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Well it's release day for the Death Company box. Hope everyone that ordered gets theirs today if it hasn't already come.

I know mine is out for dispatch, so hopefully mine turns up today.


It's got me thinking about when the rest of the release will go on preorder. I hope we don't have to wait too long as I really want to get my hands on the new Captain.


I'm also interested to see if we get a new dice set and if we get any Made to Order item's come up. I could see the Lieutenant Tolmeron possibly being added to this as it's a shame we can no longer get it.


I would also love to see a new transfer sheet that I expect will come with the new Combat Patrol and hope that there are some interesting transfers on there.

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Today I started building Astorath on my lunch break at work, got all the parts off sprue and mould lines removed, and then found I'd picked up an empty bottle of glue I'd meant to throw away instead of the full one! 


But on the plus side the weather allowed me to actually get some spraying done yesterday, so can start adding some paint to my first units for the new BA collection: Assault Intercessors and Dante.


That and the important work of setting my Assault Marine up as a Blood Angel in Space Marine 2.

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Greetings brothers. When can we expect a points update for our codex? It's the first codex I bought in this edition, so I'm not aware how it was for other factions. But I remember that nearly every time after a codex dropped the points got adjusted. 

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What a weird time. Here we are with the new codex. App isn't updated and points are all over the place. 

I've started to build the box. Lemartes and Astorath are done. Now I'm onto the jump DCs. It's weird, that even the pouches and grenades have fixed places. At least they are optional and the model itself has no pegs or holes if you leave them off. 

Also I got to the point where I asked myself again if the ten of them keep their three fists. There are only 2 on the sprues. The only way I can explain this is that you also could give them a power weapon instead of the third fist and GW didn't want to complicate the matter even more.

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