but was back for the holidays. A perennial frenemy who has played variations on the same Assault-cannon-heavy mechanized Salamanders list since 7th Ed. 


Mission was 2-1, Surround and Destroy


My list

Hidden Content






Commander Dante


-WLT: Heroic Bearing


Chief Librarian Mephiston


-WIngs of Sanguinius


The Sanguinor



Incursors x 5

-Haywire Mine


Incursors x 5

-Haywire Mine


Incursors x 5

-Haywire Mine



Sanguinary Guard x 9

-Power fist + angelus boltgun x 4

-Encarmine sword + angelus boltgun x 4

-Encarmine axe + angelus boltgun x 1


Terminator Assault Squad (5)

-Thunder hammer + storm shield x 5



Inceptor x 3



Inceptor x 3



Scout Bikes x 3

-Sgt storm bolter



Eliminators x 3

-Bolt sniper rifles


Eliminators x 3

-Bolt sniper rifles


Eliminators x 3

-Bolt sniper rifles



Opponent’s List:

Hidden Content




-Relic Blade

-stuff that made him T6



-fancy Salamanders bolt gun 






Tactical Marines x 5

-Grav cannon

-Sgt bolter + power fist


Tactical Marines x 5

-Grav cannon

-Sgt bolter + power fist


Tactical Marines x 5

-Melta gun

-Sgt combi-melta + power fist


Tactical Marines x 5

-Melta gun

-Sgt combi-melta + power fist



Company Champion

-Chapter Champion Upgrade

-sword upgrade


Terminator Squad (5)

-Storm bolters + power fists x 1

-Storm bolters + chain fists x 3

-Sgt Storm bolter + power sword


Venerable Dreadnought


-CCW+Storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought


-CCW+Storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought

-Twin lascannon

-CCW+Storm bolter



Land Speeder





-Twin Assault Cannon

-Storm bolter



-Twin Assault Cannon

-Storm bolter



-Twin Assault Cannon

-Storm bolter



-Twin Assault Cannon

-Storm bolter



Points of note:


Hidden Content



-Termies in cover with a 0+/4++ in cover is as hilarious as it seems. The entire unit took a single wound the whole match (granted it wasn’t a long match at all)

-Sanguinor’s attack-from-SPAAAAAAACE got him into some serious business very early on and if there had been better rolls, would have done some serious work

-Sanguinor’s Fall Back-and-Charge after HI-from-SPAAAAACE is one of my favorite abilities this game. That always catches people off guard, and even they remember it, it’s the type of complex maneuver you simply just can’t truly plan for

-Incursors started on middle-of-board OBJs. (The ones that survived) were then able to (barely) make a charge into his shooty troops. While the 3 that got there underwhelmed on their own (killed 1 Tactical), the true magic was setting up The Sanguinor to Heroically Intervene from SPAAAAAAACE the next turn when his Captain hopped in to finish off the squad and try to slingshot further into midfield. Had The Sang rolled a bit better (only 1 successful To Wound roll), I may have gotten a Slay the Warlord out of it. Regardless, it set The Sang up for a Fall-Back and Charge in the bottom of T2 as mentioned above. 



-I forgot that scoring doesn’t start until the start of your second Turn. <facepalm> Felt like a WW1 general watching my Incursors get shot to ribbons for nothing T1. If 

-Didn’t realized the 9th Ed flavor of Hammer of Wrath is you have to roll off against the Toughness of the opponent you charge. I charged a Dreadnought <face palm> 

-T2 when I went for broke, I whiffed on just enough things that everything had 1-2 wounds left, but could Fall Back or shoot/punch me again so that my damage-dealers would be dead the next turn. 

-Inceptors not killing a Ven dread I really needed dead, despite Overcharging, getting decent # of shots AND somehow not blowing themselves up. 



-Dante dying in T2 to a Chapter Champion. I got greedy with him and had him charge the enemy Land Speeder alongside the Sang Guard, thinking to get him further out of LoS of enemy guns, but it had the effect of having him wrap around it, becoming the closest model to other enemy forces when it was done, thus needing me to Consolidate the SG further up, putting them into shootability of enemy units which in turn made me position them in such a way that with the +3” Disembark move, his Champion was able to catapult himself in such a way to get a good charge off and tag Dante  

-The Sanguinor, my Blade of Sanguinius Champion, killed his Librarian, who was his target for that Secondary. Only to have him use the last 2CP he had been saving for a long time to get the Librarian back up on a 4+ via some Salamanders shenanigans. So dastardly I love it.



I didn't have the BA Supplement at the time, and was reluctant to use too much 4chan or leaks, so I ended up using the BA Index and all named Characters. I didn't have a solid overall plan with my list and it showed in the end, though some individual components worked (of course, after the game, it turns out they unpacked the box with my BA Supplement in it so now I have it...). 


In short, I played pooly at the beginning and couldn't recover from my <face palm> - worthy silly mistakes, though I feel given the situation i got myself into, I made some spectacularly ballsy decisions that could have paid off. 

Edited by Indefragable
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A new edition and a new codex always take a while to settle in. Sounds like a fun game, even if things didn't exactly go according to plan.


I have a feeling you could use some melta in that list. Plasmaceptors are great but against stuff with damage reduction (Dreads, Wave Serpents, Death Guard), they struggle to take stuffdown. I have found a tag team of Plasmaceptors and a squadron of MM Attack bikes seems to cover all bases pretty well in 9th.

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