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I guess it's just a lazy way to get a whole bunch of models in less clicks :D


But are they not normally comprised of a force that can actually be fielded together? Having said that I guess you could field this Unbound - though I'm not sure why anyone would want to...

This does indeed look like your typical Xmas bundle time saving thing. Notice how it doesn't have a designated box? I think that's a clue as to it having no Formation rules, etc. Also, this can't be gotten from an Independent store. All points to an Xmas bundle.

Today, I crushed the Traitors of the Iron Warriors and the Emperor's Children! My local GW is running a Heresy styled campaign to celebrate the Betrayal at Calth release, and my win has allowed the Loyalists to conquer yet another territory!

On Saturday (was busy with RL stuff so couldn't post after playing it), played an ITC style game against a black templars army (1500 points). I managed to win with 1 more victory point than my opponent as I played slightly more to my objectives in the last turn. So my advice is to always play to the objectives when possible with Blood Angels!


I kept forgetting about psychic phase so my mephiston/dc/librarian squad couldn't wipe out the 14 man black templar squad with chaplain/lightning claw HQ in 2 full turns. But they did wipe them out and consolidated in to claim the last objectives before the game was over. With all those DC, it really helped keep mephy and librarian alive despite my forgetfulness. Also, he kept denying my challenges with Mephiston so I got to keep his killy model from seriously hurting my DC!


Fun game but even with shooting superiority I had a hard time with the raider. Damn the Lascannon curse!

I am four tidy-up coats of white and highlights on 4 more death company, then I'll have my 8 bolter Death Company with 1 powerfist finally done... 2 editions too late. Pictures soon over the American Thanksgiving holiday!

Had Monday a crushing Victory vs a Baronial Court list with BA´s with my BA´s allied with Iron Hands and an Crusader Knight.

First time i tried Assault Cents. They are very resilent with 4+ FNP :)

Althoug i didn´t wanted with them in Assault with the court so they saw only some late game action where they meltered one knight to death.



You can find pictures of the fight in my Bucket. :)



Had Monday a crushing Victory vs a Baronial Court list with BA´s with my BA´s allied with Iron Hands and an Crusader Knight.

First time i tried Assault Cents. They are very resilent with 4+ FNP :)

Althoug i didn´t wanted with them in Assault with the court so they saw only some late game action where they meltered one knight to death.



You can find pictures of the fight in my Bucket. :)



... 4+FNP Assault cents is the most brutal idea ever.


Thank you for this enlightenment. If only they could get +1 to charge WK :P

Yeah against S10 you need a Guy with an Invulnerable Save to tank wounds. Maybe an Captain with shield eternal or chain.


In this game i took an Iron Hands techpriest with JP for the LR and Knight.

He repaired two hullpoints from the Knight (on 4+) bringing him back to 6 HP. :)

Sounds awesome and fluffy, to an extent.


May have to do the assault centurions with a shield/chain chapter master. If you don't mind a 5+FNP I hear Pedro I'd good as you can split fire his orbital bombardment/ storm bolter at another target on arrival and tank fairly well, giving all the cents an extra attack to ensure dominance.


It also helps that with a storm bolter, the BA games day captain makes a quality pedro model ;)



Sounds awesome and fluffy, to an extent.


May have to do the assault centurions with a shield/chain chapter master. If you don't mind a 5+FNP I hear Pedro I'd good as you can split fire his orbital bombardment/ storm bolter at another target on arrival and tank fairly well, giving all the cents an extra attack to ensure dominance.


It also helps that with a storm bolter, the BA games day captain makes a quality pedro model :wink:




I have shot an Pedro on the bay. Hes getting an reverse sheme to fit my ba froces. Red Pedro - Blue Fist.

Had a game against a tau buddy who likes templates and low AP weaponry and fought tooth and nail to a hard nosed but very proud of loss. Had there not been a 6th turn i would have won. But i had a blast playing my highly mobile BA force!

Had a game against a tau buddy who likes templates and low AP weaponry and fought tooth and nail to a hard nosed but very proud of loss. Had there not been a 6th turn i would have won. But i had a blast playing my highly mobile BA force!


VS Tau a close loss is a little win.

What list did you run?



Had a game against a tau buddy who likes templates and low AP weaponry and fought tooth and nail to a hard nosed but very proud of loss. Had there not been a 6th turn i would have won. But i had a blast playing my highly mobile BA force!

VS Tau a close loss is a little win.

What list did you run?

Priest with veritas vitae

2 fragioso in pods

Sternguard with grav weaponry in pod

Death company with jp

2 barebones tactical squads

4 barebones assault squad with sgt with combi melta


For 1300 points i think

Edited by Dolchiate Remembrancer

Yesterday the 4th Company under Captain Castigon was able to obtain 2 victories! One against a 1000 point Tau list and one against a combined force of Tau and Necrons with 2000 points!


But the most important deed was fullfilled by Seargent NoName of the second Tactical Squad.


We played Maerlstrom Mission 2

My list was


Captain with Artificer, Grav Pistol and Valours Edge

Command Squad with 3xPlasma/SS in a Drop Pod


10 Tacticals with Heavy Flamer, Flamer and Combiflamer in Drop Pod, Combat Squaded


10 Tacticals with Heavy Flamer, Flamer and Combiflamer in Drop Pod, Combat Squaded


5 Deathcompany Marines with JP


5 Assault Marines with JP and 2x Melta


The Tau List had 2 squads each of Pathfinders and Firewarriors

a Riptide

Commander with 3 Crisis Suits

3 Ghosts

and a squad of several Drones

and a Broadside


I had a good first round, dropping both Tacticals behind enemy lines and killing one squad of Firewarriors and both Pathfinder squads, DC moving forward

Unfortunatly i only got 1 VP through Maerlstrom and First Blood


Tau player couldnt kill much but got 3 VP 


Not much happend until round 3, my Captain and his squad charged the Riptide, hoping for a fast kill, but even with the support from my DC they couldnt kill him during the game. I was unlucky with my tactical missions, killing his warlord, challenge with my warlord, challenge someone, loosing my warlord... and my warlord was fighting his riptide...

I killed his last Firewarrios and his Ghosts, but his Commander and Drones were able to grab one VP after the other while my tacticals tried to get them...


Until now i had 3 VP, a fourth through Linebreaker was possible and the Tau player had 8 VP... wasnt looking good for the Angels... His Commander with the Crisis and the Drone squad scored one VP after the other...


Finally in round 5 I had 2 5x Tacticals in Charge Range.

He killed 2 Marines with overwatch and the squad didnt make it. Second squad under Seargent NoName makes the charge and challenged his Commander.

With lucky dice rolls on my side I  take one LP from his Commander and one more from the Crisis. No Marine died in return and he failed his moralsave. Killing them with ease on the sweeping advance.

With this brave move Seargent Noname gained 1 VP for slaying the Warlord, 3 Vp for the mission to kill him (lucky dice again), 1VP for challenge him and 1 VP because he now was holding a Objective I needed


After this heroric action the Blood Angels were victorious with 10:8!


Seargent NoName isnt painted yet and will therefore get a promotion to Veteran Seargent as soon as i paint him and I'm looking for a good name for such a hero!





Edited by DocQuincy

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