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Well my DC 3D redemptor dread turned up and looks fab, just waiting on one thing for it prior to fully building and painting.  My 25 Etsy bloodbound backpacks turned up today also, so I can start building my DC marines / box set. 


I've also got bits from the old death company strike force box set, which I will try and use. Various bolt guns, swords, pistols and about 24 old skool DC shoulder pads. 


I didn't pre order anything as I'm just going to get the sanguinor and 2 x combat patrols and I'll be covered. I've got Dante, still not built him and had him when it was pre-order lol.  He will be the final one I build and paint. 


I may start a little thread on here for progress, but I'm not a particularly great painter, so don't follow expecting to be amazed lol





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1 hour ago, happyslugger said:

No idea sorry. I just found them on Etsy.  


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the link (please delete if I've broken any rules) but these were them:





A good candidate for a repost on this thread:



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Was visiting a local shop, and grabbed their last Sanguinary Priest.  Thinking about holding off on the Combat Patrol for a few weeks, considering how much STUFF I have that I haven't done anything with.

Maybe after I get the current stuff built.

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On 10/20/2024 at 2:09 AM, Paladin777 said:

The fact that it allows SG to maintain some OC while battleshocked is pretty awesome in a detachment that gets extra bonus by self-inflicting battleshock. 

I didn't even consider that yet! Glorious! 

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Yeah being able to hit them with a strat and still take the point after the advance and charge is huge for anything that can get a banner attached.

DC don't get much in that regard, but it makes a Terminator squad with banner kinda spicy, though I think I'd rather prefer it that they could join a Chaplain too.  I kinda understand why, but I like the idea of 12 terminators, 1 of which is a chaplain handing out +1 to wound and the other the Ancient as just another body to buff as well as OC buff, mostly because there is no basic LT in Terminator armor to hand out Lethals for them.

10x TH/SS swinging with Lethals (And Devastating for any that don't lethal) in our +2 strength detatchment literally gets me salivating, but unfortunately we can't get this fun OC bonus with that.

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On 10/19/2024 at 8:09 PM, Paladin777 said:

The fact that it allows SG to maintain some OC while battleshocked is pretty awesome in a detachment that gets extra bonus by self-inflicting battleshock. 

Finally got the codex and looking at the rule, how do you figure that?


SG have OC1, with banner it becomes OC2.

battleshock reduces OC to 0 doesn’t it? I see nothing in the core rules or the wargear rules that says this extra OC kicks in after battleshock is taken.

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17 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Finally got the codex and looking at the rule, how do you figure that?


SG have OC1, with banner it becomes OC2.

battleshock reduces OC to 0 doesn’t it? I see nothing in the core rules or the wargear rules that says this extra OC kicks in after battleshock is taken.

Battleshock changes their inherent OC value to 0.

Banner adds +1 to their OC. 


It's a given example of how Modifiers work;


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54 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Battleshock changes their inherent OC value to 0.

Banner adds +1 to their OC. 


It's a given example of how Modifiers work;


GW really likes to make their rules as complicated and convoluted as possible 

I don’t see that on the app, is it in the book?

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Adjusted my list now.

Gave my BAC rage fueled warrior and after looking at his abilities I realized for at least 1 turn he can get 9 S10 attacks w/ sustained 3 and dev wounds.


seems like a serious ouch moment.



with savage echos you can get him up to 10 S11 attacks for one turn before any sustained hits are factored.


nvm the strat was only when charged.

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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

GW really likes to make their rules as complicated and convoluted as possible 

I don’t see that on the app, is it in the book?


It's the in the FAQ.  The book does not lay out an order of operations on how to interact with things, but I don't think it's especially convoluted; it literally follows how you would do any order of operations in math, except they have division explicitly before multiplication.  PEMDAS, but PEDMAS.  Not too confusing.

I expect they did Division first due to the only time it really shows up is in halving a unit, so easier to halve them from the get go then halve them at the end, which would end up in similar states for MOST situations, but not all.

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56 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


It's the in the FAQ.  The book does not lay out an order of operations on how to interact with things, but I don't think it's especially convoluted; it literally follows how you would do any order of operations in math, except they have division explicitly before multiplication.  PEMDAS, but PEDMAS.  Not too confusing.

I expect they did Division first due to the only time it really shows up is in halving a unit, so easier to halve them from the get go then halve them at the end, which would end up in similar states for MOST situations, but not all.

I mean, it’s pretty convoluted to say battleshock makes a unit’s OC 0, but not in these couple of cases. 

if anything such wording should be spelled out in the wargear rules section imho.

theres too many rules with too many exceptions.

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5 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I mean, it’s pretty convoluted to say battleshock makes a unit’s OC 0, but not in these couple of cases. 

if anything such wording should be spelled out in the wargear rules section imho.

theres too many rules with too many exceptions.

It's not an exception, it's an order of operations.  All things that add OC overcome the negative of the Battleshock downside; it makes Ancients somewhat worth bringing, so I'm all for the way it works.

