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I'm basically sat here waiting for the 6th heresy book to convince me of either BA or DG.




But probably both.

There is no choice. Because the Heresy train has no brakes, you will make both.

Pretty much.


I can see me sticking with DG until they release the Sanguinius model... Unless we have some absolutely ROCKING rites of War that eclipse the Reaping + the other new DG one... Which hopefully won't be too chaotic ><

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I expect him to cost a bomb given wings and the large demons body he will need to be stood/ floating atop, head in hand.

I'm hoping for a Bane/Batman style post, a broken prince strewn across Sanguinius' mighty right knee. :D

Saying that I wonder if they do a full scene for Big E vs Horus which includes our fallen Primarch.


If they do I'll be using my own tears to clean my brush when it comes to painting that!



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I´ve just finished the chaplain model.


I hope you´ll like it :happy.:


 cut away the collar cause it hides to much of the helmetfront, switch the left pad to the right and add another one, magnatice the pistolhand and the backpacks.


I had great fun with the muscles ... i think i have to paint Astorath soon :wub.:


I love the Purple tear/blood drop. But then again I'm super biased there xD I'm picking mine up today! 

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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I'll just leave this here... Wish I could read it on my phone.




Black trims and gold details. So awesome.

Black Marble trim no less, the Legion icon too. Still, that's no what interests me, I can't quite read what it says but does that third line say Cognomen? I've always wondered what the BA were known as before reunification with Sanguinius...

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