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Finished my Commander Dante conversion:








I've magnetised the backpack, so I can always use it for the Sanguinor once I paint up the rest of him.

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Nice Chaplain. Very simply, very clean.


I'm a fan of that method of doing Dante. I have a very similar one sitting in parts on my desk that I'll be getting around to one day. I thought I was so clever when I had the idea to do it, only to find out that actually I'm about as original as round tyres and its been done at least 3 times that Ive seen on this board alone. Oh well, its still a good stand-in.

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Yeah, definitely. I actually got the original Dante model, but I halfway painting it up I got so annoying how he looks like a midget compared to the new Sanguinary Guard. Then I noticed I subconsciously already made another Dante-look alike by giving one of the Sanguinary Guard the axe and inferno pistol. One Sanguinor backpack later and the conversion was born. :smile.:
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A couples of weeks ago, I got the air brush out and did the red for 5 lightning claw terminators and 7 tactical terminators, which included 4 with storm bolters, a sergeant, and the special weapons. Last night I finished the black base coat on all their legs from the knee down, shoulders, and fists, representing several hours work since I paint slowly. Next is the crimson wash in the recesses of all 12.


The crazy part? I'm thinking about building the Betrayal at Calth terminators and a Tartaros squad as well that I've had laying around and forgot to build when I assembled and cleaned the other 39 terminators.


I might need a 12 step program that doesn't involve priming, washes, and highlights, I think.

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I actually got a bit done today - some shading wash on my Stormraven. I started off with Typhus Corrosion (first time I've used it) and think it looks okay. Then I tried AK Interactive Dark Mud which I think is MUCH better. So now I have a Stormraven with the shading on one side done one way and another way on the other. Hopefully no one will notice...


Even better - I have a game this Thursday and I won't be using the Stormraven, while other models I will be using lay unfinished...

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They certainly look like DC!


The shading on the red parchment / robes Is nice :smile.: as are the gems.


I just painted all the details on my gold and cream because I was not ready to commit to that level of detail - so well done for doing so!


I found when I was painting individual models, that all the details were extremely painful to paint and they extended the time it took to paint a unit by several times. But this time I decided to batch paint and it really isn't even noticeable. It does mean I don't get that "yay finished another one" good feeling though.


With these DC, I primed on the sprue, then I've done the chest and legs of all 5 at the same time. Basecoat all the parchment and skulls, basecoat all the purity seals, basecoat all the ropes. Then do washes and hilights all at once.


Doing it all together like that has really sped it up. But I understand about the details. It can really suck when it takes you 4 hours to paint a single dude.

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Have often thought abouth painting on sprues but i keep thinking its a mess when you glue them together? 


Then again i guess its a easy fix?


Thats what I'm doing for my BA Tactical Squad right now, I at least like to lay down a base coat and then work on the details when I glue them together.


I'm also working on some sanguinary guard too.


I'll try to post some pictures as it comes along.

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Bit more work on Raven and Dante. I would have painted the cockpit canopies with Tamiya Clear Green but – I've lost them! No luck on eBay, might see if GW will sell me the clear sprue...



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