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I took my Blood Angels out for a spin against Sisters yesterday and had a great time. I ran a Liberator Assault Group with the following list:



6 Sanguinary Guard with Swords and Banner


10 Jump DC with max Fists and Eviscerators

Jump Captain with TH/SS

Jump Sanguinary Priest (Legends)

10 Vanguard Veterans (5 Storm Shields, 5 Inferno Pistols)

5 Intercessors Fist and AGL

5 Intercessors Fist and AGL

5 Scouts

5 Devastators, 3 Lascannons, 1 Plasma Cannon


My opponent took Vahl with a bodyguard of Paragon Warsuits, Celestine and a bodyguard of Seraphim. 1 Castigator, 1 Exorcist and a mix of infantry including a squad in an Immolator.


We played The Ritual so I plonked my Scouts on the centre Objective and used their Action to start spawning new Objective markers which the Intercessors then stickied. This was a fantastic combo and I basically scored max Primaries every turn from these guys. Intercessor shooting is surprisingly effective into lighter infantry like Sisters.


My Jump Infantry squads performed brilliantly. The Van Vets got a lucky Advance roll so I used Aggressive Onslaught to pull off a T1 charge which wiped out the Exorcist although they went down to the counter-charge by Vahl and the Warsuits (even the Priest's 5+++) could help against all those attacks. Dante and the SG then charged Vahl and wiped the Warsuits out. The only downside was my opponent had enough CPs for Spirit of the Martyr allowing the suits to fight on death which mean they took the SG with them. It was disappointing but still a spectacular blood bath in the centre.


The Death Company took a hit from the Castigator but still had the numbers to tear it apart on a T2 charge. Celestine and her bodyguard Deep Struck and tried to stop them with a lucky 9" charge but even caught flat-footed, Lemartes' -1 Damage rule meant a few survived and then used Relentless Assault to do a fresh charge and wipe them out.


My opponent conceded after T3. Most of our powerhouse units had wiped each other out leaving just a handful of Battleline units. However I was holding 4 Objectives to his 1 and had a big lead on VPs meaning he had no realistic way of catching up. I was really impressed with the way the list played and my all-infantry BA list is still very viable. It is a fragile list with nothing above T4 but it is fun to play and if you can box your opponent in their DZ early on, it allows the grunts to run away with the Primaries.

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12 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

It's not an exception, it's an order of operations.  All things that add OC overcome the negative of the Battleshock downside; it makes Ancients somewhat worth bringing, so I'm all for the way it works.

The rule states battleshocked units have OC0, the banner creates an exception. The ‘order of operations’ is just the mechanism the exception works through.

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46 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

The rule states battleshocked units have OC0, the banner creates an exception. The ‘order of operations’ is just the mechanism the exception works through.


An exception implies it works outside of the expected framework. It works quite well within the expected framework, and the same way other OC modifications happen.


Now that you understand how the order of operations work, it isn't an exception, it's rules working as intended. 

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11 minutes ago, Rhavien said:

Yeah, it's counter intuitive to say battleshock reduces OC to 0 but the banner lifts it again. I mean, the banner is there all the time. Battleshock is the special situation. But they FAQed it and that's how it is. I agree this should be spelled out in the rules of such gear. 


This reduces the utilization of the banner to basically nothing, especially in the framework of the game; if it's only use is to make your guys have higher base OC, that's kind of boring and barely interacts with the game in a meaningful way, basically making ancients useless. 


OC fights are few and far between, whereas battle-shock is an every turn thing.  Giving Ancients a job is a good thing, especially if they're gonna keep them as separate characters; paying the tax to keep an obj captured even during battle-shock is a decision point, whereas "OC goes up!" Isn't much of a choice to be made. 


Your datasheet has an OC stat; that's the stat that is reduced to 0. Any other additions and whatever happen later, which is ideal for both sides. It makes battle-shock addressable in the mustering phase, which is cool.  It gives precision something to target on the opponents side.

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18 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


This reduces the utilization of the banner to basically nothing, especially in the framework of the game; if it's only use is to make your guys have higher base OC, that's kind of boring and barely interacts with the game in a meaningful way, basically making ancients useless. 


OC fights are few and far between, whereas battle-shock is an every turn thing.  Giving Ancients a job is a good thing, especially if they're gonna keep them as separate characters; paying the tax to keep an obj captured even during battle-shock is a decision point, whereas "OC goes up!" Isn't much of a choice to be made. 


Your datasheet has an OC stat; that's the stat that is reduced to 0. Any other additions and whatever happen later, which is ideal for both sides. It makes battle-shock addressable in the mustering phase, which is cool.  It gives precision something to target on the opponents side.

Battleshock isn’t an every turn thing though…and in my experience battleshock has very little effect on the game outside of OC fights…


precision almost always has something to target since there’s typically plenty of leaders on the table.


however in this particular case the banner isn’t a separate leader unit, so it doesn’t even matter.

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