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It says HELL RIDERS, first chapter only.

Which is what I called my Marines when I was 12!

Theres a bigger, clearer image that Olis posted in the NRA section - if someone could edit it in that'd be beaut. I'm in my phone atm :smile.:

Here ya go!


Ah, thanks very much brothers (I was on mobile so my view was a bit limited), "Hell Riders" hmm...?

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AWESOME!! Can't wait for the next book!! Loving the old name for the 1st chapter and the fact that the strategic tendencies include "high intensity warfare."


Couple of things (on my phone so can't see too clearly)


-is that a red marble design on the right leg (as you look at it)


-is that a "codex astares" tactical squad marking on the right paulron?


-any info on the silver hand from the old rogue trader days?

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Another weekend passed by without any painting, shame on me.. I really need to get out of this.. thing I'm in, I have been off painting so long that I have started to procrastinate out of fear of doing poorly on my half finished bike squad..


Maybe I should just paint something lite to warm up.  A converted AOBR Terminator Squad Alpharius sounds about up my alley.  Simple but fun.  Gonna get these primed for next weekend.

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-is that a red marble design on the right leg (as you look at it)



I think the leg is just battle damage/ a pattern


If you look closely, you can see the outlines of eyes nose and mouth in the darker red circle, so it seems like some inlay/ornamentation. I've heard that all these images were super detailed, like scale inlays on the Alpha Legionnaire etc.

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I've got a 1500 point game on Wednesday. Not sure what to bring, as there's a 50/50 chance my opponent will bring his Anti-marine marines or his anti-everything else IG. Lots of options, and not sure which to go for.

What do you have at the disposal of your command?



In terms of Blood Angels, I've got (More or less):

  • Terminator Chaplain and Librarian
  • Librarian on foot (Meph counts-as), Librarian Dreadnought
  • Priest on foot, Jump Pack priest
  • Space Hulk Terminators
  • Betrayal At Calth (Unbuilt aside from Contemptor)
  • 15 Sternguard of varying loadouts,
  • 2x 10 marine Assault Squads
  • 5 jumppack death company
  • 10 bolter DC
  • 10 Sanguinary Guard
  • 2 x 5 tactical squads
  • Fragioso,DC Dread (Unbuilt), dual DCCW Contemptor
  • 2 Stormravens
  • 2 Vindicators

and scattered other models.


Important other things to consider: I have a Hellhammer, a small IG force, and a Sisters of Battle army.

Edited by CaptainHelion
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I would go:



- Priest w/ jump pack and Valour's Edge



- 5 Sang Guard w/ fist and banner

- 5 DC w/ jump packs and fist



- Tactical squad

- Tactical squad


Fast Attack

- 10-man assault squad

- 10-man assault squad


Heavy Support

- Vindi

- Vindi

- Stormraven


Comes in around 1300 so 200 for upgrades. You could do with pods or APCs for the tacticals but it's a decent base!

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Fought yesterday a Battle in our Campaign. 3000 Points BA with Withe Skar allies against 1500 CSM and 1500 Necrons.

I attacked the home planet of the necrons and they started with 6% more troops.

Also all infantry could also jump 12 but had to take dangerous terrain tests.


It was a close fight. We played Malstrom Mission six and it ended in a tie in round 7. If the last wraith would have died i would have take the win away.


Afterwards my opponents claim me the win cause he played the wraiths half the game with WS 5  by mistake.

So i would have made eventualy much more wounds with my sanguard.

He was sorry and let me claim a free spot on his homeplanet.


Although my Sangpriest Tiberius was badly injured in this battle. He lost 1WS BS and one wound.

Edited by Riot Earp
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Fought yesterday a Battle in our Campaign. 3000 Points BA with Withe Skar allies against 1500 CSM and 1500 Necrons.

I attacked the home planet of the necrons and they started with 6% more troops.

Also all infantry could also jump 12 but had to take dangerous terrain tests.


It was a close fight. We played Malstrom Mission six and it ended in a tie in round 7. If the last wraith would have died i would have take the win away.


Afterwards my opponents claim me the win cause he played the wraiths half the game with WS 5. So i would injured possible much more wounds with my sanguard.

He was sorry and let me claim a free spot on his homeplanet.


Although my Sangpriest Tigurius was badly injured in this battel. He lost 1WS BS and one wound.


Is that an Ork clan?

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Fought yesterday a Battle in our Campaign. 3000 Points BA with Withe Skar allies against 1500 CSM and 1500 Necrons.

I attacked the home planet of the necrons and they started with 6% more troops.

Also all infantry could also jump 12 but had to take dangerous terrain tests.


It was a close fight. We played Malstrom Mission six and it ended in a tie in round 7. If the last wraith would have died i would have take the win away.


Afterwards my opponents claim me the win cause he played the wraiths half the game with WS 5. So i would injured possible much more wounds with my sanguard.

He was sorry and let me claim a free spot on his homeplanet.


Although my Sangpriest Tigurius was badly injured in this battel. He lost 1WS BS and one wound.


Is that an Ork clan?



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Fought yesterday a Battle in our Campaign. 3000 Points BA with Withe Skar allies against 1500 CSM and 1500 Necrons.

I attacked the home planet of the necrons and they started with 6% more troops.

Also all infantry could also jump 12 but had to take dangerous terrain tests.


It was a close fight. We played Malstrom Mission six and it ended in a tie in round 7. If the last wraith would have died i would have take the win away.


Afterwards my opponents claim me the win cause he played the wraiths half the game with WS 5. So i would injured possible much more wounds with my sanguard.

He was sorry and let me claim a free spot on his homeplanet.


Although my Sangpriest Tigurius was badly injured in this battel. He lost 1WS BS and one wound.


Is that an Ork clan?





Don't worry about it :) He just made a quip based on your typo.

Edited by Jolemai
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Construction complete on Death Company Dreadnought #2 and a Legion pintle heavy bolter (for my Cerberus).


Plan for the rest of the week is to repair my Predator and sort out all my hunter-killer missile upgrades. Then for undercoating the 15 or so items I need painted by February...

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