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Love Bolter Devs. Some nice painting.

Gonna build some too. Wonder how to use them proper.

Thought about Skyhammer Annihilation Force.

What are other good uses for them?

Depends on role. Lascannons murder tanks, and heavy bolters are cheap and mulch men.


Plasma cannons turn them into a big threat for the opponents big guys so are a nice distraction.


Multi Melta don't work outside of sky hammer and missiles are a tad middle of the road, but okay for smaller games without much AV14/13.


Probably the best way to play Devs is ally them in though, doctrines are nice as are tank hunting imperial Fists.

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Even the Star Wars bedspread? Nice.

Sadly, no - although I did have A New Hope one when I was a kid...


Mine was a birthday present this year. What does a 24 year old need with a Star Wars bedspread you may ask? Everything, I reply.



Today I sprayed a few models, including a BA Terminator Librarian, to go with my BaC Terminators!

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That hand flamer squad is amazing, Charlo! That would be insane with hit and run.


Guess I'll need to add in a White Scar something/ Dante :tongue.:



When I saw it the first time I instantly wanted to make a similar squad of footsloggers with Cypher thrown in there for all the gunslinging ever.

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So we have a new bundle on the store...


Strike Force Cryptus


Led the noted Blood Angels Captain Karlaen, Strike Force Cryptus was a group of dedicated warriors deployed as and when they were needed during the Cryptan War; held in reserve until dire circumstances dictated their need. An aggressive force exemplifying sheer strength and ferocity, they were an indispensable squad of the Blood Angels’ finest, accompanied by some of their brethren stricken by the Black Rage.

This is an absolutely crushing bundle, ideal for use alongside the story and rules laid out in Shield of Baal: Exterminatus as well as ordinary games of Warhammer 40,000! It contains a Blood Angels Terminator Captain, a five-man Blood Angels Terminator Assault Squad, a Blood Angels Terminator Librarian, a Sanguinary Priest, a Land Raider Crusader, a Blood Angels Jump Pack Chaplain, a five-man Death Company, a Death Company Dreadnought and a Stormraven.

It's a nice collection of models, shame though with 3HQ choices it's unusable outside of two detachments etc


I mean... Cool? I'm not even sure where the priest is meant to go... I suppose with the terms in the raider with Karlaen and the Libby.


Sadly the wording makes me think this isn't a formation :( probably won't even have off-hand rules for Karlaen.


Thoughts fellow sons of The Angel?

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There's not even any saving over buying the models individually, so I think it is completely pointless!


£20 captain

£20 chaplain

£35 termies

£28 dread

£50 stormraven

£20.50 death company

£18 priest

£18 libby

£45 land raider


= £254.50

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Yep, that bundle is a complete waste.


From this I do expect Advent calendar rules for Karlaen, and hopefully a special priest and Chaplain!


BA Wise, I've got the base coats down on my Sternguard. Next is shades and highlights, then taking the wings up to white from the grey base.

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I mean... Cool? I'm not even sure where the priest is meant to go... I suppose with the terms in the raider with Karlaen and the Libby.



I think so. Crusader allows 16 models or 8 terminators. You get 7 terminator models and the priest. Which makes sense because then you load up the 6 jump pack units in the raven with the dreadnought. So you have two transport loot pinatas for people to pop open and a lot of points that will die immediately when they are deployed. Sounds about right for GW logic.

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It's a nice collection of models, shame though with 3HQ choices it's unusable outside of two detachments etc


Actually  it's even  4



-Sanguinary priest



But shame that there is no actual money saving and a whole 76 pounds for 4 infantry miniatures!

it's almost a price of a knight!


And, if we look in deep we need a new FOC not a bunch of another useless formations :/

I  want to have at least a 3 priest, 2 librarians and just then start to look at a named characters.


All the BA uniqeness now pushed into HQ section wich is super-tight.

Edited by Omega-soul
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It's a nice collection of models, shame though with 3HQ choices it's unusable outside of two detachments etc



Actually it's even 4


Yeah I realised that later - didn't count the chaplain as he just blended into the DC :ph34r.:



So is there actually a Formation in Exterminatus that makes use of all this together..?


Nope. Or if there is, it's not on 1D4chan or anywhere else online...


If I didn't have Karlaen, multiple Chaplains, Dreads out the wazoo or a Raven and a Caestus already I'd consider it (hell I have an old school Libby Term I'm gunna use too) - but all of it's "unique" features are just available elsewhere... For the same price.

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